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Chapter 239: Entrance to the Demon Realm?

Jiang Su didn't show it on her face, but in her heart she was dumbfounded.

This spinning shape is very similar to the candles that were inserted on the cake during birthdays and would suddenly burst into flames and play music?!

After two breaths, Bingjiao's spinning speed slowly slowed down and finally stopped.

The tip of the only lotus leaf connected to its rhizome was pointed towards the south of the yard.

"South? What's in the south? Can it still make me rich?"

Bingjiao shook the lotus leaf excitedly.

"Hmm... It seems that Xiao Bingjiao and I need to develop a better understanding. I can't understand you at all when you're wandering around like this."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly and went through the people and things in this direction in his mind one by one.

There is Xiao Shiyu, my father's yard, and there are Liu Yunqing and Zhang Yunsheng who are unconscious.

Wait! The sect competition is about to begin! The main plot is about to begin? Why haven’t they woke up yet??? Or are they already awake but paralyzed on the bed?

And Xiao Shiyu! He has to pay me dividends! I said we can make a fortune here!

Jiang Su turned around and entered the alchemy room without looking back. Before closing the door, she remembered that there were two spiritual beasts and a spirit in the yard.

"Yaizhen, Pulao, you have also seen that my yard is densely packed with all kinds of spiritual plants, which are expensive. If I see some damage to them after I come out, then..."

"You all just go back into my storage bag and never come out again."

The girl said harsh words, and with a sound of "puff--", the door of the alchemy room was closed tightly.

Yaizhen placed the Pulao on his shoulder on top of his head, then stood on tiptoes in front of Bingjiao's water tank.

"Jingxin Pills must be refined. Now, the materials for the last batch of Turtle-shell Spirit Bamboo are almost gone. It's too late to plant them again. I can only buy them from the store after I use them up."

"Or you can also check out the black market..."

The girl shook her head, frowning, rubbing her fingers in the rattan basket of the medicine shelf, and sniffing lightly with the tip of her nose.

"Put some light bamboo leaves..."

"Hmm... I'll also add a little of this, as well as the Qingjia fruit, a spiritual material unique to the world of cultivation and its effects are always unexpected. The fruit I added last time is obviously a heat-clearing medicine. Once it turns into a paste, it will directly burn the stove.


"Nourishing yin and clearing heat...and then removing heart fire."

The frame in Jiang Su's hand was filled with fresh spiritual plants from the medicine shelf. The power of the medicine shelf's barrier and static storage was extraordinary.

The girl sat skillfully on the round cushion in the middle of the alchemy room. The medicine frame was placed aside. The six-turn furnace was taken out from the storage bag and placed in front of her.

"I haven't made alchemy for several days...I really miss you."

"First make the Jingxin Pill, and then... the medicine that nourishes the consciousness, eh, what medicine should I make to nourish the consciousness and help the two of them recover???"

"The kidneys govern the bones and generate marrow, and the brain is the sea of ​​marrow. Although there is no such thing as spiritual consciousness in the past life, in the final analysis, it is all a matter of the brain. The kidneys must be replenished."

When the girl reached this point while talking to herself, she suddenly froze, staring directly at the six-turn furnace at a loss.

"Wrong, wrong...no, there are five gods hidden in the five internal organs. The meaning of this god is more in line with the definition of divine consciousness in the world of cultivation."

"If I only consider the brain, this symptom, and decide to use kidney-tonifying medicine, wouldn't it be too negligent and not identifying the cause..."

"The spirit among the five internal organs has a holistic meaning, which includes the spirit, soul, mind, soul, and will stored in the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys respectively."

"So...if we want to discuss the spiritual consciousness in the world of cultivation, we should correspond to this second theory."

"But..." The girl frowned unconsciously as she murmured, and turned the corners of her mouth to both sides.


"It has to do with all the five organs, but my body is still healthy. How do I treat this thing?"

Jiang Su held his head in his hands. His back, which had been straight when he was sitting cross-legged, immediately bent down, and he pushed his elbows on his thighs.


In her previous life, had she ever seen someone who was extremely healthy but had their brains swapped with someone else's?

"If you cut off the water with a knife, the water will flow more. If you raise a cup to relieve your sorrow, your sorrow will become even more sorrowful..."

"How to treat this..."

"I haven't seen the river water cure this disease..."

Jiang Su was suddenly startled again, and the next moment he slapped his thigh with his hand.

"That's right! My father, Jiang Shuiliu, is also in the Demon Realm! I don't know how, so I'll ask him directly! He is a medical fairy, and he must know how to treat Liu Yunqing and Zhang Yunsheng after they recover."

The girl touched her chin with her hand and said seriously: "You can also ask... what to do with Fang Zhe's consciousness... After all, he is also my patient. I hope he is still alive..."

"Make the Jingxin Pill first before going!"

The girl geared up, straightened her back again, and said seriously: "The little alchemy slave is here, open the door of the six-turn furnace!"

The six-turn furnace, which is hung with golden bells, is very majestic. The ringing of the bells is clear and ringing, and the lid of the furnace is suspended in the air.

Jiang Su pinched his fingers and calculated, Xu Shi.

Walk on the pericardium meridian, summon the Xu fire, red!

The next second, a small red fire fell leisurely on the fingertips, jumping from the index finger to the middle finger, and then landed on the ring finger in an instant.

"Quite lively..."

Jiang Su threw all the spiritual materials in the medicine box into the alchemy furnace. She was in a hurry. If she counted her things, they would be one after another.

With his fingertips forward, Xu Shihuo rushed into the fire door under the alchemy furnace with great interest.


The lid of the six-converter furnace fell instantly, and the copper bells and golden bells corresponded in pairs.

Jiang Su's spiritual power burst out from his fingertips, and he exquisitely controlled every spiritual material in the alchemy furnace. The light bamboo leaves turned from green to light yellow, and all the vitality and pulp turned into juice and gas.

The fire jumped upwards, burning several spiritual plants into ashes, which fell to the bottom of the furnace.

This time, practice makes perfect for Jiang Su, and there is no pressure. However, if you want this batch of Jingxin Pills to have the same effect as the first version of Jiang Su’s daily Jingxin Pills, you still need to make this batch of Jingxin Pills.

There was some blood on her fingertips.

The girl put the index finger of her right hand to her mouth, biting her white teeth on the slightly calloused fingertip, grinding the skin gently and lingeringly. The next moment, she bit it suddenly, and the smell of blood entered her mouth along the taste buds on the tip of her tongue.

She stretched out her tongue to lick off the first drop of blood and threw the second drop into the fire.

"Last time, I used the Jingxin Pill to rub the remaining blood energy of the Fire Bamboo Pill. This time, I gave you the fingertip blood specially for this furnace pill. The effect of the medicine...it's hard to say."

Jiang Su's lips were originally pale and pale, but now they were stained with a little vermilion. The firelight reflected her bones, and there was something... strange that was inconsistent with her age.

The girl made a secret with her left hand, and typed the plain characters into a talisman into the furnace, which was a sign of anti-theft.

A column of incense on the incense table in the distance burned out, and the lid of the six-turn furnace also flew up.

Xu Huo was not exhausted, and rushed straight to Jiang Su's fingertips, jumping up and down on her fingers happily.

Jiang Su's attention did not fall here, and he devoted all his attention to the elixir in the furnace.

This time, the Jingxin Pill is as bright red as fire, crystal clear, and the round and smooth surface is like a red agate.

"There are about fifty pills this time, and the number of elixirs is still the same. Moreover, I don't have the decadent feeling of exhaustion of spiritual power that I had when I used the forbidden technique for the first time."

"It should be because my cultivation level has improved..."

Jiang Su stretched his five fingers forward, and all the Jingxin Pills flew out of the furnace and into the small wooden box that had been prepared on the ground.

Jiang Su rubbed his calf a few times, stood up and pushed the door open.

"It's really troublesome to have to go to the Demon Realm again..."

This chapter has been completed!
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