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Chapter 348 Qi Family

Qi Wu ran over, carrying some sand under his feet.

He was panting heavily, and even though he was wearing layers of white clothes, his chest was still rising and falling obviously.

He was now showing a weak state, and after approaching the two of them, he grabbed Fang Zhe's arm directly.

After a few breaths, Qi Wu calmed down, his face full of exhaustion. He forced his eyelids open, glanced at the appearance of the two people, and his eyes fell on the old book in the hand of the girl in green.

"What is this? You just said that I am in good health. What do you mean if I am missing?" he asked confused.

"If you have any difficulties, I, Qi Wu, will definitely help you without hesitation, but you also know that my body is not as healthy as that of ordinary monks. This secret realm is strange and strange, and there are many weird and irregular things in it. I don't want to go in again.


After saying that, he took out a set of keys from his storage bag, and the keys in the ring jingled against each other.

He handed the key plate to Jiang Su, "I'll give this to Miss Jiang. I am only at the early stage of Jindan. I don't know much about the warmth and warmth of human beings in the world, and I am like a child. I am not enough to be like the two of you in thousands of years."

Survive in the Tao.”

This time he did nothing in the secret realm.

With luck, he was in the same room with Fang Zhe as soon as he entered the secret realm, and even the people who might kill him were his teammates.

There is no need to worry about everything, there will be someone to carry the burden forward for him.

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su subconsciously took the heavy key disk. The jingling sound was so close to her that she could hear it clearly. She could even tell how many keys there were by the sound.

"Twice as many keys as the master has collected..."

Qi Wu's complexion at this time could not be called good. He always gave people the impression that if he couldn't hold on in the desert, he would die in the next moment.

"My life span is still long, so I am not in a hurry to seek opportunities."

"It is easier for us Qi family members to collect these thousands of keys than it is for you outsiders. It will be safer for me to come and explore again in a few decades."

Jiang Su held the key plate and was silent for a moment. After a while, he naturally put it into his storage bag without saying anything else.

There are just dozens of keys to the secret realm, she can keep them.

"Yeah." She replied slightly coldly, stepped forward and grabbed Fang Zhe's arm, "Let's go back."

"Going back to where?" Qi Wu asked from the side.

"your home."


"What? Your Qi family can't tolerate me, Jiang Su? Or... you can't tolerate me, Jiang Su?"

The girl in green lowered her tone. Although it was a mocking tone, it sounded like a calm tide. The joking words were in her mouth, as if she was covering something up.

"It doesn't matter what you said. Qi Qi, Qi Liu and Qi Er will be very happy that I can go to your house, so I will still go."

Jiang Su lowered his head quietly, his black hair falling from his forehead, and strands of shadow covering most of his face.

She grasped the red monk's sleeve tightly. Fang Zhe waited for the conversation between the two to end, and quickly turned her onto his shoulder.

The ancient rusty hatchet stopped at the feet of the red monk. For a moment, Hong Qing's figure disappeared without a trace.

Qi Wu watched the two people leaving, and then looked into the distance. He still slightly bowed his shoulders and looked weak.

"I didn't say I wasn't welcome..."

"She was obviously going to my house, but why did she seem to want to say goodbye to me forever..."

Qi Wu muttered a few words and then left with his sword.


"The discussion meeting will start in three days. There are not many vacancies at the moment, so all you immortals should hurry up and come~"

"Is there any Immortal Lord who is needed in the front row of the Dao Forum? There are only two powerful ones near the Demon-Suppressing Temple. Immortal Lords, please seize the opportunity!"

"Bingtang Zhenxi pear ~ a piece of low-grade spiritual stone in a bowl, western pear specialties, don't miss it when you pass by, a delicious heat-relieving drink, invite all the immortals from all over the world to taste it~"

"Bells are broken, the best selection of bell instruments from the Western Regions, broken like stars, the favorite decoration of the Western Regions people~"

Jiang Su and Fang Zhe were walking on the way back to Daozong.

The market in Roland City was open and extremely lively. The monks were crowded together with the people. People from the four regions were trading. From time to time, a light green light flashed somewhere, each showing his magical powers.

The Hakka boss stood at the door, holding a pot of mellow old wine from the Western Regions. A small round table stood beside him, with neat wine bowls placed on it.

Every half an hour he would open the wine vat, take a ladle and pour the wine into the pot.

The five senses of the passing monks are clear, and the strong aroma of the wine is like a tangled spider spinning a web in their nostrils. Groups of like-minded monks will buy a bowl here, and those who like good wine will buy it.

A pot.

There are fifty avenues and forty-nine heavenly paths, and people follow one of them.

It is that one that will be discussed when discussing the Tao.

Divide one into two, and convert two into hundreds of millions.

"There is a lot of difference between the time in Qianbai Dao and the time in the outside world. You and I have clearly spent two days in the secret realm, and it is indeed more than twenty days in the outside world."

The girl in green clothes was talking to herself, while the monk in red clothes beside her was jingling, and there were even two or three strings of bells coiled around her belt.

Jiang Su walked behind Fang Zhe and listened to the sounds to distinguish the path the man had taken. The two of them took their time.

"Miss Jiang!"

Qi Wu chased after him, panting.

He originally planned to fly back to Dao Zong directly, but considering the time gap between the secret realm and the outside world, he decided to go to Roland City to understand the current situation before returning to Dao Zong.

What's more, Fang Zhe and Jiang Su, two people who came for the Taoist meeting, would definitely walk around the market to find out some information.

"What?" Jiang Su slowed down and waited for Qi Wu to catch up.

"Are you sure about Taoism?" He put his hand on his chest and asked, calming his breathing.

"Taoism meeting..."

"No, I'm not sure I can treat you yet?" Jiang Su replied lazily with his eyes closed.

Talk about Taoism, talk about Taoism, talk about Taoism, how many years have I lived, what can I know?

She quietly turned her head, comparing the sound of the bells on Qi Wu's body with the sound of the bells on Fang Zhe's body, and walked confidently and boldly beside the two of them.

"The bells on the Fifth Young Master of Dao Zong are of better quality than the bells I randomly bought for Fang Zhe at the stall..." She sighed secretly in her heart.

From the moment Qi Wu took the initiative to meet Jiang Su and went to the secret realm with the two of them, he probably wanted to make friends with her so that he could heal his body.

He and Jiang Su are similar in that they both take special care of their elders.

Therefore, he took the example of his brother and Jiang Su's young senior sister who wanted to form a contract, hoping that the two of them had the same difficulties.

In fact, his intentions are not pure.

"My body...can it still be cured?"

Qi Wu's eyebrows were downcast, and the road ahead was congested. He had his own reasons not to let others see the gloom in his eyes.

"My family has hired many doctors, and my brother has also searched for many spiritual herbs and elixirs from the four regions for me. The other brothers have asked me about my health, added more food and clothing, and have done a lot of work."

"Obviously...I don't have that fate."

His voice floated and was smashed into pieces amidst the roar of people.

This chapter has been completed!
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