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Chapter 806 Kneel down and worship

The inherently good scenery on the deck made the red-haired monk slow down.

As he walked like this, Cui Wulang followed suit.

As if he noticed the monk's eyes, Cui Wulang crossed his hands and saluted sensibly and said: "Now that Gao Xiu has arrived, I have to get busy with the business of the business."

"I will no longer disturb Gao Xiuyaxing here."

Seeing the red-haired monk nodding, Cui Wulang left happily.

Cui Wulang was proud of his positive fortune.

It was his good fortune to meet this high-ranking cultivator of Taiyi Sect, and he was very kind and easy to talk to.

Although he did not disclose his mentorship, fortunately, he seemed willing to help.

Such understatement and indifferent attitude obviously did not take this matter as a serious matter.

"It's a pity. It would be great if E'er could become a disciple of this person."

Cui Wulang was not impatient.

Monks also have to communicate their feelings, and you can't say throwing spiritual stones at them. Such behavior of a nouveau riche is really unwise and can easily arouse the other party's resentment. The more advanced you are, the less you like to bend over for spiritual stones.

Some have powerful family backgrounds and do not take spiritual stones seriously at all, while others are trapped by spiritual stones in their early years and do not want to be trapped by spiritual stones in the future, so they are disgusted when they see them.

I don’t know which type this person is, but no matter which type he is, he will not make any meaningless expressions.

"Master, I heard that the Bai family has found a lot of support this time. Even if we allow the young master to join the Taiyi Sect, I'm afraid..."

The boy next to him lowered his voice.

Cui Wulang's expression immediately became serious.

The competition between the Bai family and the Cui family in business is not small, and a lot of friction has arisen. This time, he traveled thousands of miles to send his most talented son to the Taiyi Sect. He also wanted to borrow the prestige of the Taiyi Sect. Who would have expected it?

The Bai family thought of going together with him, and even found Master Gao Xiu first, which made him lose the opportunity.


"Taiyi Zongshanmenfang City, Hua Fei Zhenren."

"It's that one."

Cui Wulang let out a long sigh.

He originally planned to find that person to do things. It is said that the person who takes people's money will eliminate disasters, and then it will be time to compete with the Bai family for financial resources.

However, doing so would only hurt both families, and he didn't want to fight to the end.

He waved his hand and said: "Forget it, as long as E'er can join the sect, for the sake of the sect, at least it won't cause too much trouble."

"Moreover, I have found a high-ranking cultivator to help Er'er get started."

"It's better to turn around and find someone else."

"Violates morality."

"Master, this is not the time to talk about morality."

"What if that person is not a disciple of Taiyi Sect, or even though he is a disciple, his cultivation is weak and his status is not high, then it will be us who harm him."


Cui Wulang also hesitated at this time.

He said in a deep voice: "It makes some sense."

"Master Cui!"

Cui Wulang woke up with a loud shout. He followed the sound, his face immediately turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Bai Laoqi, what are you shouting for?"

The speaker was an energetic middle-aged man, wearing a satin robe, holding two beads in his hand, and said with a smile: "I see Master Cui is frowning, there must be something difficult."

"If Mr. Cui gives up now and is willing to transfer those three shops to me, I am also willing to accept it."

Cui Wulang said calmly: "I signed and signed the pledge to buy those three shops, why do you take them away?"


"The man named Fang asked me to sell his shop first, and we have already agreed in private."

"I wrote it in black and white!"

"I have already made a promise."

The two of them each held their own opinions, and no one agreed with the other.

Bai Laoqi snorted coldly and said: "Since we don't want to hurt our harmony, let's see who has stronger backing. I must take these three shops back. Don't even think about peeing on my face."

After putting down his harsh words, Bai Laoqi turned around and left with his entourage, never talking to Cui Wulang again.

Cui Wulang suddenly frowned.

This man surnamed Fang is indeed unreasonable. It’s okay to sell things from one family to two families. Now he is gone with a bang, leaving an orphan and a widow. The two families are in a stalemate again. No one can convince the other, even if the other party really

He had already made an agreement, and since he had black and white words in his hand, he couldn't bow his head.

To run a business, all you need is face and reputation. Once he gives in, he won't think twice about what he will do in the future.

If we want to talk about which major sect there is in this Xingluo and the surrounding small areas, Taiyi Sect is the most convincing.

The Luhuang Sect is an old sect and is further away from their place, and the local sects are relatively average. Otherwise, it would be better to ask the ancestors of the family to come forward, but it is obviously not suitable for such a trivial matter.

The Bai family probably also took into account the impact of the matter, so they did not ask the ancestor to come forward, but asked Bai Laoqi, who is now in charge, to come forward.


Cui Wulang raised his hand and said: "Three shops are small, but joining the sect is a big deal."

"As long as E'er can join the sect, it doesn't matter if he lets him go." His main purpose is to let the child join the sect. It would be better if this matter can be solved by the way. If it cannot be solved, he will not let him out at that time.

It’s not too late, after all, we still have to ensure that our children can enter Taiyi Sect safely.

"Go back and ask about the preferences of Master Hua Fei, and I'll talk to that high cultivator about it," Cui Wulang ordered.


Cui Wulang hurriedly boarded the outer deck of the giant ship.

The deck was crowded with people, gathering in twos and threes and talking about something. The outer light blocked the wind and rain, making the inside and outside separate two worlds. However, he was not in the mood to appreciate it more, and instead looked in all directions.

That person is easy to recognize.

Red hair, black robe.

His complexion is like green jade.

At this moment, he was standing at the railing, holding a scroll of scriptures, moving the gourd on his waist, and drinking from time to time.

Cui Wulang breathed a long sigh of relief, and his tense mind relaxed a little. After tidying up his appearance, he walked slowly over, bowed his hands and said, "It's really my fault for disturbing Gao Xiu's elegance."

Tu Shanjun, who was reading the scriptures, looked at this person.

Although this person looks calm, the twitching at the corners of his eyes actually shows that he is upset.

He must be under tremendous pressure.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's like this..." Cui Wulang told the grudge between the shop and the Bai family, and then continued: "My family also has a golden elixir ancestor, but how can the golden elixir of our small family be compared with that of the big family?

It's said to be a golden elixir, even if it's a foundation-building deacon, we can't offend it."

"Gao Xiu might as well get out of here quickly."


"Who is he looking for?"

"Taiyi Zongshanmenfang City, Hua Fei Zhenren."

‘Master Hua Fei?’ Tu Shanjun murmured in his heart.

The Hua generation should be the fourth generation, but the inheritance of sects is mostly based on strength, and it is uncertain which generation to start, so they use the Tao title to regulate it. Of course, there are also many who continue to use the Tao title given by the master, or their own

The true meaning of enlightenment.

Gifted by the sect, and mainly based on the sect's core brands, most candidates are Daozi and Tianjiao.

Tu Shanjun didn't want to meddle in other people's business. He thought that the children from both families would join the Taiyi Sect and would probably become the backbone of the sect in the future, so he decided to suppress the matter and said: "The children's admission into the sect is related to the future.

, don’t ruin your child’s future by getting angry with others. Being patient for a while doesn’t mean anything.”


Cui Wulang nodded in agreement and at the same time, disappointment flashed in his heart.

He also hoped that he would meet a big shot, but big shots are not so easy to meet. It is said that the Yuanying monk's escape light has already caught up with the three-hundred-foot giant ship. Most of the monks who can ride on the giant ship are monks below the Nascent Soul.

Seeing how diligent and silent this red-haired monk is, he must be an ascetic monk.

I'm afraid its strength won't be too high.

"I will take a trip when I get to Fangshi."



Cui Wulang was originally ready to take out the treasure and learn about the matter, until he heard the hoarse voice of the monk next to him.

Looking at the other party's indifferent face and eyes as deep as the abyss, there was a kind of indifference, as if he was not worried about the things in front of him at all, nor was he worried about the name he heard.

He suddenly trembled.

Maybe the monk standing in front of him was not the ordinary disciple he imagined at all.

The joy in Cui Wulang's heart turned into a rushing river, and he held back his trembling without speaking. If this person is indifferent, either his cultivation is strong enough and his status in the sect is quite high, or his family background is powerful.

"Whose eldest son?"

"There are only a few big families in Taiyi Sect."

Cui Wulang also forgot how he left, only remembering the monk's indifference.

late spring.

The giant ship of Guxian Tower broke out of the thick clouds and fell towards the huge city below.

It can no longer be said to be a city, but a gathering with no end in sight. The huge spiritual boat makes the port impassable. The beautiful buildings and jade buildings are scattered like mountains. Standing in the center of the city is a huge banyan tree with lush branches and leaves, like

A series of floating islands.

After seeing off the satisfied people, the monk on the lotus platform asked: "Who is next in line?"

"Master, the Bai family members have arrived."

The maid bowed respectfully to the monk sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform.

The monk took the jade slip with the record and read it: "For the small tribe outside the territory, if it weren't for the sake of the hundred thousand spirit stones, I really don't want to leave, sir. That's all. That's all. I'll give the spirit stones a face and solve it for them."

It’s a matter of concern.”

Then he asked: "Has the Cui family arrived too?"

"Sir, we've arrived too."

The Liantai cultivator nodded slightly and said, "I am the talkative among the Taiyi Sect. Who can this small clan find?"

"You still have to look for me."

"When two families fight, I should always benefit."


"Invite both families to come up," the Liantai monk said calmly.

"Brother Cui?"

Bai Laoqi frowned.

"Brother Bai." Cui Wulang smiled and held his hands.

"Brother Cui wants to compete with me for financial resources?"

"Brother Bai found it, can't I, Cui Wulang, find it?"

The maid rushed to the concierge in the front building, took the sign and asked: "Who is Bai Wu, Cui Xi, sir, please invite me."


"Who are you?"

Cui Wulang hurriedly explained: "Gao Xiu, please don't misunderstand me. This is a disciple of your sect, here to pay a visit to the real person."

The maid's eyes lit up, she looked at Cui Wulang and then at the red-haired monk beside her, and said calmly: "Since we are disciples of the sect, let's join them together."

This must be the backer Cui Wulang found to persuade the master. This was expected, so she did not stop him.

"Let's go."

Bai Laoqi hesitated, then bravely walked in.

Once you enter the main hall.

The lotus monk who had closed his eyes to rest his mind suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the figure walking into the hall.

When he opened his mouth, the corners of his mouth trembled.

Gurgling, he climbed up from the lotus platform.

He stumbled forward and knelt on the ground.

"It's over!"

Bai Laoqi and Cui Wulang looked at each other.

This thought came to my mind at the same time.

Seeing that the real person is in such a huge embarrassment, I'm afraid he won't be able to walk out of here completely.

This chapter has been completed!
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