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Chapter 231 Twelve Fires

The solution to the plague is not something that this world of cultivation can come up with overnight?! The number of people who will die before this is far more than the people who fled to Red Maple Town can measure.

In modern history, every plague pandemic has ended with the deaths of tens or even hundreds of millions of people.

Where do so many people come from in this world of cultivation?

This thing first occurred among rats, spread through rat fleas, and then spread to humans.

People who are bitten by rat fleas or slaughter infected animals can become infected through their own broken wounds.

First is the incubation period.

The vendor was still hawking on the street. He had no idea that he had been bitten by a rat flea. He touched the itchy spots on his legs and feet, didn't take it seriously, and casually cursed: "Where did the mosquito come from? It bit me to death!"

Two to eight days later.

He began to feel weak all over, with soreness in his lower back, a fear of cold, headache, high fever, ecchymosis on his skin, and the bites on his legs began to fester.

At this time, he didn't realize that it was serious, and said confusedly: "Why is there fluid flowing from the place where the mosquito bit me? My head hurts... It must have rained last night and I didn't close the window... Old lady!"

Two days later, he had swelling under his armpits and under his jaw, and the lumps began to thicken.

Three to five days later.

he died.

This is the experience of most mortals suffering from the plague. Only a few people gradually recovered from the bite wounds after high fever, and the people were cured.

Jiang Su thought about this, took out Qingsha from the storage bag and held it in his hand.

"This is the world of cultivation, and it is not a modern era where everyone has no worries about food and clothing. How can these mortals have the resistance to withstand the plague?!"

"Traditional Chinese medicine talks about Yang Qi... Now that dark clouds are hovering over the sun and the dead Qi covers the sky, how can there be Yang Qi?"

"Under metaphysics, hundreds of schools of Taoism have reached the highest level, but there are still mortals suffering from such catastrophes..."

Jiang Su suddenly ran forward, holding Su Su in front of her chest. She closed her eyes tightly and swung the sword suddenly like a full moon.

"This is not a divine punishment! It is a man-made disaster! There is an evildoer coming out of the world!"

When Qingsha touched the silent formation boundary, spiritual power gathered on the blade, and the boundary instantly shattered.

She couldn't see the flickering light, and there was only darkness in her eyes.

In an instant, an overwhelming number of flies attacked Jiang Su. The white maggots on the "Renzhu Tower" all raised their heads and smiled, and rushed towards Jiang Su's direction.

When the wind blows, it is like a black wall reaching the sky, making flies, white maggots and rats and fleas cheer for joy. They are liberated and they want to embrace this "benefactor."

Jiang Su took a step back, made a hand with his fingertips, and said loudly: "Whatever it is, Chou Yin Mao, it's already midnight. Today I want fire, and I want the fire of heaven and earth to come to me! Shen Youxu Hai, you can't postpone the principles of the sun and the moon."

, come quickly!!!"


Jiang Su stretched his palms wide open, and his ten fingers were arranged in order from the thumb to two cyan flames, two white flames, two yellow flames, two red flames, and two black flames.

They represent wood, metal, earth, fire and water respectively.

Corresponds to the liver and gallbladder, lungs and large intestine, spleen and stomach, heart and small intestine, bladder and kidneys.

"Don't be timid about the pericardium and the triple burner! They are the prime minister fire, so why be afraid of you!"

After the sound, two red flames floated outside the two palms.

The black wall came, and the twelve fires in the two palms connected with many filthy things. The flies, white maggots, rats and fleas were ignited by the twelve fires at the same time. The flames of the five elements each had their own home, and the filthy things instantly turned into ashes and disappeared in " Around "Ren Zhu Tower".

The silence formation boundary has been broken, and the place is still silent.

"Who is destroying the barrier here!!!"

A man shouted angrily not far behind Jiang Su. He raised his sword and stepped forward. His spiritual power was slanted by the wind and his murderous intent was overwhelming. The sword blade struck directly at Jiang Su's Tianling Cap.

The girl in green didn't turn around when she heard the voice, she just called out lightly:

"Senior Brother Liu, you are fine."


The five-color fire was still burning the entire "Human Zhu Tower", but neither the dead nor the half-dead mortals made any sound. Until someone slowly opened his eyes in the haze and pushed the other person who was curled up in front of him. With a familiar body, he said hoarsely: "Look...it's a Bodhisattva."

Look... it's... Bodhisattva.


At the foot of the mountain.

"Junior sister, can you do this? We have never learned how to summon time and fire. If you teach us this, Junior Uncle Jiang won't be angry, right?"

Shen Yunyang was carrying the Burning Evil Sword on his back, and his red hair was even more dazzling in the warm sun.

Under the ancient tree that reached the sky, a girl in green clothes sat in front of a wooden table, her eyes closed tightly, a thick stack of paper under her arm, and a pen in her other hand. The long hair of the pen tip left flying ink marks on the paper.

"It can work. This fire is not for my father's exclusive use. Which doctor in the world can't cultivate pills and implements this?"

"The fire summons summons the fire of twelve hours. The twelve hours correspond to one organ of the human body. By disrupting the rules of time, summoning the twelve fires at the same time can directly burn other things except the human body."

"This is the rule of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth! In addition to consuming more spiritual energy, well... prepare more spiritual storage pills."

Jiang Su was surrounded by a dense crowd of monks. Except for the medical cultivators who were shameless and sat next to her with benches, rubbing against her table to look at her, the rest of them had heard that Jiang Su had a strange trick and came to learn how to summon fire.

"Then what is the specific function of summoning the twelve fires by summoning fire on those mortals?"

A monk in the crowd frowned and asked, it's not that they didn't believe Jiang Su, even Tianji Pavilion sent someone to insist that only the daughter of the medical fairy could solve the matter.

They couldn't understand why the fire they set could directly burn people to death, but the fire Jiang Su set burned people, but no one was fine at all.

There was not even any sign of burns on the dead man's body.

"I told you, this is the fire of the five elements. The human body has its own five elements, so it won't hurt anyone."

"This is just setting a fire to burn rats, fleas, flies, and maggots. It is not burning away the disease in people. Those who died will have died long ago, and those who are affected by the disease are still sick."

"We, a large group of medical practitioners, are currently researching prescriptions for treating epidemic diseases."

"People will still die, but after setting fire, mortals who have not been infected with the disease will not be infected again. This is called eliminating the source of infection!"

For the first time, Jiang Su felt that he was tired of talking. It was clear that when he cursed people in the past, eight hundred sentences were not enough.

"Hey, come to us. Our weapon cultivators don't know how to do this, but we can also summon the fire of the five elements. We will teach you! Once you learn how to do it, go down and burn it. If you see someone, burn it!"

The eldest brother of Bailian Peak is named Bailiyan, and he is from the Baili family in the Northern Territory. The Baili family is also the only family in the Northern Territory that is proficient in the art of refining weapons. Nowadays, Feizhou and others in the world of cultivation are able to travel by day.

Baili's magical weapons are all from his family.

Advantages, good things, disadvantages, expensive things.

Bailiyan was tall, no different from his physical body. He put his giant hammer behind his back and started teaching fire.

He was sitting on a big stone, surrounded by other monks on three levels inside and three outside.

"First use your fingers to figure out what time it is now..."

"Shen Shi, then call Shen Shihuo. You must first remember that you are calling Shen Shihuo..."

"The time of Shen corresponds to the five elements of water, so it is appropriate to refine ice at this time..."

"Hey, what I want is the feeling of coldness! My fingertips are cold fire! Black!"

"There is no colorful black!"


Fortunately, I am blind, otherwise I would be blinded after seeing this scene.

This chapter has been completed!
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