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Chapter 1460: Have they gained benevolence and righteousness?

These words reminded Zhou Weiguo.

Zhou Weiguo walked over and looked through the binoculars.

Sure enough, the opponent's troops are currently mobilizing. If they wait until they are ready for defense and then attack, I am afraid that they will really suffer a lot of losses.

One is fighting, and the other two are fighting. After this battle, he can return to the ninth war zone. It doesn't matter if the loss is bigger, anyway, he will be replenished there.

This fourth war zone is good, but it is still not as comfortable as the ninth war zone. The key is that the battles here are just small fights, which is more enjoyable than the ninth war zone.

"Tell Li Dequan that in five minutes, we will launch an artillery bombardment on the Japanese frontline position, and the anti-aircraft machine guns will enter the position. The first battalion will be the main attack, the second battalion will detour from the side, and the fourth battalion will follow closely. The machine guns and mortars of each battalion will be concentrated in the first battalion.

Come, prepare to attack."

Send the orders one by one.

Tie Lihua followed Huang Lili and saw the soldier drinking water.

It doesn’t seem to be a very hot day. Why are the soldiers starting to drink water now? This is...

"We're about to attack. We'll start fighting later. We don't have time to drink water. This is just preparation in advance."

Huang Lili had met her several times and resolutely introduced the situation to Tie Lihua like a veteran.

Tie Lihua tidied her hair by her ears and looked at a lieutenant not far away.

The lieutenant walked toward the bunker with a thick stack of things.

"Sister, what is she holding?" Tie Lihua is a little confused, isn't she about to attack? What is this person doing with so many things?"

Huang Lili sorted the things in her hands without raising her head. Even though she didn't need to look, she knew what the man was holding.

"Suicide note. No one knows who will survive this attack. Prepare this in advance. The regiment will send everything back based on the address."

Tie Lihua stopped talking and just watched from the trench.

Five minutes is just a moment.

There was a rapid roar behind her and a whirring sound above her head. And in the distance, the fire caused by the explosion made Tie Lihua wonder where she was.

The explosion caused dust, and it didn't take long to cover the front. Using this time, he saw the soldiers around him coming out of the trench under the leadership of the officer. Each one of them, without hesitation at all, bent down and moved forward with the rifle in his hand.


Tielihua was not sure whether she should be in the trenches or follow these soldiers forward.

"Let's go." Huang Lili's voice woke up Tie Lihua.

Tie Lihua looked at it blankly. Huang Lili was carrying her small backpack, and the other five or six female soldiers also followed them resolutely. She paused for a moment, climbed out of the trench, and followed Huang Lili.


The infantry advanced to a position of nearly a hundred meters, and the opponent's machine gun launched a counterattack regardless of the suppression of artillery shells.

Someone in front fell down, no, it was a very short period of time, everyone fell down.

I don't know which one was injured and which one fell to the ground to avoid the bullet.

Tie Lihua didn't understand anything and could only follow Huang Lili and lie on the ground.

There was a loud sound coming from behind that was denser than firecrackers.

She turned her head and looked, and saw that the two knives were glowing like fire from the eyes of gods.

This is serious, not some kind of fairy.

Because where the fire suddenly stopped, the enemy's voice disappeared.

The sound of the artillery disappeared, replaced by the roar from the front. After thousands of people shouted to kill, there was a blue-gray field. After these people approached the front, they quickly dispersed, and the machine guns also began to fire at the fastest speed.

, advancing forward with burst shots.

The battlefield for Huang Lili and others was to look for wounded soldiers after they advanced.

Tie Lihua's mind was buzzing. Before she could fully understand that this was a battlefield, there was another sound of footsteps behind her. This was the troops of the fourth battalion advancing again. They didn't even look at these female soldiers, their eyes were appraising.

Running forward, the only difference was that the rifles in their hands had bayonets.

On the battlefield of the Guangxi Army, Zhang Renhua also sent out the entire army under the cover of anti-aircraft machine guns five minutes after the poison gas bombs were fired, and launched an attack on the Blackwood Brigade.

In order to quickly defeat the special agent group this time, Kuroki deployed almost all the troops of the three regiments. However, because the advancement speed was too fast and he was worried that the retreat road would be cut off, his actual strength was

, in fact, it is two regiments plus an artillery squadron and a tank squadron.

Two more brigades were sent to flank defense, so the number of troops in his hands was not very large.

Kuromu didn't react to Dawn's attack. Wait until he really reacted.

The Gui army has already launched an attack.

Troops like a tidal wave surrounded us from three directions. Our concentrated position indeed gave us a huge advantage. However, the gas bombs and the opponent's despicable anti-aircraft machine guns were used.

His fan-shaped defense and concentrated firepower instantly became a joke.

Yes, a real joke.

After arriving here, he also thought that the enemy would attack him, so he formed a fan-shaped position and deployed the machine gun position in the front, followed by infantry on the second line, mortars on the third line, and command at the back.

The location of the headquarters and artillery.

This kind of defense can maximize firepower, and the enemy's attack will become pale and powerless under the interception of your own artillery.

Even if they break through the fire interception line, they will still encounter their own artillery interception.

However, the other party shamelessly used poison gas bombs.

This was beyond his imagination. They, who had always been known as the teachers of benevolence and righteousness, actually took the lead in using poison gas bombs.

It seems that a long time ago, they were still seizing on this matter, talking about how the empire ignored international law, but now, what they have done, it is simply unimaginable that they will be the first to use this thing.

The dawn was still a bit dim, and the gas emitted by the shells was not noticed at the first time. A huge gap appeared. In this gap, he mobilized his troops to go up, but he faced a fierce attack from another thing on the other side.

The anti-aircraft machine gun, which was obviously used to attack things in the sky, now allowed them to despicably level it and then aim it at their own soldiers.

Who can stop this...

Even an armored vehicle cannot block such an attack, let alone a weak body.

Under this impact, the person, like a piece of paper encountering a firecracker, burst into pieces in an instant.

With squirming lips, Kuroki looked at his chief of staff in disbelief. After a long time, he threw the telescope aside with a mocking look on his face: "Where is their benevolence and righteousness?"

This chapter has been completed!
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