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Chapter 1312 Why hasnt the Air Force arrived yet?

Nakamura's preparation was to disperse the machine gunners on the first and second fronts.

Behind, there are mortars and the remaining infantry artillery, forming an interception network in front of the position. Once the enemy attacks frontally, a triple interception of machine guns, mortars and infantry artillery will be formed.

As for the minefields, Nakamura did not order their deployment.

This place is not convenient for deploying minefields, and the troops will have to advance forward in the future.

At the forward position, Nan Zhongmei had nothing to do, so he used a telescope to observe the enemy's position.

The machine gun bunker that did not appear suddenly appeared, which made her stunned for a moment, then she lowered her head and thought about it and waved to Xiao Ya who was not far away: "Sister Xiao, come and take a look."

Xiao Ya put down the things in her hands and came to her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sister, the 1st Battalion's position is in the direction of 11:30. There used to be no machine gun position in that place."

Xiao Ya wiped her hands and looked through the telescope before nodding: "Well, that place didn't exist not long ago. It should have been temporarily built."

"It's not just one place, there are several places. You see, there are also ones behind them."

Xiao Ya heard what Nan Zhongmei said and looked carefully into the distance.

Zhou Weiguo and Takeshita Jun, who came back from inspecting the position outside, saw Xiao Ya and Nan Zhongmei standing at the entrance of the bunker looking at something.

"What are you looking at?" Zhou Weiguo walked up to the two of them, while Nan Zaolinzi went to rest nearby. She had not rested for a long time. As soon as the battle began, she and several staff officers from the regiment continued to discuss the response issues.

, both eyes were red, Zhou Weiguo signaled her several times to rest, but she didn't go, until the battle was over, and she had time to breathe and go to sleep.

"Commander Zhou, something is wrong. Does the Japanese army know that we are going to attack?"

Zhou Weiguo frowned; "That shouldn't be the case. How could he know about our attack?"

Xiao Ya handed the binoculars to Zhou Weiguo; "Awen, it seems that they have deployed machine gun positions in front of them. I looked carefully and it seems that there are also mortar positions."

Takeshita Jun observed it with his telescope; "Fire densely deployed, Weiguo, it seems that they have indeed prepared a defense. If I am not mistaken, it should be our message that they intercepted."


Jiang Yue walked over from the side; "Did they crack our message?"

How can it be.

Zhou Weiguo shook his head with certainty; "It wasn't long before the code book was changed this time. No matter how fast the Japanese army is, it is impossible to decipher the message."

"I also agree that our message has not been cracked." Nan Zhongmei was equally sure, making Jiang Yue narrow her eyes; "Why are you so sure."

Nan Zhongmei stood up and said, "If they really deciphered our message, it would have been impossible for them not to notice that our tanks had been here for such a long time."

The tanks were dispatched from behind. They rested during the day and pushed forward at night. When encountering a city, they would always go around the countryside to avoid being noticed by the Japanese army. This was a tank battalion directly under the war zone. If the enemy really deciphered it, they would

Now we just need to find where the tanks are, or they won’t make such a deployment."

"Triangular fire defense is not only applicable to our side, but also to the Japanese army. This method, I don't think I need to say, you all should know, is mainly used to deal with infantry. They

They never thought we had tanks here."

This statement is irrefutable.

Zhou Weiguo raised his wrist after seeing the expressions of several people; "Don't think so much, the Air Force must have set off, and we can't change it now. According to the plan, after they finish, the artillery will suppress it immediately, and the tanks will use this time to

Move to the front, extend the artillery fire, and immediately attack them."

The air force has not set off yet. It only takes half an hour for them to arrive at the battlefield, but now, the ground crews are ready for everything.

Deputy Captain Zhang raised his wrist and checked the time, then looked at the personnel to be dispatched this time; "You all understand the mission this time."

"Understood." They responded in unison, making Deputy Captain Zhang nod; "In that case, let's set off."

It was already 5:55, and the ground troops were ready for the attack.

Zhou Weiguo led his men to the first camp in person.

"Brother, please don't go up. I'll do it this time."

Liu Zhihui came to Zhou Weiguo wearing a bandage. He was very afraid that his brother would lead the charge again.

Now that he is the top commander here, if something goes wrong, he really doesn't know how to explain it to the others.

Zhou Weiguo glanced at him sideways: "Don't worry, I won't lead the attack."

With these words, Liu Zhihui breathed a sigh of relief, but he still looked at Xiao Ya with some worry: "Sister-in-law, you have to keep an eye on him."

Xiao Ya smiled and nodded; "It's impossible for your brother to go. This is not a general offensive, but an operation to support the flank battlefield."

Nam Chung-mi leaned on the trench and looked behind her.

There are less than five minutes left, why can't we still see the air force coming?

She looked towards the back of the position. If the air force was coming, it would be coming from behind her.

In the blue sky, not even a bird was seen, let alone an airplane.

"What are you looking at?" Zhou Weiguo turned around and saw Nan Zhongmei holding her head high and looking toward the west.

"I was wondering why they haven't come here yet."

Zhou Weiguo smiled; "It's not that fast. It should be a few minutes later. Wait, this is an order from the commander of the war zone. There is no way they will not come. But you have to know that Commander Xue will not obey the order."

It doesn’t matter what kind of soldier a person is, he will never be merciless when it’s time to kill him.”

Nan Zhongmei didn't think about this.

She sat on the ground casually; "At six o'clock, even if they are slow, they should show up by now, why..."

"I told you, I'm waiting."

After waiting for five or six minutes, I didn't hear any sound in the air.

Zhou Weiguo couldn't help but look behind him.

"Don't look at it." Nan Zhongmei sighed; "The people here are just unreliable. Don't they know how to calculate the distance? Don't they know the flying speed? All they have to do is calculate it and then take off.

Look how much time has passed now."

She pounded the ground; "It was originally a big victory, but now it seems that there is no chance."

Nan Zhongmei gritted his teeth. When this battle is over and we return to Changsha, I will sue them for neglecting their duties and fearing death. "

She cursed mercilessly, but with the roar in the air, she turned from anger to joy and stood up; "Here we come."

She looked back with a smile, but Nan Zhongmei's smile suddenly tightened.

This chapter has been completed!
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