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Chapter 1475: Can’t Beat, Wait

Huang Lingling picked up her things and ran over.

With just one glance, she saw who that person was.

Liu Zhihui was the man who personally beat a soldier to death that morning.

"Medic, come here quickly, the battalion commander is injured." The guard came over and took Huang Lingling to Liu Zhihui.

Liu Zhihui was bitten by shrapnel on his arm, and his military uniform was stained with blood.

He looked at Huang Lingling with an expressionless face and said, "Don't be nervous, just go about your business."

No matter how big the problem is, she has seen even more serious injuries. Liu Zhihui's big butt injury doesn't matter.

Skillfully, she cut open Liu Zhihui's military uniform, and a piece of shrapnel got stuck on it. This put her in a dilemma, and she didn't know what she should do. "

"What's wrong?" Liu Zhihui couldn't feel any movement, frowned and turned around to ask.

Huang Lingling pointed to his arm; "Shrapnel."

Liu Zhihui turned his head and looked around, then said oh. Then he casually pulled off the shrapnel, "Okay, it's gone now."

"You're crazy." Huang Lingling felt that Liu Zhihui was a lunatic. What if this was shrapnel? What if the arteries were cut open?

You can't do this even if you want to die. How could this person be so reckless?

"Bandage it." Liu Zhihui ignored Huang Lingling and just showed a smile, telling her to quickly bandage him. The Japanese army was coming. As the battalion commander, he couldn't let his guard down at this time.

Huang Lingling had no choice but to bandage her. Seeing Liu Zhihui running away again after bandaging, she sighed and had no choice but to go somewhere else.

This time the Japanese army used a lot of troops.

Densely packed.

Liu Zhihui brought the opponent to a distance of 60 meters before giving the order to fight back. The mortars behind the battalion headquarters also launched an artillery bombardment against the Japanese troops.

Zhou Weiguo, who was at the observation post, took a look and found that the opponent's attack did not distinguish between feint attack and main attack. The strength of the troops on several sides was actually the same.

"There's nothing better than being rich and powerful." Zhou Weiguo turned to Nan Zhongmei beside him and smiled.

Nan Zhongmei glanced at him and snorted: "You can still laugh. The other side is attacking like this to take advantage of their superior strength to break open our defense line. This time, we can't compete with their strength."

Zhou Weiguo returned to the empty ammunition box next to him and sat down, shrugging helplessly; "There's nothing we can do."

Come on, the only thing you can do now is to withstand the opponent's attack. As long as Zhang Renhua's troops arrive, you can reduce your pressure.

He lowered his head and thought for a while. Zhou Weiguo walked to the bunker, looked around, turned to Xu Hu and said, "Contact Li Dequan and ask his artillery to fight an artillery battle for me next time the Japanese army uses artillery to attack."

Everyone's firepower and equipment are similar.

In the artillery battle, I have never been afraid of anyone. I said here that I still have gasoline barrels and they can come over and give it a try.

The artillery battery that had not been used until now made a deafening roar when the enemy attacked again.

Huang Lingling squatted down and heard the deafening sound. She just raised her head to look for a moment, and then went back to her work.

"Send him to the back." Seeing that it was a seriously injured person, she just glanced at him and let the people around her send him away.

But she went to another wounded soldier, knelt on the ground, took out the prepared stick from her backpack, stuffed it into the other soldier's mouth, then disinfected him with alcohol and covered him with gauze.

The sound of enemy artillery fire was no longer as intense as before. After taking care of the wounded, and seeing that the surrounding area was gone, she returned to where she was. Not long after she entered, Huang Lili also came in.

Glancing at her cousin, Huang Lili hugged her knees with both hands, "Cousin, you can't see it. A person who was about to fall down in the wind has turned into a determined person in just a few days.


Huang Lingling was too lazy to talk to her.

To be honest, she doesn't know whether she should hate her sister or be grateful.

Her mind has indeed changed a lot compared to before.

She didn't dare to think that when she saw the corpse, her heart didn't waver at all.

In the past, she wouldn't dare to think about these things, but now.

I actually deal with corpses and blood every day.

"Get used to it." Huang Lingling listened to the situation outside and looked at her sister; "Weren't you afraid when you first came here?"

Huang Lili muttered, "How could I not be afraid? I almost fainted. If it weren't for Sister Xiaoyu, I probably wouldn't have been able to get through that corner. You were better than me, at least when I saw the wounded for the first time.

, did not faint."

That’s because I didn’t faint, that’s because I was so afraid of fainting that I forgot about it, okay?

Let’s not talk about this kind of thing.

"I don't know how long this fight will take." Huang Lingling looked at the gray area outside and asked.

Huang Lili shook her head; "I don't know about that, but I usually don't fight when it's dark."

The attack failed.

When Sakai saw that his troops were defeated by the opponent, he did not look at anything more, but returned to the map.

He didn't bother to move away from any of his subordinates.

His opponent is the special agent team.

This force has fought from the Battle of Songhu to the present, fighting in large areas, and finally settled in the Ninth Theater, becoming the most powerful force in the Ninth Theater.

The fact that they have been able to maintain their fighting power until now was achieved through battle after battle.

"It seems that the special agent group is planning to wait here for reinforcements from the Gui Army. We don't have much time. Once the Gui Army comes up, their troops will quickly return to the defense."

When Yamaguchi heard what the brigade commander said, he thought for a moment and said, "Your Excellency, brigade commander, the equipment of the local troops is always worse than that of the central army. Why don't we wait."


Sakai looked at Yamaguchi in front of him, his eyes full of confusion.

Matsui was a good friend of Yamaguchi, and he understood what Yamaguchi had planned at a glance.

"Your Excellency, the brigade commander, you have come a long way and are exhausted. Why don't I concentrate my forces to attack the Gui army and contain the special agent group?"

This... has to be said to be a good approach.

If you can't defeat the Central Army, how can you say that you can't defeat the Gui Army?

The Gui army is fierce, both in hand-to-hand combat and fearless of death, but their equipment is always unsatisfactory. It is indeed much easier to attack the Gui army by yourself.

"You are right, we should indeed wait." Sakai took out a cigarette and lit it and took a deep breath; "Stop the attack, repair the position, send out observation posts, and be alert to the enemy's counterattack against us."

This chapter has been completed!
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