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Chapter 1361 They forced it

The teacher has said this, but there is nothing I still don’t understand.

Keep the credit given by the above for yourself. This is also for the good of the family and can make the family's status better.

In what follows, the teacher is also thinking about the family. It doesn't matter if he dies, so as not to implicate his family. But this time, it doesn't mean that you won't be implicated, then it won't be implicated.

Those crazy men will definitely shift the blame to their own group of people, and then say things that will bring misfortune to their families.

They do this kind of thing a lot.

"Go on, go to Changsha tomorrow. You know the contact information. When you get the news, you can go directly to Zhou Weiguo. You, the senior, are very smart. He knows your purpose of going, so there is no need to worry about him getting rid of him.

Ignore you, he is not that kind of person."

Hisamiya Jiro and another person went to Changsha the next morning. Sakai Ichiro led the remaining people to continue walking back. A few days later, they crossed the military demarcation line between the two sides. The division stationed there immediately arranged for Sakai to be

Ichiro was sent to Yueyang.

Three explosions destroyed nearly a brigade of weapons and equipment. This incident made Okamura very happy. After Ichiro Sakai had not returned, he had already reported it to the base camp. The base camp had corresponding measures for the personnel involved in this operation.

Commendation. Because Ichiro Sakai is a colonel, it is not convenient for him to be promoted to a higher rank, but he has also received a large number of awards. The others have all been promoted one level higher.

Even if they do nothing.

As the team leader, Sakai Ichiro naturally participated in the reception banquet hosted by Okamura himself. He knew very well that no matter how good his glory lure was now, it would be very uncomfortable for him to die by then.

After returning from the banquet, Ichiro Sakai spent a night thinking about it, and began to arrange for people to find out the strength and defense situation of several divisions on the border, as well as the strength at the back. After two days, he used only

The contact information that only Kunomiya Jiro can understand was given to Kunomiya Jiro.

Jiro Hisamiya, who translated the content, read the above content.

There is the deployment of troops above, as well as the importance and rewards Yueyang places on everyone this time.

The rewards were very generous. Not only were they rich, but they also promoted several of their own ranks.

The teacher didn't explain anything, but he also knew that with these things, you gain as much as you gain, and you will lose as much when the time comes.

He read the translated content again and again to make sure that there were no errors. Then he stood up and looked at his close associates: "You are now a lieutenant. What do you think about our cooperation with the Ninth War Zone this time?


For his cronies, Hisamiya Jiro didn't want to hide anything anymore and told everything that happened.

This man was also smart. He lowered his head and thought for a moment; "After this thing fails, we will have nothing. Glory, family, and even our lives will all end. In this action, we can afford such glory.

But we both know that, in fact, we haven’t done anything.”

The only thing I could do was rest on the hillside for a few nights, which didn't count at all.

"I understand. I think there are many people who think the same as you." Hisamiya Jiro picked up the content; "Wait for me here. I'll go and see my senior."

Hisamiya Jiro did not want to conceal his identity, but he would not expose it either. He was wearing common people's clothes, and Zhou Weiguo's regiment headquarters was in a town, so his actions would not be interfered by soldiers.

It wasn't until he reached the entrance of the regiment that Hisamiya Jiro was stopped by the guards.

"Fellow, who are you looking for?" the soldier asked politely, extending his hand.

Hisamiya Jiro looked at the soldiers in front of him. They were well-fed and strong. They were very different from the soldiers he had met on the front line in the past.

Those soldiers couldn't be compared with the ones in front of them. Those soldiers were very thin and had no color on their faces, but they did have some color.

This is obviously due to poor food, but the soldiers here are different. Not only the guards, but also the soldiers on patrol can see that they have strong combat effectiveness.

No matter if they are his senior's soldiers or the special agents in the war zone, the monthly food expenses are probably comparable to those of his division.

"I'm looking for my senior. His name is Zhou Weiguo. He must be the leader of your regiment." Hisamiya Jiro spoke, and the soldier nodded; "Then wait a moment, I will go in and report."

Zhou Weiguo was indeed at the regiment headquarters.

There has been no news from Commander Xue, so he can only wait inside the regiment headquarters.

Takeshita Jun and others also came back a few days ago, but their fussing had no effect at all, and the other party ignored them at all. Takeshita Jun felt that it would not help if they continued, so he brought them back.

After hearing about Zhou Weiguo and Nan Zhongmei's plans, he also felt that this method was acceptable.

From an overall perspective, the ninth theater does not need a familiar commander, but a commander who does not need to be too familiar with this place.

Zhou Weiguo, who was passing the time chatting with everyone at the regiment headquarters, heard that he had a junior student coming.

He was also shocked because he didn't stay in the military school for long, and the only people he came into contact with were just a few people, so how could there be any junior students?

He was a little confused, so he dropped the things in his hands and came to the door with Xiao Ya, Nan Zhongmei and Nan Zuolinzi.

"Who is looking for me?" Zhou Weiguo came to the door and asked.

Hisamiya Jiro turned to look at Zhou Weiguo who was speaking.

This was the first time he saw Zhou Weiguo. He was not much different from the person in the photo, except that the military uniform he wore made him look more handsome, much better than when he wore a suit.

"Senior, I never thought that I could see you in such a place."

Who is this?

Zhou Weiguo didn't understand what he was talking about. In his memory, he never had the memory of this person.

Takeshita Jun, who came out later, thought for a while; "You are his student."

"This is Senior Takeshita, right? The teacher often mentions you and Senior Zhou, saying that you two are his pride."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Zhou Weiguo understood who this person was. Hisamiya Jiro was also one of the targets he needed to get rid of. He did not expect that he would actually see him, and in such a situation.

"Come in and talk." Zhou Weiguo pointed to the regiment headquarters. Hisamiya Jiro naturally opened his hands and waited for inspection.

After taking two steps, he didn't notice the steps. He turned to look at him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you worried that I have weapons to assassinate you?" Hisamiya Jiro raised his head and looked at Zhou Weiguo who entered the door.

Ha ha……

Zhou Weiguo laughed twice and crossed his arms; "I don't think the students he taught would be so stupid."

This chapter has been completed!
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