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1142 Splash

Liang Fukuan was sitting in the courtyard of the Gu family like a scoundrel, rolling around and shouting that Wang Gang had killed his daughter.

Gu Changshan was advising from the side, not wanting to make the matter a big deal, but the neighbors still heard the noise and ran out, then pointed at the Gu family.

As more and more people came to the village, Gu Changshan was sweating anxiously, but Wang Gang was very calm.

He was now basically certain that Liang Fukuan was making trouble unreasonably. As for Liang Fengxia's suicide by drinking pesticide, Wang Gang didn't believe it.

Both the Gu family and the Liang family knew in their hearts that Liang Fengxia didn't like Wang Gang at all, and the relationship between the two of them was brother and sister at best.

For whom Liang Fengxia drank pesticides, she would not drink pesticides for Wang Gang.

"Uncle Liang, where is Fengxia now?" Wang Gang asked, ignoring the onlookers and squatting next to Liang Fukuan.

"How can I live if Fengxia has three advantages and two disadvantages?" Liang Fukuan shouted angrily.

Wang Gang pouted, disapproving in his heart. Liang Fengxia was just Liang Fukuan's stepdaughter and had no blood relationship. This was pretty much the same for Ma Xiaoyun, but when Liang Fukuan said it, it always felt a little inconsistent.

"Old Liang, you get up first. We'll go to the health center right away." Gu Changshan pulled Liang Fukuan up and said, "It's more important to save people first. If it doesn't work, I'll arrange a car to take Fengxia to the hospital in the city."

Liang Fukuan's small body, weighing less than a hundred pounds, was like a child in Gu Changshan's hands, and he could be lifted easily.

"Zhaocheng, let's take your Uncle Liang to the health center immediately." Gu Changshan said to Wang Gang seriously.

Wang Gang said disapprovingly: "Dad, Fengxia will definitely be fine."

Gu Changshan said displeased: "Shut up, it's more important to save people first."

Wang Gang was speechless, why couldn't Gu Changshan turn around now? If Liang Fengxia really committed suicide by drinking pesticide, the Liang family would have been in chaos by now. How could Liang Fukuan have the leisure to come to the Gu family to cause trouble?

Gu Changshan is so honest, he will believe whatever others say.

Wang Gang supported Liang Fukuan and sneered: "Uncle Liang, let's send Fengxia to the hospital first. If she doesn't swallow the pesticide, I won't be done with you."

Liang Fukuan was startled, feeling that Wang Gang's eyes were destructive.

At this time, Ma Xiaoyun hurried over and shouted to Liang Fukuan: "What are you yelling about? Fengxia just took the wrong medicine, not pesticide."

Wang Gang let go of Liang Fukuan coldly and watched the couple acting.

"Didn't Fengxia drink the pesticide?" Liang Fukuan pretended to be confused.

"You haven't caused enough trouble, go home quickly." Ma Xiaoyun said angrily.

Gu Changshan asked Ma Xiaoyun: "Is Fengxia really okay?"

Ma Xiaoyun said sheepishly: "Captain Gu, I'm sorry! Fengxia just had a cold and fell asleep after taking the wrong medicine. There happened to be a pesticide bottle next to her, so Lao Liang misunderstood it. You see what happened!"

Gu Changshan did not doubt his presence and said, "As long as the child is fine, I'll go see Fengxia."

Ma Xiaoyun said: "Fengxia hasn't woken up yet. When she wakes up, I will ask her to come over in person."

Liang Fukuan shouted to the neighbors: "It's over, it's over, it's just a misunderstanding, nothing to see."

The neighbors watched the farce inexplicably and slowly dispersed.

Ma Xiaoyun also took Liang Fukuan back home, beating him and scolding him.

Wang Gang watched with cold eyes and did not stop him.

After Gu Changshan took Wang Gang back to the house, he saw his wife's face as black as coal.

"What's wrong?" Gu Changshan said to Na Cunhua.

Wang Gang sneered and said: "Liang Fukuan's commotion today is tantamount to confirming the rumors about me and Fengxia. They are so scheming that their own daughter's reputation has been lost."

Gu Changshan has a good-natured character, but he is not really stupid. He quickly realized why Liang Fukuan went to the Gu family to cause such an oolong incident.

"The person named Liang is bullying people too much. Isn't this forcing my son to marry her daughter?" The flirtatious guy almost picked up a kitchen knife and went to the Liang family to argue.

Gu Changshan quickly stopped his wife and said, "Forget it, maybe Lao Liang really misunderstood."

"What a misunderstanding. Liang Fengxia really drank pesticide. He was still in the mood to come to our house to cause trouble, and it was too late to send him to the health center." Na Cunhua said angrily: "He is sincere and the whole village knows."

Gu Changshan sighed and said to Wang Gang: "Actually, Fengxia is not a bad kid. Zhaocheng, didn't you like her before?"

"That was before." Na Cunhua snorted coldly: "No matter how good Fengxia is, with these two parents, my son will never marry her."

Wang Gang nodded secretly, Cunhua was still rational now.

To be honest, Wang Gang didn't have a good impression of the Liang family before, nor could he say he had a bad impression.

?But after today's farce, he has decided to try to keep a distance from the Liang family in the future.

"Now that things have become like this, how should we deal with the aftermath?" Gu Changshan asked worriedly.

Na Cunhua snorted coldly: "How can we deal with the aftermath? Just pretend to be confused! Anyway, my son can't marry a girl from the Liang family. I don't want this kind of in-laws to give me for free."

Wang Gang nodded and said: "My mother is right. In a family like the Liang family, whoever touches it will be unlucky."

Gu Changshan sighed: "Zhaocheng, please don't say this in front of Feng Qin, he is her relative after all."

"It's none of your business." Na Cunhua rolled her eyes and said, "Look, Feng Qin is at home, and none of us have mentioned the Liang family.

Now I finally understand why Feng Qin refuses to acknowledge his parents."

Gu Changshan said sadly: "It's just that girl Fengxia suffered a lot. Her reputation is ruined with such parents. How will she get married in the future?"

"That's the Liang family's business, it has nothing to do with my Gu family!" Na Cunhua snorted coldly:

"Liang Fukuan and Ma Xiaoyun wanted to force Zhaocheng to marry Fengxia, but they didn't know that they were hurting their own daughter."

Wang Gang shook his head and sighed: "I really don't know who made this move. It hurts others but does not benefit oneself."

"Who else can there be? It must be that Liang Fukuan. He knows how to cheat and cheat every day, and he doesn't care about human affairs. If it's not his own daughter, he doesn't care about Fengxia's reputation." Na Cunhua said angrily.

"Okay! Even if this matter ends here, since Zhaocheng doesn't want to marry Fengxia, don't have any contact with her in the future. The rumors will soon fade away."

Gu Changshan saw that his wife and son were resolute, so he could not force Wang Gang to marry Liang Fengxia.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Between his son's lifelong happiness and the Gu family's face, Gu Changshan would still choose his son.

Sure enough, after Liang Fukuan and his wife left the Gu family, the rumors in the village about Wang Gang and Liang Fengxia not only did not die out, but intensified.

Public opinion was overwhelmingly blaming Wang Gang, and some also said that Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua were not good at educating their children.

Wang Gang ignored those public opinions and continued to collect his own mountain products. He also took the stored flowers to several surrounding villages and collected a lot of good things at a price that was 20% higher than the market price.

Wang Gang sought Chen Xingjie's permission to use his original residence as a warehouse to temporarily store the recovered mountain goods.

Liang Fukuan and Ma Xiaoyun saw that the Gu family was indifferent, but now they became anxious and sat at home to discuss.

"Liang Fukuan, didn't you say that as long as you go to the Gu family to cause trouble, Gu Changshan will definitely let his son marry our daughter for the sake of face?"

Liang Fukuan also wondered in his heart, how could Gu Changshan, with his good-natured character, be able to endure such a big incident.

"Liang Fukuan, you're talking! I've put my daughter's reputation on the line, but I can't get nothing out of it." Ma Xiaoyun pointed at her husband's nose and cursed.

"Why are you so anxious?" Liang Fukuan rolled his eyes and said, "It's not like you don't know about Lao Gu.

Just wait until Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua come to our house to propose marriage! Then you can set the bride price a little higher, since Gu Zhaocheng can make money now anyway."

Ma Xiaoyun said angrily: "If there is a problem with my daughter's marriage, I will blame you!?"

"If nothing goes wrong, Gu Changshan has the kind of temperament that would rather suffer losses for himself than let others suffer. It's not like you haven't known this for so many years."

The couple was plotting in the house, but Liang Fengxia, who was eavesdropping outside the house, heard everything clearly.

"Mom and Dad, how could you do this?" Liang Fengxia ran directly into the house and shouted to her parents: "Didn't I say I won't marry Brother Zhaocheng!"

"What do you know?" Ma Xiaoyun saw her daughter getting angry and said without panic: "Gu Zhaocheng is the man worthy of your trust for the rest of your life. You are destined to be unable to catch that Chen Xingjie."

Liang Fukuan nodded and said: "That is, since ancient times, I have been lucky enough to be a scholar. Chen Xingjie is helpless and has no support from his family. Even if he reads the book in the future, he will have to work hard on his own. If you follow him, you are destined to endure hardship."

"We are all doing this for your own good." Ma Xiaoyun said, holding her daughter's hand.

Liang Fengxia sneered and said: "You keep doing good things for me, but you ruin my reputation. Now Chen Xingjie doesn't even dare to say a word to me."

It turned out that Liang Fengxia wanted to ask Chen Xingjie for an explanation today, but he was influenced by the rumors in the village and deliberately kept a distance from Liang Fengxia.

This made Liang Fengxia very hurt.

"Fengxia, you are still young, and your eyes on men are not as evil as your parents'. That Chen Xingjie is really no better than Gu Zhaocheng!" Ma Xiaoyun said seriously.

Liang Fengxia shouted: "If you force me again, I will really drink pesticides."

This chapter has been completed!
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