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Chapter 119: The Sutra Pavilion

Chapter 119 Sutra Pavilion

Author: 54 Qujiang

Chapter 119 Sutra Pavilion

Jiang Su did not go back to rescue Kufeng, she went to the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion on the main peak.

Inside the Sutra Pavilion.

There were seven or eight books piled on the ground at the feet of the girl in green, all of which were related to formations.

"This method won't work... If it is sealed with extreme cold or extreme heat, it will cause too much damage to the body, and she may not be able to bear it."

"Clatter, crash, crash -" there was a sound of turning a book.

The girl carefully placed the book on the bookshelf behind her. The position was no different from when she read it before, and she pinched the book again.

Cleansing one's body was impossible, and in an instant the side pages of the book were covered with dust again.

Jiang Su arched his back, picking at the pile of books at his feet, and finally took out an even more shabby book.

As soon as he put it on his lap, the book fell apart and a page fell out. Fortunately, Jiang Su had quick eyes and quick hands and put it back in place.

"Hiss... How can this book be as broken as the book on forbidden arts in my father's study? I turned a few pages and it couldn't be broken into puzzle pieces... How can I read this..."

She fumbled gently with the cover, trying to find the first page among the densely packed side pages.

Fingernails separated the first few pages along the side pages, slowly and carefully.

"No, the front pages of this book cannot be opened. If I force them open, I'm afraid they will be damaged and the text will not be read clearly."

The girl was fierce and determined,

"Forget it, let's try our luck from the middle." There was no need for her to dwell on it. The things she wanted to check were basic, but unusual in some aspects.

She had read the basic parts in other books, and now she was looking up the books just for the inspiration of the unusual parts.

The pages in the middle part are not difficult to open, but they are a bit broken, and the page that just fell out came from it.

As if remembering something, Jiang Su first held down the loose page that fell out to prevent it from falling again, and then started reading from the top of the page.

"Water... river... river... sea..."


"The upper part of its blood corresponds to the tai yin, and the lower part corresponds to the ocean tide. The moon has its waxing and waning, and the tide corresponds to day and night..."

"Eh? Isn't this what is said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica"?" Jiang Su quickly used his fingers to carefully wipe away the dust behind the word "xi".

Although the page was torn, she could still recite the original text based on the words "月", "行", "信", "水" and "月" at the back.

"Women's yin type is mainly composed of blood. The upper part of the blood corresponds to the Taiyin, and the lower part corresponds to the sea tide. The moon has waxing and waning, and the menstrual events are consistent with each other, so it is called moon water, moon letter, and menstruation."

"This paragraph talks about women's menstruation. Taiyin refers to the moon, which means that women's menstruation corresponds to the waxing and waning of the moon in the sky, and corresponds to the rising and rising tide of the sea on the ground."

When Jiang Su said this to himself, he suddenly laughed sarcastically and kept pointing his fingers at this dilapidated passage.

The girl with a crazy face exclaimed loudly: "This is the common frequency of the human body structure, the moon and the tides! This is such a wonderful natural law and the law of heaven! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

"Li Yahahahahahahahahahahahaha he even turned into a man hahahahahaha"

The arc at the corners of the girl's mouth could not be suppressed, almost tearing both sides of her cheeks apart, exposing her gums and jawbones.

"Women are yin and follow the tides and the moon. They are the closest connection between mortals and heaven and earth. Which race can ignore the laws of heaven and nature and exist alone in the world?"

Men are yang...that is, they are yang."

"So..." the girl said, wagging her toes leisurely.

"If a female cultivator does not menstruate, she has cut off the connection between heaven and earth, and is truly going against heaven. The Great Dao is fifty, the Heavenly Evolution is forty-nine, and humans can escape even one of them. What kind of path is this?"

There was no regret on the girl's face, and good words could not persuade the damned one. Anyway, Li Ya's matter had nothing to do with her.

"Tide... tide coexistence..."

Her eyes fell on this page again, and she was wondering why there was "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion in the world of cultivation. The author of this book was Li Shizhen, a physician in her previous life in the Ming Dynasty.

There is no Ming Dynasty here, so where did this book come from?

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly.

First, there are people who wear books like me and bring this kind of knowledge with them.

Secondly, it is an old-fashioned plot. The author sets this book after the extinction of human beings in the previous life.

Third, the monks stepped through the void and went to the places they brought back in their own time...

"It's very possible. After all, I can't even be sure whether the memory about the original book in my mind is true or false..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Su's fingertips began to tremble again, and the girl felt as if her eyeballs had grown legs and were about to move out of their sockets.

The shaking of his fingers scattered the pages in his hand, like large and small puzzle pieces scattered on both sides of Jiang Su.

She suddenly raised her head, her neck bent into a huge arc, and the hairpin on the back of her head was already touching the spine of her back. This time, her eyes were hanging down from her forehead, and her two eyeballs were looking at her from all directions.

Things in the bookcase behind.

It's a hand.

"Who are you……!!!"

The hand suddenly stretched out from the bookshelf behind her, grabbed the girl's two eyeballs and played with them like walnuts.

The blood vessels involved in the eyeball have long been severed, and blood is flowing into the girl's hair.

"It's so cold..." Jiang Su subconsciously wanted to touch the top of his head, but in the end his left hand kept rubbing his chin, which was tilted back to the sky.

"Isn't it cold here?" She didn't feel the coolness she felt, so she directly pressed her thumb into her mouth. This time, it was moist.

Drool flowed from the corner of her mouth into her nasal cavity and two empty eye sockets, and flowed along with the blood on the bookshelf.

The girl's consciousness blurred again...

The hand rested on the bookcase on her back, and the girl's right sleeve was empty.



Pulao couldn't help being hungry, and finally had a seizure and ate most of the pile of high-grade spiritual stones in the storage bag. The crunching sound came from the cub's cheeks.

Green spiritual energy wanders in the gaps between the dark scales on the body, and green energy is mixed with black energy. The two compete for position under the scales, whether to overturn one or two scales.

"It hurts so much!!! It hurts so much!!!" Pulao was rolling in pain, lying on the pile of spiritual stones and rubbing his own scales.

It screamed in a child-like tone: "Mother! Mother! Woohoo!"

The sound shattered the space array of the storage bag, directly penetrated the girl's eardrum, and entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

Jiang Su suddenly covered his ears and shook his head. The blood vessels that were pulled out of his eye sockets drooped on his forehead.

She can't see it.

The girl hit the bookshelf behind her with her face like a trapped animal. The horizontal wooden board got stuck on the bridge of her nose.


The collision between the bridge of her nose and the wooden board became more and more severe, and the crunching sound was the sound of broken bones. Her eardrum was punctured, and she could no longer hear.

There is only the sound of Pulao that reaches directly into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The girl's red lips opened and closed slightly, muttering to herself in broken and incomplete words.

"Mother... dear... what is...?"

"My mother is...a swordsman...called the fifth...show"

"She is very pretty."

"Beautiful... Jiajia"

"Jiajia...and little senior sister..."

(End of chapter)

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