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Chapter 58: Sneaky 37

Chapter 58: Deception 37

Author: 54 Qujiang

After saying this, the hatchet suddenly flew out and went straight to the door facing the man in black.

"Let's go!" Jiang Su grabbed Li Ya's sleeve with the yellow talisman in his hand.

Mr. Zhang's pupils suddenly widened and he became furious. His fingers were like eagle claws and he actually caught the killing blow with his bare hands.

Jiang Su's mastery of the art of controlling objects was extremely good. He stopped Mr. Zhang for a few breaths, and saw that the old man was breathing raggedly, and his murderous intent and coercion were released at the same time. He hit Jiang and Li directly.

The corners of his mouth were split to both sides, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, blood was slowly flowing from the corners of his eyes due to the tearing, and the tiny purple veins and veins on his skin all exploded like small flowers.


Jiang Su and Li Ya were crushed to the ground by this coercion. The two of them were less than five feet away from the old man.

"You are a demon cultivator!!!" Jiang Su gritted his teeth and said, without any fear on his face.

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang burst out laughing and looked crazy. He did not answer Jiang Su and walked up to the two of them in the blink of an eye.

He knelt down and pinched Jiang Su's thin white neck with his palms.

The girl's neck is like a delicate flower stalk, which cannot be easily broken and held.

Apply force with your palms.

A feeling of suffocation hit Jiang Su. She could clearly feel that this person was really determined to strangle her to death. The force was so strong that her cervical vertebrae were faintly squeezed and made a sound.

It's a pity that it's a professional counterpart.

"Ahem, ha...ha...cough"

Jiang Su also laughed, her eyes were red, tears were aroused, her toes were straightened, and she clenched her hands into fists without struggling.

The glass bottle rolled out and hit the shoes of the man in black, contaminating the black clothes with white powder.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I want to..."

"I want... me to die... cough, cough, dream, hahaha...ha"

The white powder, combined with the spiritual power in the air, suddenly turned into white starchy threads that regularly penetrated the clothes like a spider's web and climbed up Mr. Zhang's legs.

The pulp threads pierced the flesh and lodged in his blood vessels.

The silk thread squirmed in the blood vessel, and a suction cup mouth suddenly appeared at the top to bite the blood vessel wall. At this time, the spider web formed by the pulp silk in the blood vessel wall produced hundreds of sucker mouths, and all of them sprouted tiny white teeth, biting the blood vessel wall.

"Hiss, what is it?" Mr. Zhang felt discomfort in his legs and moved his legs.


A sudden vision occurred, an arrow of light penetrated Mr. Zhang's body and pinned him to the inner wall of the cave. The man in white came slowly.

Jin robe and white clothes, silver crown and white hair.

The spiritual energy around the person who comes here is restrained and simple.

"Master Chu!" Li Ya's eyes lit up and he called excitedly.

National Preceptor? Jiang Su, the Imperial Preceptor of Jing Dynasty, remembers that he was in the stage of... transformation into gods?! His name was... Chu Lin!

Jiang Su was lying flat on the ground, panting heavily, looking up at the powerful man.

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly.

In a remote place in the wilderness, it is a bit unbelievable to meet a powerful helper in times of crisis. When did she, Jiang Su, have such luck?

There is no pie in the sky, it is most likely a scam.

Li Ya stood up, shook off the dust from his body, bowed to the white-haired Imperial Master, and said respectfully, "Thank you, Imperial Master Chu, for saving me."

Even Chu Lin's eyelashes are white, and his light and clear eyes always look at others with a sense of compassion. Except for the three layers of snow in his body, who in the world is worthy of white clothes! This temperament is a model of an immortal.

Jiang Su staggered up from the ground, stood behind Li Ya calmly, and stared directly at the national master.

"What do you think is the difference between monks and mortals?"

The sound of spring water turning into ice warms the hearts of all who hear it.

"Wait! He didn't speak! This man uses his spiritual power to create sounds! His cultivation is really so profound!"

Jiang Su didn't show it on the face, but was wary in her heart.

This is the question again...how to answer this...she is crazy but not stupid.

He directly said, "I, Jiang Su, just look down on mortals. I, Jiang Su, just think that immortals should be aloof and stay away from these messy things in the world." I'm afraid that in the next second, he will shoot a light arrow over and nail himself to the stone wall as a salted fish.


"It's time to pretend... It's not impossible for drug dealers to deceive people!"

The girl stared at the darkness in the distance, her nails dug into her flesh, and she said seriously as if after careful consideration:

"You may not believe it, but I have always believed that monks should not draw a clear line between themselves and mortals, and that sects should not live in seclusion. The so-called non-involvement of cause and effect in the world is even more ridiculous."

The possessed Mr. Zhang was nailed to the wall, and the restrictions on the light arrow made him unable to move. Hearing this, his eyes widened.

The same goes for Li Ya. They live in Zhongdu and know the world of difference between monks and mortals the most.

There is only one monk among a hundred thousand mortals. He has the ability to draw spiritual energy into his body, which has the ability to reach heaven and earth. Even if he is a prince, general, or prime minister, with power over the world and thousands of households, he cannot live forever.

Central Capital occupies the hub of the land and people, with merchants and monks coming and going from all directions. The people in the nearby towns may not even see the monks once in their lives.

These immortals and fairies can move mountains and seas with the flick of a wave of their sleeves. They can summon colored fire to melt the heavens and melt the earth with a few pinches of their jade fingers. A single elixir can even have the effect of the flesh and bones of the living dead.

How can people who are trapped in the loess and enjoy the sweetness of a piece of silver for three taels of silver, who are tied up in a deep house and sweat heart and blood for the sake of stability in this life, and who are tied to the heights of a temple and travel dangerously for the sake of a bloodline clan, how can they deal with these people?

Comparable to the immortals who wield swords in the sky.

Jiang Su kept a straight face and continued to explain patiently: "A monk is born with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. After opening his spiritual orifice, he can attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body and nourish himself. He becomes a so-called immortal, an immortal king."

"If you are born to take more things from this world than others, you must bear more responsibilities in this world than others. This is also the performance of each person's duties, and it is also his mission!"

Whenever she recalls the growth path of the two protagonists in the original work, she is always filled with emotion. Not only the protagonists of this book, but also the other protagonists.

They are all...unlucky guys!

Although he has some kind of golden finger, he can practice for ten days against others every day, and even explore the secret realm to obtain rare treasures, but none of them are willing to sacrifice his life.

This one wants to change his destiny to fight for the survival of the human race, and the other wants to cut off love and kill evil alone to bring peace to the world. Even Senior Brother Liu Yunqing, a person with such a pure mind and uprightness, will be insulted by the world, and eventually become the one he wants to get rid of.

The magic cultivator.

What should he do at that time? The white clothes will not come out of the dust, and the wind-wielding sword will be difficult to unsheath.

He who looks into the abyss enters the abyss. He who cuts off the head of a dragon becomes a dragon.

The so-called darling of Heaven is not a poor person chosen by Heaven.

Jiang Su felt that her emotions at this time were very in place, and no one knew the cunningness in her heart.

"I once read a book written by a saint, and I thought the words written in it were very reasonable."

"Come from the people, go to the people! If we are separated from the people, we monks will be a source of water!"

Jiang Su's voice when he said this was sonorous, powerful, and inspiring. The three locals in the world of cultivation were all stunned.

At this time, Li Ya felt as if he was listening to the monk's verses and suddenly realized the power of the Great Freedom, halfway through the palace of cause and effect in the world.

Mr. Zhang also repeated in a low voice: "The source of waterlessness..."

Jiang Su was a little satisfied when he saw this, and secretly thought that these words of great men in the past were naturally the truth that he had learned after going through untold hardships.

I saw that at this time, she had completely taken off her headband, her black hair was loose, her green clothes were elegant, her eyes were light black and her jade-like face was dotted, like a straight bamboo standing in this cave with no light ahead.


"Let's talk about the medical practitioners and mortal doctors you just mentioned."

“Whenever a great doctor treats a disease, he must calm his mind and calm his mind, have no desires or demands, and first have a heart of great compassion and compassion, vowing to universally save the suffering souls.

If a sick person comes to seek help, he should not ask whether he is rich or poor, whether he is old or young, has a beautiful wife, whether he is close or good friends, whether he is beautiful or barbaric, is stupid or wise, or is the same person. They are all treated as close relatives. Nor should he look forward or backward, worry about his own good or bad, and protect his life...

…In this way, one can be a great doctor for the common people, but otherwise, one can be a great thief with spiritual power.

"From my point of view, the two of them just have their own ways of doing things and reach the same destination through different paths. How can they be superior or inferior?"

The girl's words shocked the heavens and the earth, and struck several people's hearts like thunder from the sky.

Zhang Laozhong's eyes were already wet with tears when he heard "Pledge to universally save the suffering of souls". Now that he heard Jiang Su's words of reaching the same destination through different paths, he no longer suppressed himself and let his tears fall.

He is also a medical practitioner.

This octogenarian old man no longer maintained the figure of a young man. He hugged his head and cried on the stone wall, with tears streaming down his face. The cry shook the heaven and the earth, echoing continuously throughout the cave, just like Zigui's wail that broke his heart.

Jiang Su's expression was indifferent, half of his body stood in the dark and cold moonlight, light and shadow merged, and heaven and earth blended together.

A young and romantic person can be included in painting, but it is difficult to develop one's own style.

This chapter has been completed!
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