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Chapter 27 The Secret of Central Capital 6

Chapter 27 The Secret of Zhongdu 6

Author: 54 Qujiang

Chapter 27 The Secret of Zhongdu 6

Zhongdu was the capital of the Jing Dynasty. It was divided into the outer city of Luoning City and the inner city of Le'an City. In Le'an City was located the Le'an Palace of the Emperor. The inner and outer cities were three hundred miles apart.

The scenery and forest scenery are quite different. The forests in the outer city are generally planted with low shrubs. However, the forests in the inner city are planted with some expensive trees.

"Looking back at Chang'an, there are piles of embroidery. Thousands of gates are opened on the top of the mountain. Zhongdu deserves to be at the feet of the emperor."

Jiang Su took out his personal belongings from the Qiankun bag - the medicine box and cover.

When Jiang Su was six years old, his father, a doctor, took him to a free clinic in a certain village. An old craftsman used a tree at home to make the medicine box for him. Jiang Su went to a shop to make it himself. Although these two things

They are not expensive, but they are meaningful and practical, and are most suitable for my status as a poor medical practitioner.

Once she failed to control the heat while making an elixir, and after the furnace exploded, she did not take off her Taoist robe that was covered in black ash, so she took these two things and went down the mountain to diagnose a patient.

As a result, she happened to meet the headmaster at the foot of the mountain. The headmaster followed her blankly and asked her if the elder in charge of money in the sect had deducted her monthly salary. He also told her not to worry and to speak out boldly.

Jiang Su stared feverishly at the wooden pole stained with his own blood in his hand. He brought it close to his nose and took a deep breath. There were dried blood stains in the cracks of the wooden pole. The faint smell of blood poured into his sensitive sense of smell.

female repairman trachea.

In the blink of an eye, the girl returned to her cold demeanor, as if the strange behavior just now was not her fault.

"Why should I dye it with my own blood? Why not use other people's blood? There are so many stupid and hateful people in this world. What's the point of killing a few?"

She shook her head suddenly and denied herself: "Anyone's blood can dye my rod red? Their blood is playing with my hands and intertwined with my blood. It's disgusting to think about it."

Her hand holding the pole suddenly shrank, getting tighter and tighter. Through the skin and flesh, you could see that her joints were white and her muscles were obvious. The wooden pole was close to her metacarpal bones. At a certain moment, the skin and flesh broke open, and the wooden pole really connected with her.

White metacarpal bones depend on each other.

From where she held it, blood flowed down the pole, quietly staining every wooden seam red. She watched this scene with a smile.

After the lower half of the wooden pole was completely dyed red, she took out a blood-coagulating pill and tasted it carefully in her mouth, with a sense of satisfaction on her face, and said: "If you treat people like this, you won't suddenly get sick midway.

To prevent others from thinking that his daughter Jiang Shuiliu is a lunatic and loses her reputation."

Jiang Su was wearing a dark green loose Taoist robe, with a medicine box slung on her right side, holding a guise in her left hand, and wearing a bamboo hat. She didn't look like a medical fairy girl, but she had the temperament of a traveling charlatan.

She walked quickly to the city gate and followed the crowd to enter Le'an City.

At this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of Jiang Su. It was a soldier at the city gate.

This soldier was wearing pitch black armor and holding a black iron spear in his hand.

"Did something happen to find me? This spear doesn't look like an ordinary thing." Jiang Su thought to himself.

He looked down at Jiang Su and asked, "What are you doing, a medical practitioner or a charlatan?" He looked Jiang Su up and down with his eyes.

Jiang Su was not surprised and did not hide anything: "Medical repair."

The armored soldier asked again: "Are you new to Chun Tang for consultation?"

Jiang Sudao: "No, someone came to me to see a doctor, but the other person didn't know."

The soldier nodded, "Well, let's go in." Holding the black iron spear, he turned and walked back to the door without making any other movements.

Jiang Su glanced around, smoothed his sleeves, and entered Le'an City calmly.

After entering the city, Jiang Su whispered to himself: "No one else asked...just asked me...why is this?"

In the main street of Le'an City, there are rows of shops on both sides, including Bailiantang, which sells magic weapons, Jucaixuan, which sells robes, and Miaoshoutang, which sells elixirs.

"Miaoshou Miaoshou Hall of Rejuvenation, today's special offer is the Restoring Pill~"

Miaoshoutang? Isn't that Xiao Shiyu's opponent? Jiang Su heard the sound and looked over. The sight in front of her made her take a deep breath.

This drugstore is full of guests. No other small shop in Hongfeng Town can compare with it. This shop in Zhongdu is probably not the main branch of Miaoshou Tang. Where did Xiao Shiyu get the confidence to let Tianliang Wang break it?

Jiang Su shook his head slightly, not knowing whether his special Jingxin Pill had helped him defeat the external hemorrhoid pills.

Outside the shop is a small stall set up by monks. Compared with his old stall, there are more tables. People are coming and going, and business is booming from the looks of it.

She couldn't help but sigh: "The stalls in Zhongdu are actually more stylish than I used to."

"Where can I choose the robes? Come to Jucai Xuan. Chic and elegant are better than swordsmen. I can defeat swords and guns without fear of immortals~, Jucai Xuan, Jucai Xuan~"

"Only when you pass through the mountains and seas can you know the taste. Today's taste is mastered by Jindan Chef Xiutian Jiuxiang. The dishes are as follows: steamed lamb, steamed bear paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose, roasted pig,

Stove duck, soy sauce chicken, bacon, pineapple, tripe, soy sauce meat, sausage, assorted crispy plate, smoked white chicken, steamed eight-treasure pig, glutinous rice stuffed duck, canned pheasant, canned quail, braised assorted items

, braised goose, pheasant, rabbit breast, python, whitebait, steamed hashish ant~"

"How come there are still people who know how to recite..." The corner of Jiang Su's mouth twitched as she stared at the waiter at Zhiwei's door.

"Why isn't there one in Hongfeng Town??!"

"This prosperity really makes my wallet a little overwhelmed."

Jiang Su had no choice but to quicken his pace and walked through the crowd with a disguise. When he got to a crowded place, he had to hold on to his medicine box and storage bag to prevent others from picking it up. When he walked to an alley with fewer people, Jiang Su entered

Went to a tea shop next door.

Jiang Su walked in and asked the shopkeeper who was calculating the abacus: "Shopkeeper, how to get to Prince Ning's Mansion?"

The tea shop owner was busy, and when he heard these words, he raised his head. The person in front of him, with his face covered in green clothes and a medicine box in front of him, was either a medical practitioner or a doctor.

He raised his right hand and pointed in the direction outside the shop, and said to Jiang Su, "Prince Ning's Mansion is on East Street. You have to go along the back street and turn right."

"Okay, thank you" Jiang Su replied politely.

She thought carefully about the teapots and teacups in the tea shop she just saw. They were all exquisite and smooth pottery. It was not difficult to see that the people in Zhongdu were indeed living a prosperous life, far better than those in other towns.

She walked along the alley next to the tea shop and saw that the residences in the inner city were quite tall. They should be rich in land, so she began to think about housing prices.

I don’t know how much money it would cost to open a medical clinic here just to buy the land deed... It would not be cheap if I used spiritual stones.

However, this residence was built closely, with walls almost touching each other, and the trees and towers were so tall that the sun and moon were invisible, so the alleys must have been very narrow.

Jiang Su remembered that there was such an alley in the southern coastal area in his previous life. The alley had nine twists and turns. Even Gao's map led people to hit the wall. Visual inspection showed that only one person could pass through. There was no sunlight during the day and the cold wind was blowing.


After a while, Jiang Su stared at the bottomless alley in front of him...

“…what a coincidence”

(End of chapter)

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