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Chapter 925 Emerald Light

Chapter 926 Emerald Light

Cui Gu did not leave the shrine after all.

He is like a divine needle that will not move easily.

In fact, Cuigu didn't know why Luo Tianfeng would use such a vital thing.

Because the pressure Tushanjun put on him was too great.

Luo Tianfeng was eager to find out the origin of the Soul Banner and the origin of the main soul of the Soul Banner.

Otherwise he would never use such a precious thing.

It can make a person who was once the pinnacle saint and now the leader of the great sect in the base camp feel deeply fearful. It is conceivable how terrifying the potential of Tu Shanjun, who is now only the sea saint, is.

It forces such a hero to not care about the past, and whether it is child's play or not, he wants to see clearly.

Luo Tianfeng felt an unspeakable throb in his heart.

On the one hand, he needs to rely on this ghost thing, but on the other hand, he doesn't want to be controlled by the weapon spirit.

So he began to calculate the power in his hands and strive to complete the plan as soon as possible. Only in this way can he always be the leader and be in charge of his own destiny.

"Pretty flat."



"You can meet the people on this list quietly."

"Is there anything the leader needs me to ask?"

"No need to ask."

"You'll understand when you see them."


Luo Manping opened the name list of jade slips, printed it on his forehead and then kneaded it into dust.

Then he turned and left.

In the Holy See, Luo Tianfeng took off and went to the Nirvana Blood Shrine alone. He sat cross-legged on the cliff of the shrine and studied the magical power in his hand: "The Blood Refining Demonic Sutra."

After pondering, his eyes dropped to the blood lake.

He really needs this magical power to refine the blood of the Asura Lake for him.

Since welcoming back the leader, Luo Manping has done too many things personally, contacting his old subordinates, providing thorough protection, investigating the situation...

After all, he did not let Luo Qi come back. As for where Luo Qi went, there was no need to ask. Luo Qi just went to a place where the secret could be kept forever.

Luo Manping did these things out of loyalty, but it was not just pure loyalty.

He knew that he could not defeat Luo Tianpeng, the King of Heaven, relying on his own brains.

As one of the Dharma Kings, he is of course also a strong candidate for the leader. After getting the leader's broken body and soul, and hearing about the leader's plan, he has been running for it.

While the leader is still alive, there may be people who want to replace him, but there are definitely not many such people, and they obviously do not have such high qualifications.

The relationship between people is divided into left, middle and right, and the same is true for the successor leader.

As a supporter of the former leader, it would definitely be a lie to say that he does not want to be the leader.

No one wants to be a leader, no one wants to stand above thousands of people and say the right thing.

Great power can naturally condense the general trend, and the general trend and one's own power are of course complementary to each other. Even if he does not deliberately pursue advancement, when he reaches this position, he will naturally slowly become the strongest.

After seeing the magic of the Soul Reverend Flag, Luo Manping would often have a thought in his mind: "If I had that flag, could I slowly secure my position as the leader, and could I make today's cultivators more capable?"

To go further?"

Every time this thought comes up, I feel a surge of regret in my heart.

If he could have discovered the magic of the Sovereign Soul Banner earlier, he would not have to rely on the leader to do what he wanted to do, and he would not have to walk around like a slave like he does now.

'Man Ping, I have to leave after all.'

Thinking of these words, Luo Manping's heart suddenly became much clearer.

that's right.

There is no resurrection after death.

Even if you are a Dao Lord, you are dead when you die. Unless you have the magic medicine and immortal treasure, you have a chance to come back to life, otherwise it will only prolong the time of your disappearance.

After the leader leaves, everything will still be his.

"Miss you?"

"not see."

The monk who sat high in the shadow of the throne responded calmly.

As he spoke, he looked at the person walking under the candlelight.

The person who came was one foot tall.


It was Luo Manping who left the religious palace.

"How did you come?"

Shadow voices have no emotional resonance.

"I'll ask."

The monk in the shadow seemed to be so stagnant that he couldn't even breathe, and the entire space immediately stopped.

Even Luo Manping couldn't help but change his expression. He had always thought that this Dharma King was not worthy of his name. He seemed to occupy the Heaven of Shura's Ten Dharmas, but in fact he relied on the glory of the leader.

Look again now.

Cuigu's divine power is probably comparable to that of the ancient saints.

Just as the two of them were silent, there was a loud curse outside the palace: "Gusu Cuiguang, you ungrateful thief, it was in vain that the old leader believed in you so much. He not only saved you from danger, but also taught you your magical skills and made him his direct disciple."

, Once a teacher, always a father, your conscience has been eaten by a dog."

"Luo Tianpeng bought you off with his petty profits."

"You guys..."

Luo Manping's face showed slight changes.

He forgot one thing. Since even he was shaken in his heart, why couldn't Gusu Cuiguang switch to their side? Even if there was no rebellion, he could still be one of the factions sitting on the fence and sit back and watch the situation change.

"What did you do?" Luo Manping asked in a deep voice.

Gusu Cuiguang still said calmly: "I asked everyone to stand still."

Luo Manping's heart sank to the bottom.

Standing still is not just trying to sit on the fence.

He wanted to tell Gusu directly that Master Cuiguang was resurrected, but he was afraid that if he told this, Luo Tianpeng would find out.

He couldn't clearly see Gusu Cuiguang's attitude, and he didn't quite understand why he had to stand still. Logically speaking, even if he didn't take revenge, he would never be able to hold down everyone's hands.

No, there are still loyal and brave people.

Gusu Cuiguang has been scolded.

Luo Manping faintly regretted that he should not have come rashly.

The leader often said that he was brave and foolhardy, but he just thought it was ordinary and didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that he is indeed reckless. This is actually a common problem among many monks. People with strength prefer to speak with strength.

Gusu Cuiguang ignored the yelling outside the palace and said, "Now that you are here, I have decided not to stand still."

Luo Manping was overjoyed: "Have you decided to take action?"


"I decided to lead everyone to join Zuo Tianwang."

Luo Manping was horrified.

The Great Holy Spirit Machine suddenly transformed into a body-protecting divine light, and its power was unparalleled, as if the mighty god descended from heaven.

As a leader in the Way of Power and a person who has achieved great success in the third step, his Taoist cultivation has allowed his Taoist body to exert its most powerful strength, and he can fight even when facing a Taoist Lord.

Gusu Cuiguang regarded the divine light as nothing: "I don't want to fight with you."


"No reason."

"The leader ordered that no one should ask why."

"Do you want to be a leader?"

"If you want to be a leader, you shouldn't lead others to seek refuge with Luo Tianpeng."

"I do not want."

Gusu Cuiguang shook his head slightly and said, "I'm just doing what I should do. You should understand when you see me."

"I do not understand."

"Who asked you to come to see me?"

After hearing Gusu Cuiguang's words, Luo Manping blurted out that he was the little leader.

He is indeed a little leader, but the little leader is not a little leader at all but a leader.

Luo Manping suddenly realized.

No wonder the leader said he would find out when he came. It turned out to be this. He said that Gusu Cuiguang could not rebel. It turned out that he wanted Gusu Cuiguang to infiltrate Luo Tianpeng.

The moment his voice fell, the shouting outside the door disappeared.

It was replaced by a faint smell of blood.

Luo Manping's expression changed and he said: "You killed him?!"

He was a loyal man, but he was killed by Gusu Cuiguang after just a few angry words.

Even if he really wants to apply for a certificate of honor, Gusu Cuiguang is really too cruel. He is so cruel to himself. It is hard to imagine how much damage he will bring to Luo Tianpeng's internal affairs after breaking into Luo Tianpeng's internal affairs.

"He deserves to die."

"I gave the order long ago: stay behind closed doors and stand still."

"Those who do not respect the general's orders will be killed without mercy."

"But he is out of revenge for the leader..."

"I don't care what his mood is."

"It is not a pity to die for those who do not obey orders."

"It's time for you to go back."

Gusu Cuiguang said.

Luo Manping looked gloomy.

Arbitrary and stubborn.

No wonder the clan elders and the monks were unwilling to support Gusu Cuiguang as the leader after the death of the leader. It was not just a matter of his bloodline, he was simply a replica of the leader.

They don't want to see a Luo Tianfeng alive, so naturally they don't want a second Luo Tianfeng to appear.

After Luo Manping left, Gusu Cuiguang opened his palms, looked at the Yin Shen imprisoned in his hands, and said, "What benefits does Nanmian promise you to stand out at this time?"

"Is the attack on the leader related to the south?"

The Yin Shen in the palm looked horrified.

He thought he was doing it secretly, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Gusu Cuiguang. Moreover, this person was really terrifying. No one dared to kill the person who shouted the flag of the old leader at this time, but this person dared to do it, and he didn't even say a word after the murder.

There is no real explanation.

The reason for sending Luo Manping turned out to be that he did not respect the general's orders and did not reveal the relationship between the monk and Nan Mian.

"You know my methods."

"If you don't say it now, it will be too late later."


Footsteps sounded behind him.

The young man with closed eyes opened his eyes. He couldn't distinguish the rotation of time in the palace, and the footsteps behind him sounded particularly strange.

It wasn't Luo Manping, nor was he someone he knew well.

However, the scorching murderous intent and the coercion of the Void Refining Realm shone like swords and cold stars in the sky.

Luo Tianfeng did not look back, he still used his magical power to refine the blood lake: "Who sent you here?"

To be able to arrive at Nirvana Palace silently, the person coming here must not be an outsider.

The strange saint said coldly: "You have blocked the way of too many people while you are alive."

"Blocking the road?"

Luo Tianfeng stood up slowly, battle blood flowing down his body, and turned to look at the person coming.

He is indeed a strange saint.

But he felt vaguely familiar, as if he had seen this strange saint somewhere before, and he must be a great monk.

The strange saint was also extremely surprised.

I heard that this little leader was very young, so it stands to reason that in such a helpless situation, he should be frightened and cry.

If he's not crying for daddy, he's crying for mommy.

Why is it that when I look at it now, the other party is so calm?

The strange saint still said calmly: "According to the order of King Zuotian, I came to see the leader on his way!"

This chapter has been completed!
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