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Chapter 608 Let's Get Takeshita Toshi's Matter First

Chapter 608 Let’s deal with Jun Takeshita first

Author: little instructor

Chapter 608 Let’s deal with Jun Takeshita first

But there are many things that you cannot control yourself.

He is only temporarily leading the special agent team.

Temporarily means that there is still a commander coming from above.

What if a stupid young man comes here? As his deputy, how dare I disobey him?

"Captain, my subordinates understand what the captain means, but what about the superiors?"


This is indeed a trouble. Takeshita Jun glanced at the special agent soldier sitting not far away.

He knew very well that if Zhou Weiguo found out about his dismissal, he would definitely use this time to find his special agent team and take action.

Shigeru Miyamoto, as his assistant, can be regarded as loyal to him.

I wouldn't bear it if he really lost his life.

"If it really doesn't work, you can learn from the Fourth Division." Takeshita Shun thought for a long time and could only give Miyamoto Shigeru an idea that he felt was embarrassing.

But there is no way around it.

Isn't there a saying here?

It is better to die than live.

Miyamoto Shigeru was slightly stunned. He did not expect Takeshita Shun to say such a sentence.

But this also happened to prove that the captain in front of him really thought about himself.

"Understood, Captain." Shigeru Miyamoto nodded slightly, walked forward with Shun Takeshita, and finally put him in the car and watched him go away. Then he came back to finish the unfinished meal.

When Takeshita Jun left, Zhou Weiguo had already abandoned the motorcycle with Xiao Ya and Kobayashi Keiko.

This is already the front line of the battle between the two sides. Wearing this outfit, it is easy for our own people to come to investigate.

So Zhou Weiguo abandoned his motorcycle, took off the clothes of the Japanese soldiers, and put on the clothes of ordinary people here, using the terrain and the cover of the mountains and forests to prepare to return to the 74th Army.

After walking a certain distance, Zhou Weiguo decided to wait until the two of them had a rest before looking at the sweat on their foreheads.

"Let's take a rest." Zhou Weiguo pointed to the tree nearby and lightly patted the ground, letting Xiao Ya sit on the edge.

I took the kettle from Xiao Ya.

After Zhou Weiguo took a sip, he lightly patted his head.

He forgot one thing.

"What's wrong with you? Wei Guo." Xiao Ya asked in confusion when she saw Zhou Weiguo hit her on the forehead.

Zhou Weiguo glanced sideways at Xiao Ya; "I forgot, there is still one unsolved matter in Jinling."

When he went to Kyoto, Hisamiya told himself that he was in trouble, and he promised him that he would deal with the trouble for him when he came back from Kyoto.

But I thought of getting Takeshita Shun, but I forgot about these two brothers in trouble.

"Kyuugong and Jiuwei are in trouble. I promised them to come back and deal with it. I completely forgot about it."

Xiao Ya thought for a while; "How about I go to Jinling and you take Xiaolin Huizi back." Xiao Ya also knew.

Jiugong and Jiuwei are Weiguo's best spies in Jinling. One of these two people can provide protection for the special agent team, but the other can use the power in his hands to quickly defeat Weiguo and even others.

Others are sent to the location closest to their destination.

Their business is also their own business.

"No, you are not allowed to go. I don't trust him. Let's go back first and find his senior brother for our little girl Xiaolin first."

When I left, there was already action over there.

Maybe Takeshita Shun has been dismissed from his post.

My time is very tight. I have to go back quickly and win over Shun Takeshita first.

The trouble they have is not a big trouble, and those few people won't cause much trouble to them.

After Xiao Ya heard what Wei Guo said, she didn't say anything anymore. Instead, she came to Xiaolin Huizi and talked to her.

After resting for half an hour, the three of them set off again.

After crossing a hillside and confirming that this area was under his own control, Zhou Weiguo dared to come out and find the commander of the troops stationed in the local defense. He asked for a motorcycle and asked about the current location of the special agent group.

Just rush over there.

It was already afternoon when we arrived at the regimental headquarters.

Zhou Weiguo was deeply worried about Takeshita Jun. He just told Jiang Yue and Tian Jing to take care of Keiko Xiaolin, but he took Xiao Ya to the military headquarters in a hurry.

The current location of the military headquarters is no longer in a village, but at the foot of a hillside.

The villages and towns here may now be bombed by the Japanese army at any time.

Just the day before yesterday, a military headquarters of the Sichuan Army was attacked by Japanese bombers. Several people died.

General Yu dragged his generals out of the town girls' school as soon as he got Xiao Xiaoqi.

Then we arranged it in such a place where it was easy to evacuate into the forest.

Even so, anti-aircraft machine guns were still placed on the surrounding commanding heights.

A lot of branches have been set up above the military tent to provide shelter.

When Zhou Weiguo entered, he saw Boss Yu discussing the military situation with Commander Feng beside him.

It's been a while since I've seen this guy.

Suddenly, Zhou Weiguo found that he was much thinner than before, and he was also very tired.

This may have something to do with the war situation during this period.

In the past, the 74th Army was a second-line unit along the Nanxun Line, and it would not affect his rest. But now, it has been suppressed and it is still elite.

This man who dared to fight the Japanese army with a bayonet until his intestines were stabbed without leaving the position naturally had to deal with the command of how to block the Japanese army as much as possible.

Anyway, everyone knows for sure that Wuhan may not be able to hold on, but we must buy some time for the subsequent relocation.

"Report, the head of the secret service group, Zhou Weiguo, is hereby..."

Zhou Weiguo arranged his military uniform and took Xiao Ya in. Before he finished speaking, Yu Xiucai glanced at him sideways and said, "Mother Xipi, don't come here with these empty words. Let's talk about the results of this period of time."

When Tian Jing came back, she already told herself that Zhou Weiguo had run back again.

It just so happened that now that he was free, he also wanted to know what surprise Zhou Weiguo, who had gone to Jinling several times to get this man, brought to him.

Zhou Weiguo saw him looking so excited.

He also gave an overview of what happened to his party in Kyoto. When he mentioned that he burned down several streets and blew up a temple that enshrined Japanese military plaques, Yu Xiucai's face narrowed.


He doesn't need to go, but hearing this is enough to make him happy.

"Okay, it's done well. That's it. We can't defeat them from the front, but we can work in small groups to penetrate behind them. Not bad, not bad. You are my treasure."

Yu Xiucai patted Zhou Weiguo on the shoulder with a pleased expression.

Zhou Weiguo coughed slightly. The word "baby" made his scalp numb. He didn't know what he would ask this person to say next, so he quickly changed the subject; "Boss, I have a big thing to discuss with you."


(End of chapter)

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