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Chapter 1180


Zhou Weiguo sneered twice; "In their eyes, superiority is more important than money."

In the eyes of the Japanese army, the people here are low-class nobles. This kind of thinking is not only shared by some businessmen, but also in the eyes of some local children.

No matter how rich the people here are, in their eyes, it means nothing.

"Okay." Zhou Weiguo patted her shoulder; "Let's go, after buying the clothes, you can go have a meal."

Nanchang is already under the control of the Japanese army. In order to enslave it, many places here are shops of the Japanese army, selling things from the Japanese army.

From clothes to shoes and socks.

However, there are some things that you cannot buy even if you have money.

Zhou Weiguo took Nan Zhongmei to the shop and bought a set of clothes.

The fact that they can buy it has a lot to do with their Kyoto accents.

The two people came out wearing kimonos, strolled down the street, and finally entered a restaurant opened by a Japanese businessman.

Zhou Weiguo didn't have much appetite for the things inside, but Nan Zhongmei liked them, so he just asked for drinks.

"Sister Xiao and the others have been here for five or six days. Why, they haven't taken action yet."

Nan Zhong took a mouthful of sushi happily, looked up at Zhou Weiguo and asked.

Zhou Weiguo lit a cigarette; "Do you think that the team can really do anything and don't care about finding a safe place for yourself? If you think so, you are wrong. When the team is performing its mission, it will definitely

Look for a place to evacuate. Now, if they have not found a place to evacuate, they will naturally not take action."

Zhou Weiguo took a sip of wine; "We are brave, but that doesn't mean we don't cherish our lives. I once told them that the prerequisite for killing the enemy on a large scale is to ensure your own safety, even if you want to survive.

It's hidden under the cesspit, and that's how it should be."


Minami wanted to vomit.

Zhou Weiguo glanced at her and knew what she was thinking.

"They have gone through such training. If you want to be here, I will also train. It is not up to you, because sometimes, between life and death, what will you choose?"

Nan Zhongmei took a deep breath.

She didn't know what choice she should make.

"Stop talking." Nan Zhongmei knocked on her rice bowl; "Let's just eat."

Zhou Weiguo was not trying to scare Nan Zhongmei.

The premise for doing anything is to live by yourself. If you can't live by yourself, then what qualifications do you have to talk about other things?

It's just that there are some things that Nan Zhongmei doesn't want to experience, so she shouldn't experience them. Experiencing too much is not a good thing for her.

Coming out of it, Zhou Weiguo took Nan Zhongmei to buy a lot of pancakes.

This kind of pancake can be stored for a long time.

Zhou Weiguo bought a lot, enough for two people to eat for more than half a month.

"You...why did you buy so many pancakes?"

Zhou Weiguo pulled the pancake in his hand and put it on his back: "Let's go. By then, you will naturally know what you are doing."

Zhou Weiguo didn't say anything, he just took Nan Zhongmei out of Nanchang and then walked towards the airport.

I didn't go to the town, I just walked uphill and found a place.

This place is very secret, surrounded by woods. Not far away, there are also bushes with many thorns, and most wild animals dare not come in.

Zhou Weiguo cleared a little area inside, which was enough for the two of them. He then asked Nan Zhongmei to sit down and said with a smile, "Are you afraid?"

Nan Zhongmei looked around and nodded, then shook her head.

Zhou Weiguo put the things aside; "You are nodding and shaking your head, what are you doing?"

"Of course I'm a little scared by myself, but if you're here, I won't be scared either."

Nan Zhongmei spoke calmly, but Zhou Weiguo looked outside with a slight frown.

This time, I really want to go out.

"Don't worry here. This is a bush. Wild animals don't dare to come in. And outside, I used wormwood to camouflage it, so snakes and insects won't come in."

"You...where are you going?" Nan Zhongmei looked around in a daze, and quietly added, which made her feel a little aggrieved, "Can't I go with you?"

Zhou Weiguo shook his head; "No, I'm going to get weapons. Taking you with me will affect my actions. Just wait here. I'll be back later."

For the first time, Nan Zhongmei felt that she was a waste.

He watched Zhou Weiguo leave with no help at all. Then he hugged his knees with his hands and trembled, looked to the left and right and muttered: "I, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid."

She talked to herself for a while, but the quiet forest made her even more frightened, so she could only pick up the water bottle next to her and drink.

After a long time, she heard footsteps coming from outside. Nan Zhongmei wanted to get up and scream, but she wasn't sure if it was Zhou Weiguo, so she didn't dare to move inside.

The footsteps quickly passed by his side, and then there was no sound.

Nan Zhongmei didn't even know if that was Zhou Weiguo.

She could only wait there helplessly.

The longer she waited, the more nervous she became. Nan Zhongmei wanted to yell a few times to vent her depression, but she really didn't dare.

I probably waited for more than an hour.

Zhou Weiguo's voice sounded outside; "Come out. I'm back."

The familiar voice made Nan Zhongmei run out in a hurry; "You are finally back. If you are not, I will really collapse."

She looked at Zhou Weiguo, who had a rifle on his back, a Japanese military uniform in his hands, and a few grenades around his waist. In addition, he was carrying a medium-sized baggage on his arm.

After taking Zhou Weiguo's things, Nan Zhongmei pulled him inside, laid the Japanese military uniforms on the ground and asked, "Why are you so late?"

Zhou Weiguo laughed and said, "I couldn't find it. I walked very quickly before I found a lone Japanese soldier and got rid of him."

Nan Zhongmei groaned, thinking of the footsteps not long ago; "By the way, Weiguo, this place is not safe. Not long after you left, someone passed not far from us in the direction of eleven o'clock."


Zhou Weiguo frowned and said, "Are you sure that what you saw was a human being?" This place is insignificant and it is not within the airport's defense range. How could anyone walk through here?

"I don't know, I didn't dare to look. I closed my eyes and didn't dare to breathe out, but it scared me to death." Nan Zhongmei directly made Zhou Weiguo say "oh" and didn't say anything, but fell into deep thought. In this place, except

Apart from the two of me, is there really anyone else?

It shouldn't be, there can't be anyone.

Could it be...

This chapter has been completed!
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