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Chapter 377: Must the demon cultivator die?

"Jiang Su once received a inheritance by chance. This inheritance comes from Zhongdu. If I guessed correctly, its owner is probably related by blood to the current royal family of Jing Dynasty."

Jiang Su held an old book in his hand and raised it high so that all the monks could see its appearance.

"This book, called "The Missing One Door", was passed down by monk Li Xueqing. As for who wrote it, I don't know yet."

"My pharmacological understanding of demonic energy and related knowledge all come from the records in this book. I think this old book can be called a book of living beings in this world. The book covers everything from astronomy to geography.

There are records on how flowers, plants, fish and insects, big and small demons, and even ordinary farmers opened their spiritual orifices."

"It is divided into three volumes: the upper, middle and lower volumes. The upper volume is mostly about the construction of the city by craftsmen, which is what Li Xueqing learned before he first entered Taoism. There are five frames of house style, five frames with two beams behind them, which is the seven frame pattern.

, the establishment code method..."

"The middle volume is a medical spell. Its content is so mysterious that ordinary people cannot understand its deep meaning, let alone the method of its application. If someone is willing to exchange his body for it, it can kill human flesh and white bones. This is what she learned as a monk."

"The next volume is about the method of summoning wind and rain, reaching heaven and earth. Among them, those who can master the way can be the best among people. They are proficient in Bagua, and their body and soul can follow their own way. Those who have cultivated this way will be the supreme immortal of Baiyujing, and the world will not tolerate it...


"Exactly what she learned before she ascended."

"But this book gave birth to a book spirit. Unless it recognizes it as its owner, no one can see the contents."

There was a hint of sadness on the face of the girl wearing Mary Sue's colorful clothes. She gritted her teeth and pursed her lips, saying unwillingly:

"Jiang Su is blind due to improper cultivation. It is difficult to read this book. His knowledge and understanding of the inheritance contained in it is less than 100%. Only medical knowledge can read 23% of it."

"I once asked my friend to read this book, that is, the Qi Wu who was outside the door just now. The book spirit once used his mouth to tell me about the devil's energy."

When Jiang Su mentioned the word "demon energy", his words changed again.

She mentioned this point, faced Judge Poison, and said sincerely: "Senior Brother Yan, you and I came from the same sect, and the way we cultivated originated from the same root. Now that you saw me, you gave me away without saying a word.

150,000 high-grade spiritual stones. Later, I will give this book to you as a meeting gift."

"Junior sister has received your wish, but you haven't received my junior sister's wish yet."

The girl frowned slightly, her pale complexion looking extremely pitiful at this moment. People couldn't help but feel pity for her.


At this moment, the entire Luohan Hall monks were stunned.

What kind of strange book??? actually records so many things???

"The owner of this book is actually an ascended monk??? Li Xueqing? Have you heard of it? Could it be that he is older than us? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Her surname is Li...could she be a member of the Jing Dynasty royal family? We have never interfered with their mortal country, let alone the monks they support."

"Yes, how can we respect those palace monks? But now, the emperor in Zhongdu has caused us a lot of trouble."

Someone mentioned the forbidden spirits in Zhongdu in a sly way.

This matter has not yet been resolved. All the great masters have passed by the original place of Zhongdu countless times, only to see loess and flying sand, but not the former jade railings.

This is quite ironic.

Jiang Su did not clarify Li Xueqing's experience. She did become a monk from a mortal, but she did not ascend in the end.

The ascended monks leave behind secret treasures, the powerful leave behind inheritance, and the ordinary monks leave behind relics.

Jiang Su calls "Que Yi Men" a legacy because it is indeed a wonderful book with a spiritual spirit, and Li Xueqing is just a student of this book. Based on Li Xueqing's status, this is at best a student.


After hearing Jiang Su's generous words, Judge Poison did not feel any trouble in his heart. This time he and Jiang Su were fighting wits and courage, and he could already guess that this little girl's precocious intelligence was almost demonic.

What's more, no merit will be rewarded. Jiang Su didn't accept his spiritual stone, but he accepted this man's book... out of emotion and reason...

There is definitely something wrong with this book.

"She also said in front of everyone that she would take the opportunity to tell the secrets in this book and give it to me. Could it be that she wanted me to compete with others? Then after the seven-day Taoist seminar, I will come to the Western Region without leaving.

It’s still a problem.”

Poison Shura rolled his eyes, raised his hands in salute, and said with a smile: "Then senior brother, I would like to thank my junior sister for her kindness. However, what senior brother wants to know more now is the pharmacology of demonic energy. Reading a book... can't bear it.


"Junior sister, why don't you tell us about the demonic energy first? We can't wait any longer."

Jiang Su pursed her lips and smiled helplessly.

He was telling others that I was suspected of delaying time.

Huh, that's interesting.

Why don't you reveal a little bit?

"Senior brother, don't be impatient."

"It is written in this book that demonic energy is caused by the resentment of the spirit of death in heaven and earth. Each demonic energy is caused by the resentment of a dead demon cultivator's spiritual consciousness after thousands of years.


"However, Jiang Su is young and doesn't understand the deeper meaning."

"Dare I ask the elders..."

"What is resentment? Where does the demon cultivator get the resentment? Aren't the demon cultivators bad monks? If they lose their consciousness, how can they still have consciousness and resentment?"

Jiang Su pretended to be cute and cute as a child, as the saying goes, "Children's words are unbridled."

She is only a teenager and does not understand all the dirty things in the world of cultivation.

What about the others? How could they, old foxes who have lived for thousands of years, not know?

Why should we kill demon cultivators?

Because there is demonic energy in the body of a demon cultivator, if this person accidentally lets the demonic energy escape and another monk touches it, as long as there is a slight crack in the Taoist heart, there is almost no possibility of repairing it. If the demonic energy gets into it, the Taoist heart will definitely be broken.

In their eyes, this is a disease. If you contract it, half of your cultivation will be lost, and the road to immortality will be cut off.

They don't have a solution yet.

So, in the end, they chose the most ruthless way to deal with it, killing him.

Can a monk survive when he becomes a demon cultivator? Yes, he is just a demon, he is not really terminally ill.

Among the monks present, there must be someone who has an acquaintance who is possessed by the devil. They either choose to kill their relatives out of justice, or choose to turn a blind eye.

Jiang Su didn't understand before that why spirits were banned in Zhongdu and many immortal monks became demon cultivators and were trapped in Zhongdu, but no one went in to save people.

Those people are the new generation of disciples of the Immortal Sect, and they are the proud disciples of those elders.

And this incident... To this day, there is no news.

Jiang Su doesn't understand.

But monk Jiang Su understood.

"It's not that we won't save, it's that we can't save, and we can't save clearly."

"No matter how reluctant you are to let go of your sweetheart apprentice, you will become a "dead person" in the world of cultivation."

The possessed monk must die.

Real death, fake death.

Why did Zhenmo Temple publish this title this year?

"How to find the hidden demon cultivator? Hehe, the monk at the Demon-Suppressing Temple is the one who made the demon cultivator "die"."

This chapter has been completed!
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