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Chapter 984 Not passed on

With the approval of the old god, Shou He put away the Blood God Halberd in his hand.

The blood all over his body is like fading tide.


The door opens.

The warriors in Qingyi Tower are on two sides.

"Just wait here."

Tang Anhuang, who was wearing Taoist robes, settled down his junior disciples who were wearing Xiaguan beside him.

As a Taoist senior brother, all Taoist monks must call him senior brother.

"I will obey my senior brother's orders."

Zhou Jue bowed his hands in salute, then stood aside with his hands lowered, as if he were a gatekeeper, without any of the wantonness or arrogance he had just now.

Immediately he looked at the back of the Taoist brother, then moved to the monk wearing brocade cassocks, frowned slightly, and realized that the situation did not seem good.

"Mage please come first?"

Tang Anhuang walked to the door and looked at the monk.

The monk chanted Amitabha in a low voice and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, please come first."

"A gentleman should be courteous, but I am not a gentleman. That is what scholars pride themselves on."

Tang Anhuang smiled calmly.

Although he has read through the classics of the three religions, he does not claim to be a scholar.

What is the purpose of reading?

Studying is for becoming an official.

What kind of officials do outsiders do?

So, Emperor Tang An stepped over the threshold without courtesy and walked straight to the main hall.

Xuannan smiled slightly.

He is not a scholar, he is a monk.

"Amitabha." Xuannan walked into the hall door holding the Buddha's rites.

He looked around and then took it back. The layout of this hall should have been directed by an expert and personally done.

Thinking of the enshrinement of this hall, a flash of realization flashed in Xuannan's eyes, and he sighed: "The rise and fall of the great road should be like this."

Yanjun Palace.

The dark golden color on his body dissipated, and the beggar sat on the main seat.

As the monk and Taoist approached, the beggar opened his eyes and watched the two young men slowly walking over. The beggar lowered his eyelids and could not see the light in his eyes.


The two young men all saluted respectfully.

One is the Taoist etiquette of respecting the Tao, and the other is the etiquette of the Buddha and the Elder in the West.

The beggar suddenly laughed.

"I am not the Infinite Master of your Taoist sect, nor am I the old Buddha of the Buddhist sect, so why are you meeting me with such great courtesy?"

"I would like to become my disciple."

Tang Anhuang blurted out.

The beggar was speechless.

"Amitabha, the young monk is here to receive instructions from the Heavenly Lord on the orders of his disciples."

Xuannan was not hidden or tucked away.

He did not laugh at Emperor Tang An, because the people in front of him mastered enough things to take them one step further. They were all the seeds of various families, and they had reached the third step of the peak, only missing the final step.

"Divine law?"

The beggar's thoughts seemed to be flying back to ancient times.

At that time, he did possess the supreme divine power, and he also created a supreme name. He retracted his thoughts that flew away, and looked at his current body again. He did not talk about the divine power.

He greeted: "Come on."


The Ghost Saint sitting in the back hall was speechless for a while.

This old ghost really regards Yanjun Temple as his own dojo.

Tushanjun stood up.

I personally boiled spring water and made tea.

Then he walked in from the back hall and placed the tea bowl on the table where the two young men were sitting.


Tang Anhuang took one look and stopped paying attention.

He has seen too many monks, many of them talented and talented.

What kind of people have I never seen?

An ordinary boy had nothing to pay attention to, and he would not pay too much attention to him, so he turned his eyes back to the beggar.


XuanNan nodded slightly. He didn't see anything different about this monk. The only difference was that the monk's eyes were too calm and indifferent, as if he didn't care about the content of their conversation at all.

Xuan Nan couldn't help but whisper.

Maybe this is why ordinary people cannot see the true Buddha.

Even if an opportunity is placed in front of him, he can't tell whether it is an opportunity or not.

After serving tea to the two young men, Tushanjun stood beside the beggar, really like a temple blessing.

"It's okay for Heavenly Lord not to teach you."

"Please Tianjun fight against this junior once for guidance." Tang Anhuang said firmly.

While speaking, he stood up, bowed and said: "This junior will never forget the great kindness of Heavenly Lord. If your senior has the idea of ​​reincarnation and rebuilding his cultivation, our Taoist sect will definitely open the door of convenience for your senior."

Xuannan spoke at the right time: "Amitabha, the Buddha has said that if the king of heaven comes to the west of me, he will also sit on the lotus platform."

"A cliché."

The beggar didn't even blink and said calmly: "I'm different from you."

"Junior knows."

XuanNan clasped his hands together.

Emperor Tang An asked: "Don't you think it's a pity, Lord Tian?"

“It would be a pity to lose it, but it would be a pity to pass it on to the world and ruin it.”

The beggar shook his head slightly.

Emperor Tang An opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He lowered his head and cupped his hands and said, "Trouble senior."

He still didn't drink the tea on the table, and even felt a little embarrassed to stay here, but he had no other purpose, he really wanted to learn.

"He's gone, won't you go?"

The beggar looked at Xuannan.

"Amitabha." Xuannan moved his gaze to the huge statue and said: "In the Battle of the Great Dao, seniors killed everyone but eventually fell into the mortal world. The young monk only got a glimpse of that ancient battle in rumors. Meeting seniors today can be considered a blessing.

A wish came true."


Xuannan bowed and left without finishing his words.

It wasn't until both of them left the restraints of the formation that the red-haired ghost saint on the side said: "Both of these two are good. Although they belong to a Taoist sect and a Buddhist sect, if you have to choose a successor, choose one to avoid losing your Taoist tradition.

In the end, there was no one who missed you."

The beggar looked calm but equally determined: "Don't spread it!"


"I don't need anyone to miss me either."

Why should things from the old era be passed on to people of the new era?

In fact, the beggar has already said the answer, he would rather lose it than let the world ruin his things.

Tushanjun looked at him with admiration.

When I first saw the beggar’s playful face, I thought he was not a serious person. But now it seems that my initial impression was wrong.

It doesn't matter to him whether the opponent passes or not, Tushanjun just wants to guard the peach tree now.

When the peaches are ripe, you can pick them and leave.

It doesn't matter what kind of magic or magic it is.

"What I said is true." The beggar fetched a bucket and washed his messy hair on the spot.

He continued: "Only the Innate God can exert the most powerful power of the Divine Law of the Innate God. Even the Houtian God cannot fully exert it, let alone those monks."

"They have their own way and way. If they learn my way, they will not become immortals."

"What will that be?"

"Become a god."

"God, what a great word, but that was in the past." The beggar washed away the dirt on his body and said at the same time: "In a serious sense, becoming a god is not allowed by the immortal world. In a novel, I just don't want to."

"I don't want my things to become the object of their research."

"I'm not that generous."

"It's all here."

The beggar pointed at his head: "I just won't pass it on!"

"It's you."

"how do I."

"What the hell are you?"

The beggar looked at Tushanjun carefully. At first he thought that Tushanjun was also a person who wanted to become a god, but then he suddenly realized that something was wrong. This was probably a powerful monk who controlled a treasure specially designed to deal with the souls of gods.

Looking at it again, why does it look so much like a weapon spirit?

Tu Shanjun sneered: "I didn't ask about your origins, you should ask me first."

"I'm curious."

"I'm not curious."

"At least I have some respect for my seniors. Look at the children from that sect and the Buddhist sect. They all have a heavenly king. They all follow the etiquette of a junior. Besides, you still live in my temple."

The beggar, who had washed away his dirt, put on a dark gold robe, revealing a resolute face.

The nose is like a hanging gallbladder, the lips are square and the mouth is wide.

The face is straight and the eyes are attentive.

He truly looks like a god.

Tu Shanjun still respects the elders, but he really doesn't want others to find out where he comes from.

He smiled and said: "They asked for something from you, but I didn't. If I hadn't reshaped you into a golden body, you would still be a lonely ghost out there."


The beggar returned angrily.

God had to bow his head under the eaves.

"You still don't know how to call me senior?"

"Shouldn't you state your name first before asking others?"

"My name is Tushanjun."


The beggar is only slightly different. The ancient fox tribe did not have such powerful treasures.

"In the past, I was called the God of Zhengfa Yama."

"Just call me Yan Tianjun."

"How should I help Tianjun get out of trouble?"

Yan Tianjun was suddenly stunned. He never expected Tushanjun to ask such a question: "When the divine blood is completely absorbed by the magical medicine and the flat peach sacred tree recovers its vitality, I will be out of trouble."

"But you should be prepared. When I get out of trouble, I may cause trouble for you."

"Whatever it takes to get involved, just get the divine blood seed and the divine medicine."

Tushanjun did not have such worries.

Opportunities often come with great crises.

Now that we have a narrow escape from death, we must not retreat from what we have to face.

In the past, Tushanjun also thought about hiding. It is always good to hide, but he found that many things could not be avoided on the first day of the lunar month but not on the 15th day of the lunar month.

These things had already been anticipated when he planted the magic medicine.

Now he only hopes that the divine blood can make the peaches ripe.

Then Shou He took his qi and blood martial arts a step further and blazed his own path.

"What does Tianjun think of the current Qi and Blood Martial Arts?"

"It's not really martial arts."

Seeing Senior Brother Dao Sect walk out of the door, Zhou Jue, who was guarding the door, hurried up to greet him and lowered his voice and asked, "Senior Brother, can you handle the matter?"

When the words came to his lips, he immediately regretted that he should not have asked more questions. Didn't he see that the Buddhist monk hadn't come out yet?

Anyone who stays in the temple should know that things are not going well for Emperor Anhuang of the Tang Dynasty.

Now he asked whether it was precisely which pot should not be opened and which pot should be picked up.

It is also easy to make Taoist brothers unhappy.

Emperor An of the Tang Dynasty did not express his anger at Zhou Jue, but took out a jade slip, closed his eyes and described it before saying, "Look up the origin of this person."


Zhou Jue caught the jade slip in surprise.

"Let's go."

Emperor Tang An looked back at the temple and turned around without any hesitation.

If something like opportunity is yours, it is yours.

Even if it’s not your own, you can still compete for it.

Now that we have fought and there is nothing we can do about it, staying here shamelessly will only make us a laughing stock.

He didn't want to rack his brains to get the secret to becoming a god.

It's okay if you can't become a god, just be fine if you can become an immortal.

"I wish I could be born when the sky is being cut."

Tang Anhuang shook his head and left.


This chapter has been completed!
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