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Chapter 81

Chapter 81 You won’t retreat even if it’s blown up

Author: little instructor

Chapter 81 You won’t retreat even if it’s blown up

Fight to the death and never retreat,

On the ground mixed with weeds, rainwater and soil, the khaki corpses laid out have formed a beautiful landscape.

The roar of the machine guns still did not stop. Every moment, soldiers fell down, and then the waiting soldiers expressionlessly pushed the bodies to the side, took the machine guns, and started shooting at the Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese army suffered heavy losses, and no one felt better. There were no less than three layers of corpses laid out in the trenches where rain had accumulated, and around the machine gun positions.

"Battal Commander, what's going on with the Japanese troops? What's going on with them? The casualty ratio has almost reached two to one. Why don't they retreat?" Hu Yong ran over and didn't pay attention to the corpses in the trench.

He tripped and fell to the muddy ground. When he got up, he simply wiped his face with his hands and came to Zhou Weiguo and asked.

Zhou Weiguo glanced at the Japanese troops who still had no intention of evacuating. He estimated in his mind that the old boy Sakata had forced him into a dilemma.

The casualties were approaching two to one, which was unbearable for the Japanese army. If Sakata wanted to get rid of his current guilt, he had to win this, otherwise, he would be tried by a military court.

Either endure the casualties and charge forward, or go to court-martial. These were his only two options.

A general's achievements are worthless. Sakata wanted to use the lives of his soldiers to wash away the shame of his inability to win the position.

"He has no way out." Zhou Weiguo muttered and mechanically pulled the gun bolt.

Hu Yong seemed to understand and said, "Batalion Commander, fighting like this won't work. We can't afford it. Let's think of a way."

Looking for a way? Zhou Weiguo clenched his teeth and looked around. There were casualties again. Looking at the soldiers behind him, there were not many left.

The solution? Zhou Weiguo narrowed his eyes. If there is still a solution now, it is to find Sakata and kill or injure him. Only in this way can the attacking Japanese troops evacuate.

But the problem was that the Japanese army was attacking so fiercely, and it was not easy to find him among so many people.

You always have to give it a try, otherwise today will be the day when the entire spy camp is destroyed. Zhou Weiguo reached out and smeared his cheeks and helmet with mud again, and stuck his head out to observe.

The dense Japanese troops endured casualties and launched a suicidal charge. The Japanese troops who fell to the ground rolled in the mud, but the Japanese troops who followed up ignored them and moved forward.

Not seeing it, Zhou Weiguo turned around and pulled Hu Yong: "You have good eyesight, look for me. Look for the one with the command knife. The one with the red knife tassel on the pendant is Sakata."

When Hu Yong heard this, he hurriedly opened his eyes stained with muddy water. Finally, he shouted excitedly: "Batalion Commander, at eleven o'clock, where are those people standing?"

Zhou Weiguo hurriedly looked over with a telescope. Five or six people were located in the middle of the enemy. There was a man in a white shirt holding a command sword with a red handle. Beside him, there were five or six elite soldiers. This did not count.

, the key is that he still stayed in the same place and did not move. The one who could stay in the same place without getting shot was definitely that old boy Sakata.

"Zhou Tong." Zhou Weiguo turned his head and shouted, but the sound of gunfire covered it up, and Zhou Weiguo, who received no response, shouted again.

"Batalion Commander, Zhou Tong has begged to die just now." Zhou Jin responded from not far away.

This... was just a moment of confusion. Zhou Weiguo pushed Hu Yong and said, "Go, bring me the mortar here. I'm going to blow him up to death today."

Hu Yong groaned and ran out to carry a mortar covered in earthy yellow mud, and behind him were two artillerymen.

He came to Zhou Weiguo and gasped, sitting in the trench filled with mud and water; "The artillery is gone, only these few people are left."

That's enough. Zhou Weiguo observed the movements of the dozen or so people and did not look back. Instead, he hummed and said, "The ruler data has been adjusted. The density is..."

Sakata really had no choice. On the one hand, he had a bright future, but on the other hand, his military career was ruined.

He was determined to dye his lapels red with the lives of soldiers.

If you win the position and suffer heavy casualties, the commander of the regiment will let you go. If you fail to win the position and the casualties are heavy, then death awaits you.

Someone is always needed to top the tank, and the most suitable person for this is myself.

He can only attack, even if the current casualty ratio is close to two to one, as long as he takes the position. This is victory.

Victory was in sight, and there were only the last fifty meters before victory. Sakata's gloomy face revealed a happy smile, and he slid the command knife forward, narrowed his eyes, and drew the command knife across: "Attack."


Before he could finish speaking, a shell exploded around him. The shrapnel directly cut his arm, while another piece of shrapnel quickly cut into his lower abdomen. He was bleeding and unconscious, and could only listen.

The soldiers around me shouted in panic: "Your Excellency, the captain, is injured."

It was over. At the last moment when he lost consciousness, he knew clearly that the soldier's shouts and the offensive he had built up with pressure were ruthlessly defeated.

The Japanese army withdrew, but the entire position was not calm. The wounded Japanese soldiers in the distance and the wails of the wounded soldiers on the position made Zhou Weiguo sit down behind the red muddy water a little decadently. Looking at the corpses of the soldiers accumulated around him, Zhou Weiguo let

Jin went to report the casualties.

The losses were heavy. In this round of head-on confrontation, although a large number of Japanese soldiers were killed, nearly a hundred people were killed, including the previous battles.

The secret service battalion was once again on the verge of total destruction. There were no wounded soldiers to be removed from the position. In addition to those who could fight here, there were only about 220 people left. The rest were fighting back and forth with the Japanese army.

After a few hours, it was gone.

The rain stopped, but there was no change in the turbid ground. The only thing that changed was that the turbidity in the trenches was mixed with the blood of some soldiers, and there were red puddles everywhere.

Zhou Weiguo wanted to see other places, but there was no place to step down. The ground was full of corpses, and it would be easy to step on them if he stepped down.

They were already dead, killed in battle, and I couldn't disrespect their corpses.

Unable to move, Zhou Weiguo took two deep breaths to calm himself down and used a telescope to observe the situation of the Japanese troops on the ground.

The Japanese troops in the distance seemed to be licking their wounds. It looked like they would launch a new round of attack soon.

Are you obsessed with me? Zhou Weiguo bit his lips and looked at the Japanese troops who were once again gathering under the guidance of the flag in the distance. He cursed in his heart and squeezed the mud tightly with his hands. With resentful eyes, he turned his eyes to the person sitting next to him.

Soldiers resting on the ground.

"If we come here again, our camp will be gone." Hu Yong said in frustration from the side. When Zhou Weiguo heard this, although he felt a little uncomfortable, he had to admit that Hu Yong was telling the truth.

(End of chapter)

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