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Chapter 177 Its all illness

After the sick doctor awakens, he has many evil friends. Chapter 177 is all about sick Jiang Su's "waking up". Different from waking up from sleep in the past, people will open their eyes when they wake up.

Her eyelids were ripened by the residual heat in the alchemy furnace, and her muscles no longer had the ability to move again. When she woke up from the dream, she closed her eyes tightly.

Ordinary people would not be able to hold a cup of hot tea steadily due to hot hands, but now Jiang Su's entire body had been burned off a layer of skin. Although the cassock in front of her had a dark pattern barrier, it was also damaged by the high temperature. Half of her body

When you step into the alchemy furnace, it feels like you are being cooked.

Jiang Su's head shook slightly, her teeth tightened from loose to tight, and her body had been trembling from the moment she regained consciousness.

"It's so hot...Tan, Tan'an." Jiang Su spoke with a bit of a tongue.

Her tongue had been burnt into strips by eating dried meat at high temperatures, and had lost all flexibility. If it hadn't been caught by her teeth, Jiang Su could have imagined her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Zhe was not blind. Jiang Su looked different this time from the previous times when he got sick. He was even worse.

On weekdays, he would only pull out his eyes and burst blood vessels, leaving blood all over his fair skin.

This time, the front half of her body was gone and melted. Not to mention whether she was wearing clothes or not, she was no longer in human form. Jiang Su's chest, belly, and the large area of ​​skin in front of her body were all bloody, with black flesh mixed with red and white.

She has trained half of her body and fried half of her body.

Alchemy has always been divided into inner elixirs and outer elixirs. In the modern era of Jiang Su's previous life, there were also some hidden mystical inheritances, and relevant knowledge could be sought from online books from time to time.

For example, the traditional Chinese medicine she studied is close to Taoism. There is a school of Taoist medicine. Inner elixir is a mysterious and mysterious method of cultivating the golden elixir in the body, while outer elixir is to use a furnace to refine elixirs.

She had come into contact with Taoist priests who said they were cultivating inner alchemy, and she wanted to have a deeper understanding of the harmony of the five elements of the human body, but unfortunately their explanations were not satisfactory.

The world of cultivation does indeed present these two types directly.

She now has the golden elixir, but her whole body... was burned half to death with an elixir furnace. She looks like the unparalleled first person in the world who combines inner elixir and outer elixir.


What's wrong with me.

Jiang Su looked at his arms, which were now wrinkled and as rough as rotten tree bark. The scalded skin had blisters, and the yellow pus that flowed out soaked the cassock and stuck to the bloody "cooked meat."

She didn't panic and felt calm.

"I... am... ten, fifteen, years old this year. In the world of cultivation... I live... well... I also lived in my previous life... twenty years ago... one."


Every time the girl bends her fingers now, she will feel severe pain spreading along the edge of the raw and cooked meat to the muscles under the cooked meat. The feeling is very subtle.

It's not like the so-called salt and pepper crispy crust, which is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It's numb and spicy.

Numbness and pain after eating spicy food.

The girl suddenly smiled. When she curled her lips, her jaw had recovered a small amount of muscle. Although it was not as good as the Blood and Flesh Pill, it would not make her jaw drop.

Two lines of clear tears slipped from the corners of his eyes and dripped on the blood stains on his clothes. His face was inexplicably bulging and intertwined with red and yellow.

She closed her eyes and fumbled to take out the Flesh and Blood Pill from the storage bag. Her fingers had been burned and rotten, and the white bones were exposed from the flesh in one place, like a small sword hidden in the flesh.

Her finger bones were filled with burning pain. When she touched the elixir box, she subconsciously shook her arm, retracted it slightly, and in an instant she pressed the flesh and blood elixir box more firmly.

"Hehe, hehe."


"Cough hahahaha cough cough."

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva that overflowed around her tongue. When her head and body moved, her body subconsciously twitched slightly.

Jiang Su opened his mouth and personally put the Blood and Flesh Pill into his mouth, which was hung by threads of blood vessels and muscles. His tongue was unable to push it.

Miraculous elixirs are hard to find in this world, but they are easily available to medical practitioners.

Since ancient times, it has been difficult for doctors to heal themselves. She walked wrongly, stood wrongly, and couldn't sit or lie down.

"The way of heaven...it punishes me." Jiang Su could finally speak as clearly as before.

The burnt barbecue on the girl's body fell off like scales, and the white skin and black meat had hard edges, making a "squeaking" sound.

Red, yellow, and white were mixed together, all the unbroken blisters burst, and the pink and white flesh grew back from the rot. There was a clear boundary between the old flesh and the new flesh. It was a scar that was difficult to ignore.

"It came to me and took away my original life, but it didn't let me live more wantonly."

"It can't be like this..."

"It can't put shackles on me and let me experience the wider world first."

"I am a supporting role, I am a tool, and I am cannon fodder."

"But I'm human too..."

"I haven't had any leisure time for a long time. It's only been a little over a month since I woke up, but the things I do every day are like living for more than a few years."

"I can no longer diagnose patients. Someone will happen to kill me and destroy my clinic."

"I can no longer make elixirs. Someone will happen to ask for fame and step on me to climb up."

"I..." The girl's previous tone was calm. People often become calm when they are extremely angry.

The next moment, her tone suddenly changed to a nameless fire. Jiang Sushua stood up, shook hard from side to side to shake off the dirty things all over her body, and the hair on her head was stuck to the soaked skin.

Her face has returned to its usual appearance, with a white face and almond-shaped eyes with dark blue spots, and pupils as bright as a firefly.

Weakness, pain, and imminent death.


"I...I...not" Her body was shaky, her legs seemed to be unable to support her, and her limbs were shaking.

She turned around suddenly, raised her head, and pointed at Fang Zhe, who was dressed in red. She glared coldly and shouted angrily:

"I can't die!"

"Someone will happen to come looking for death, ha, come and wait for me to send him to hell hahahahahahahaha"

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha I'm laughing so hard, it's so funny hahahahahahahahaha." Jiang Su laughed so hard that her branches trembled wildly, and her body couldn't help but lean towards the blackened six-turn furnace behind her.

Fang Zhe was confused and had no idea what happened to the girl this time. He quickly grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled her to lean against him.

That stove made him feel... dangerous.

It was so dangerous that he thought the little doctor would die, just like when he came in...

Fang Zhe's heart suddenly throbbed. He hurriedly grabbed the girl and ran out of the alchemy room. He didn't want to stay here for another moment.

My heart aches, my heart is cut like a knife.

Very strange, very familiar feeling.

What's even more inappropriate is that his head is completely different at this time. Instead, it feels cool and soothing.


"Hahahahahahahaha" the girl laughed uncontrollably in front of her again.

Jiang Su was in a state of convulsions. Now even she, Fang Zhe, Yaizhen and Jinwa couldn't find a normal person in this courtyard.

The girl laughed loudly, the man was heartbroken, and the child was making friends with gold.

This chapter has been completed!
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