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Chapter 219: Cant Become an Immortal

As a monk, he will be hungry, which means that the root cause of his disease is his spleen and stomach! He is hungry! And he is unwilling to eat. This is the contradictory point of his body!

Blood stasis will only stagnate when it encounters cold. From this, we can know that this person's cold is stagnant in the spleen and stomach.

So this swordsman should take medicine!

The five elements are in conflict with each other, so pungent and hot medicines are used for cold syndrome. If Jiang Su thinks of blood stasis, the prescription Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction will appear in Jiang Su's sea of ​​​​consciousness. It can be seen from the name of the prescription that it can remove blood stasis.

Excellent product.

But this prescription is used to treat blood stasis in the chest, and it has nothing to do with this swordsman with spleen and stomach problems!

"I should..." Jiang Su picked up the pen and licked the ink, and the tip of the pen hovered on the rice paper. The girl hesitated rarely and muttered in her heart: "Why doesn't this monk follow the textbook when he is sick, especially these monks in the world of cultivation..."


Jiang Su suddenly woke up. She didn't show anything on her face, but in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, it was like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, rolling up thousands of piles of snow!

"This is the world of cultivation!"

"I'm stupid again! The physique of monks in the world of cultivation is far superior to ordinary people! Among the symptoms treated by Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction is hiccup. The reason is that the blood stasis in the chest affects the stomach, and the gastric qi rises and reverses, so the hiccups occur.


"In a nutshell, the blood stasis has affected his spleen and stomach! His spleen and stomach are not good, so the monk will feel hungry, and because as a monk, according to common sense, he is unwilling to eat. The two contradict each other!"

"This is the cause of the disease! You can use Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction!"

Jiang Su was full of energy, writing as if with divine help, black and white collided, and the ink marks on the rice paper occupied a large open space like vines growing wantonly.

The posture of the girl in green is as if she is playing a piece of peach stream water, the tone is wanton and public, and the skill hidden between her fingers is steady.


Jiang Su stopped writing, and the brush was slapped on the table. There were faint ink stains taking advantage of the opportunity to spatter. The girl looked at it as if it was nothing, quickly picked up the prescription and handed it to the sword cultivator opposite.

The sword cultivator took the piece of paper stained with ink and read the words on the paper with an expression of bewilderment.

Jiang Su's handwriting is slender and messy, with a strange aesthetic feeling, as if he wanted to write the famous thin gold in his previous life, but he also took apart the head and tail of the word. It reads:

"Peach kernel, safflower, angelica, rehmannia glutinosa, achyranthes root, Ligusticum chuanxiong, platycodon, red peony root, citrus aurantium, licorice, bupleurum."

The swordsman subconsciously read out the names of the medicinal materials. When he finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Jiang Su. The eyes of this man who thought he had no hope of seeking medical treatment were full of panic.

He choked in a low voice and stumbled a little: "This is?" He was very unsure, and he couldn't believe that this was a prescription that could cure him.

Moreover, he had known for a long time that the medical practitioners regarded his prescription as a secret.

What is she doing? Is she comforting me?

Jiang Su admired the extremely twisted grimace of the sword cultivator, chuckled, and glanced at him with the eyes of a fool who couldn't understand: "This is the prescription. Now in the sect competition, I can't make it for you.

I don’t have any of the spiritual materials above, so you need to find them yourself.”

The girl in green looked calm after explaining, and added: "After today, you can go to the Yusu Hall in Hongfeng Town at the foot of the mountain to find me. By the way, go there first to find out what spiritual materials are available, and which spiritual materials you need to buy at the merchant store yourself.


"I will make a decoction for you. If you don't like the trouble and effort involved in the decoction, there is nothing wrong with me directly refining it into a pill for you."

The hidden meaning of Jiang Su's words is ready to be revealed.

You can't die! You are so stupid!

After hearing Jiang Su's words, Jian Xiu had mixed feelings for a moment. His lips moved, and there were words stuck in his mouth. He didn't know where to start: "You..."

"Are you serious? You didn't lie to me..."

Jiang Suqi smiled, and her voice no longer contained a soothing tone. She mocked: "Yes, I am just lying to you. I have colluded with the medicine companies. As long as you buy these spiritual materials, they will give them to you."

You raised the price so hard that you complained about the lack of support from the sky and the earth. You looked at a way of survival ahead, but in the end you personally embarked on the dead end called poverty."

Jiang Su was speaking sarcastically, and it was not difficult for those present to tell. This girl in green is just a little girl. How could she let Yan Kuan Trading Company collude with her to raise the price? How much are these spiritual materials worth?

That was a giant in the world of cultivation. How could he be willing to lose his reputation for dozens or hundreds of spiritual stones?

Furthermore, the sword cultivator is holding this prescription. If he sells it, it will probably cost more than a few hundred taels, right?

This is a prescription written by the only daughter of the current Medical Immortal. This is the inheritance of the Medical Immortal! If any of the medical cultivators present were distracted and saw this scene, wouldn't they want to come over and take a look?

Jiang Su naturally also thought about whether this recipe could be spread externally, but in the end she let go.

"Can this prescription... really be given to me? How about I wait for you at the medical clinic you mentioned tomorrow, and Miss Lao Jiang will sell me the elixir directly..."

Jiang Su shook his head, with an indifferent expression and said, "No, don't bother me. I know what you mean. Do you think this is an immortal treasure inherited from the medical immortal?"

Jian Xiu nodded numbly, his sadness already shattered by the series of boulders.


The girl in green clothes curled her lips into a slight smile, and her mocking, cynical and light eyes suddenly turned into the thickness that they should have in the bricks and earthen walls.

"In our medical practice, there are some medical books that have been circulated in the market. The most famous one is from the pre-Qin to Han Dynasties. No one knows who created it. It was the first to open the door of medical knowledge to medical practitioners all over the world.


"Later, Mr. Zhang was born in a war, and two-thirds of his family died due to epidemics. He worked hard for decades and finally wrote an immortal work, which became a classic for doctors all over the world."

"There are also medical books, which have been passed down orally from generation to generation by thousands of families, and finally everyone compiled them into volumes and spread them throughout the world."

Speaking of this, Jiang Su paused for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyes from his dull and lifeless eyes to stare at the sword cultivator with a slightly crazy expression.

"So you said! These people have given up their selfish desires and seek eternal happiness for the people of the world. Shouldn't they..."

"Where's becoming an immortal?"

Jiang Su said that the first one is "Huangdi Neijing", known as the ancestor of medicine, the second one is "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", which was written by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing, and the third one is "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", which was collected and created by hundreds of schools of thought.

Jiang Su also studied medicine in this order.

But... they are all medical books from the present world, and they do not exist in the world of cultivation. The medical books in the world of cultivation today are also the rules and prescriptions that people in this world have obtained after thousands of years of exploration.

The rules remain the same, only the prescriptions are slightly different. This is because from time to time a certain herb or spiritual material appears, making Jiang Su unable to find any trace of it in this world.

"Become an immortal..." Jiang Su whispered in a low voice.

She knew clearly in her heart that where did she come from to become an immortal? These preachers in this world had long been turned into a pile of loess and buried in the mountains somewhere.

They cannot become immortals...

They are mortals.

This chapter has been completed!
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