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Chapter 654

Chapter 654 There is no other way

Author: little instructor

Chapter 654 There is no other way

The enemy's fleet can quickly maneuver and evacuate out of range to attack itself after suffering losses in the battle, but its own artillery cannot move so quickly.

Let him take aim, and then we will have no choice but to fight them to the death, and there are also marines.

Therefore, what I mainly take care of and even dig are artillery positions.

"Let him come over." Zhou Weiguo was too lazy to get up, so he sat on the ground and looked at the river in the distance.

After a while, a man in his fifties wearing a gray Mao suit and wearing eyes came to Zhou Weiguo, bowed slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Captain Zhou, if you have any orders, just explain them, and I will try my best to help you.

Guard this place."

Zhou Weiguo and the county magistrate are on the same level, but one is in charge of the army and the other is in charge of the people. But now, because of the order from the superior, County Magistrate Wang can be mobilized by himself.

Zhou Weiguo stretched out his hand to shake hands with County Magistrate Wang and said.

"The matter is urgent. The Japanese army will arrive in a few days. If so, I won't be polite. I also ask County Magistrate Wang to mobilize the local people and come over as soon as possible to help us build defenses. We need to use the conditions here to build

Only in this way can we build strong defenses to block the Japanese naval guns and protect our soldiers as much as possible."

County Magistrate Wang nodded after hearing this: "Okay, I will make arrangements right away. In addition, I have also started preparing food for your department."

"Thank you very much." Zhou Weiguo thanked the nearly sixty-year-old county magistrate again and asked Yang Dali to send him off.

As soon as the county magistrate left, Zhou Weiguo asked Tian Jing to take out the topographic map of this area and lay it on the ground.

The terrain here is not very different from the map.

Zhou Weiguo squatted on the ground and drew seven or eight points on the river based on the surface below.

These points are the locations of the anti-aircraft machine gun positions and the two anti-aircraft artillery positions. As for Li Dequan's artillery battery, they have been pushed back. Their combat mission is not to compete head-on with the opponent's fleet at that time.

Instead, it will be used to deal with their attacking marines when the enemy fleet cannot break through.

As for the east side, where the Japanese army may mobilize troops, there are already troops from the 51st Brigade blocking it. That's what you have to deal with. Don't worry about the rest.

As for when the time comes, if his infantry cannot stop him and rushes forward to overwhelm his deployment, it is not his own responsibility.

"Let's go and take a look at these points. If they are not suitable, we must make changes quickly so that anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery can suppress Japanese ships in a certain area or even in multiple directions."

Takeshita Jun probably understood what Zhou Weiguo said.

This bastard uses anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery to deal with enemy destroyers.

"You're going to use these against their destroyers."

Takeshita Jun stood up and looked at Zhou Weiguo and asked.

Zhou Weiguo sighed; "There is nothing we can do about it. If I had armor-piercing bullets, I wouldn't use this method.

If it's an armor-piercing projectile, then it can only be an anti-aircraft machine gun. After all, it's for dealing with aircraft. It's easy to use.

Although aircraft and ships are made of different materials, the problem is such a close distance, and the Japanese destroyers are actually not very armored, so there is still a chance of victory when the time comes.

"There's nothing we can do about this." The way Zhou Weiguo spread his hands made Takeshita Jun sigh slightly.

Xiao Ya heard this sigh and looked at Takeshita Jun; "Is it difficult this time?"

I don't know if it's difficult or not, but Takeshita Jun vaguely felt that General Yu might have been tricked by Zhou Weiguo again.

Among the seven or eight points, except for the second and fifth points which are not suitable, the rest are suitable.

Zhou Weiguo asked the first and second battalions to build infantry fortifications, and also transferred two companies from the third battalion to assist the artillery in building fortifications.

The requirements for fortifications this time were very strict.

Anti-aircraft machine guns and artillery must be placed in a circular tunnel. The requirement is that under this circular defense, the anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery can fire freely. In addition, ammunition needs to be dug out to store ammunition in caves, and soldiers also need to be built to avoid each other.

A shelter from intensive bombing.

Sandbags also need to be stacked on top to form a layer of defense.

The digging of trenches began at noon. Several battalions of troops and local people began to help build fortifications.

As for the two heavy artillery pieces, Zhou Weiguo placed them halfway up the mountain, which were the only heavy firepower of the special agent regiment.

Zhou Weiguo did not intend to move these two artillery pieces in the early stage.

The key is, don't dare to move. If you move, the other party will notice.

With the help of the people, the land will be easier to dig.

The excavated soil can be piled on top. There is no waste at all. Two days later, the entire position already has a different appearance.

Anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery positions were put into position.

As for the bunker at the regiment headquarters, this time because it had to carry the opponent's naval guns, it was dug and dug, and a lot of sandbags were piled on top.

This also results in a very small space. If one or two tables are placed together with a bunch of radio stations, there is almost no extra space.

After breakfast, Zhou Weiguo took Jiang Yue and several others to the front to inspect the position.

After coming back, he took a sip from the teapot from Tian Jing and knocked on the desk.

"Tomorrow morning at the latest, our defenses will be almost complete, and we will be able to fight them by then."


Before Jiang Yue responded to Zhou Weiguo's words, Xiao Ya, who was at the radio station, came over with a telegram.

Looking at Xiao Ya's melancholy face.

Zhou Weiguo frowned and asked, "What's wrong, Xiao Ya?"

"Weiguo, there is no blocking in front. I'm afraid the Japanese army will come over early."

Not blocked.

Zhou Weiguo received the telegram, which was sent from the military headquarters.

It probably means that the Gui army has not been able to hold on, and the enemy has already occupied the front. I am afraid that they will arrive early, so I must hold on here for three days.

"This doesn't give me time to repair the entire fortification." Zhou Weiguo put the message aside and walked out of the bunker.

From a bunker, you can see a lively scene in the entire Duckbill Bend. People and soldiers carrying firearms are rapidly building fortifications.

"Map." Zhou Weiguo glanced at this place, then turned his attention to the river and said.

Tian Jing took out the map from the side, and the guard at the side took it and opened the map.

"When was it lost over there?" Zhou Weiguo estimated the distance and asked after looking at the diva.

"An hour ago."

An hour ago, that is to say, the Japanese army may have already set off to come here.

This is really not the right time.

(End of chapter)

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