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Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Being tricked 70: Changing hearts

Author: 54 Qujiang

Li Ya bowed in salute, put his hands on his chest, and said with a kind and humble face: "Wang Xianjun, Li Ya got some news. Some monks in the outer city of Zhongdu are planning something secretly. My childhood sweetheart's sister was kidnapped, and she was unintentionally involved.

Get into it."

"Li Ya is brave and begs the immortal to bring my sister back for me."

He didn't get up, and Wang Xianjun didn't reply, so he had to keep this humble posture. The monks in the palace were raised to be aloof, and they had long regarded mortals as ants. If there were no cause and effect to worry about, how could he have invited them?

Eaters are short-tongued, and predators are soft-handed.

The soothing female voice sounded in Li Ya's ears again, and he was the only one who could hear it.

"General, why do you have to bow down to them?"

Li Ya's heart moved at will, and he replied to her in his heart: "Yu Rong... If I want to ask for help, this is what I should do."

The woman's name is Yu Rong.

"But you have already brought my body back. As long as I replace it with the stone heart, I can open my spiritual apertures and draw my spiritual power like a monk. From now on, my life is safe, so why do I need to please them so much."

She is exactly that pot of pink peony, that is, the flower demon peony. Now she has made a blood contract with Li Ya. As long as he is willing, she can replace him with a stone heart and share his cultivation.

Neither death nor life is for symbiosis.

Chen Zeshen was not stupid. He did not lie to Jiang Su. But he also concealed the origin of the locust tree and the location of the tree demon Huaiying.

The Broken Incense Workshop can crush hearts to make incense, the fragrance of flower demons and the fragrance of human hearts.

Li Ya didn't show anything on his face, still lowered his head and bowed, and replied in his heart: "I haven't thought about it yet, this matter is too sudden. If I have no choice in desperation, I will change it. You said there is news, is it?

What Chen Zeshen’s locust tree passed on to you is Wan’er’s... flowers, which I passed on to you.”

The grass and trees weave a web, and can transmit sounds in any wind or soil. From the moment he agreed to bring peony home and joined the Suixiangfang and the Shixin Sect, the force behind it, everyone in the sect knew about Li Ya's existence.

He also knew... Wan'er's location.

Wan'er has also joined the Shixin Sect in the Eastern Region. Does she want to use the power of Suixiangfang in Zhongdu to go to the Eastern Region?

Does she really want to leave Zhongdu, where she has lived for sixteen years?

Li Ya felt depressed. In the past few days, he had always thought that Wan'er's escape from marriage was related to him.

He likes the girl's things very much. Because they are not easy to get, he has long been a frequent visitor to the flying sand in the desert. But Wan'er is particularly yearning for it. What is the reason for this? Why does Jingchao... women have to be restrained?

At home, why do I have to dress up as a man and serve as an official in court?

Li Ya's nose felt sour and unbearable, but he didn't dare to shed it in front of the three immortals.

"It's great to lead troops to fight. How can you bend your back? How can a man...an immortal... come to such a high position?" Yu Rong whispered in Li Ya's ear to comfort him.

"In place of Stone Heart, you would be an immortal. You also have the ability to change this dynasty where a woman's lack of talent is considered a virtue."

Li Ya clenched his fists, saying nothing or responding.

The man named Wang Xianjun was twirling his long white beard in his hand, tilting his head back to look at people with his nostrils. Seeing that the famous general bowed half a stick of incense, he spoke slowly.

"You asked the three of us to come here just to save your sister?"


"Do you really think that the three of us are just idle in the palace all day long? If you ask us three golden elixirs to find someone for you, you don't even think about how much you are worth."

The disgust in his eyes was not concealed, and his contempt for mortals was fully revealed, like a rolling river, rushing Li Ya down the river.

"We will not do such boring things as searching for people. If someone threatens your life, we are willing to take action."

He moved the golden Ruyi in his hand. The jade in the center of Ruyi was translucent, round, dazzling and valuable.

"Okay, you can figure it out yourself. I'll leave right now."

After saying this, the white-bearded immortal swung his white hair back from his ears and smoothed his beard down to his chest. He looked like a worldly person, really like the immortals worshiped in portraits in the mortal world.

Li Ya still lowered his head, clenched his back teeth, and the veins on his forehead were looming.

"Why..." He roared and questioned in his heart.

He should not have returned to the Central Capital, he should have died in the Western Regions, and he should not have interacted with these monks who were raised in the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard and were comparable to concubines.

The breeze blew by, and the purple and gold robes of the three immortal monarchs swayed with it, and their figures disappeared in an instant.

Li Ya slowly stood up straight, and the muscles in his arms were particularly obvious after exerting force.

Yu Rong had some pity and comforted her: "Change your mind. Although wood and stone are merciless living beings, they are neither born nor destroyed, nor dirty nor pure. They neither increase nor decrease. If you follow my Stone Heart Teaching, you can enter tranquility and get rid of anger."

It seems to induce, to persuade, to support, to invite him to join the path. The flower demon's words are very bewitching and charming.

Li Ya recalled the old days when he taught Wan'er to ride horses and archery on the school grounds.

The girl in orange clothes rolled up her black hair, took off her red makeup, faded her gold and silver, held a long bow, and trained a fierce horse,

"Aya! Look at this arrow of mine, it's called drawing the bow to urge the white feathers, making the sun and moon lower their eyebrows!"

Time flies, and time flies by.

"Low eyebrow..." He whispered in a low voice and said dullly.

Why lower your eyebrows...

Why should I lower my eyebrows!

Suddenly, the chaos in front of him disappeared, and clarity returned. Li Ya had never felt so awake before.

"Okay, change your mind."

The young general made a decisive decision.

Yu Rong smiled: "General, you are indeed the person we like. Sure enough, you have realized cause and effect early, and the world is clear."


Jiang Su held the Earth Changing Talisman in one hand and the Killer in the other. Behind her, Fang Zhe held her sleeve tightly.

A white light flashed and the two disappeared into the secret room.

The third dungeon.

The girl suddenly looked up and saw that this dungeon was completely different from the two dungeons she had seen in the water mirror.

The first dungeon, where civilians were imprisoned, had an ordinary appearance, with rusty prison doors on both sides hiding darkness, blood and rancid instruments of torture.

For large punishments, armored soldiers are used, followed by axes and axes, for medium punishments, knives and saws are used, for secondarily, drills are used, and for thin punishments, whips are used.

The second dungeon is narrow and long, with monks being imprisoned on both sides. The cell door is rusty and newly made, and the door lock is slightly complicated and cannot be broken with any weapon.

It absorbs the spiritual power of the monks to maintain the tidal spiritual formation, so most of the monks are weak and weak, like mortals who have been sick for a long time.

This third dungeon...

It was a square room with walls on all sides, empty of people, except for a pure black long ruler floating in the middle.

"Is this three feet?" The girl did not step forward immediately. She circled a distance of one foot away, and the pressure of the magic weapon seemed to push her to the ground.

"This must be a high-grade magic weapon...it should have a spirit of the weapon, and its temper is not bad..."

When Fang Zhe saw this, he wanted to step forward to help. His cultivation was so advanced that he would not be suppressed by a high-grade magic weapon.

"Don't! Don't come over." Jiang Su turned around and shouted to Fang Zhe.

Fang Zhe stopped when he heard the words, his brows furrowed slightly, and his worry was evident.

"I can do it myself." Jiang Su's legs felt like they were nailed to the spot. Whenever she tried to take a step forward with her legs, the joints all over her body would be shaken and crackle.

The little thing is quite stubborn.

This chapter has been completed!
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