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1190 suicide

The Heavenly Master suddenly flew away, and Wang Gang and Zhang Chulan chased after him without thinking too much.

Zhang Chulan even ran like crazy all the way, fearing that she would be a little late.

Only then did the two realize that the master's speed was astonishing. He was flying all the way and even caused a sonic boom. The sound was so loud that the entire Longhu Mountain could hear it.

Wang Gang once again lamented that the old Celestial Master's strength was unfathomable, but he was also curious about who the old Celestial Master was looking for.

Zhang Chulan quickly gave Wang Gang the answer.

"Something may have happened to me, Master Tian."

Wang Gang remembered that the old Heavenly Master had a junior brother named Tian Jinzhong, who was disabled in his early years and had been served by a Taoist boy from Longhu Mountain.

When the Luo Tian Da Jiao was held today, Tian Jinzhong sat next to the old Heavenly Master, and Gong Qing was the little Taoist boy who took care of Tian Jinzhong.

No wonder Master Tian was so anxious. It turned out that he was worried that his junior brother would be poisoned by Gong Qing.

Fortunately, when Wang Gang and Zhang Chulan arrived, they found that Tian Jinzhong was fine and talking to the Heavenly Master.

"Acting head Quan Xing has been with me for three years. Senior brother, are you mistaken?" Tian Jinzhong said in disbelief.

"It should be right. I have sent people to look for Xiao Yuzi, but I haven't found anyone yet."

When Tian Jinzhong saw Zhang Chulan and Wang Gang coming over, his face was a bit ugly and he said, "Xiao Yuzi has taken care of me with all his heart and soul for the past three years. You say he is Gong Qing, but I really don't believe it."

Zhang Chulan persuaded: "Master Tian, ​​the evil spirit is unpredictable and impossible to guard against. Just like Lu Liang, he can even extract the memories of dead people. My grandfather was poisoned by him even after he passed away."

"What? Retrieve memory, you are serious!" Tian Jinzhong's expression suddenly changed.

The old master's heart moved, and he seemed to notice something, but he didn't show it.

Wang Gang explained: "According to the company's investigation, Lu Liang was born in the Lu family and has the innate power of Soul Brightness. He can extract and copy anyone's memory. However, the stronger the willpower, the more difficult it is to extract."

Tian Jinzhong's face instantly turned pale.

"Old Tian, ​​it's useless to think too much." The old Heavenly Master sighed: "Gong Qing has been hiding in Longhu Mountain for three years, and he must have some plans. I will arrange for others to protect you."

Tian Jinzhong shook his head and said: "No need, the mountain is full of troubles, and you have to distract yourself from the Luotian Dajiao and search for the whole nature. There is no need to waste your manpower on me, a useless person."

Wang Gang discovered that Tian Jinzhong had broken hands and feet and was breathing heavily. He probably had no cultivation and was just an ordinary disabled old man.

"Let Lingyu come over! I feel more at ease since he is by your side. As for the Luotian Dajiao, we can postpone it." Lao Tianshi insisted.

Tian Jinzhong said angrily: "The Luotian Dajiao is related to the inheritance of the title of Heavenly Master, how can it be postponed just because of the mere nature of the emperor.

I think Gong Qing’s identity is exposed and he will definitely go down the mountain overnight.”

The junior brothers started to argue in front of Wang Gang and Zhang Chulan, and neither of them was allowed to do anything.

Wang Gang saw that the old Heavenly Master and Tian Jinzhong had a very good relationship. After all, they had been brothers for nearly a hundred years and were closer than full brothers.

In the end, the Heavenly Master persuaded Tian Jinzhong and postponed the Luotian Festival for three days. He communicated with companies everywhere on Longhu Mountain and tried his best to search for safety.

The Heavenly Master even said that if Quan Xing dared to approach Longhu Mountain again, he, the number one person in the alien world, would not mind going down the mountain to loosen his muscles.

Sure enough, the old Heavenly Master's face was still good. The next day, Quan Xing, who was wandering at the foot of the mountain, disappeared without a trace in an instant. I don't know if Gong Qing's identity was exposed and he evacuated him.

Wang Gang stayed on the mountain waiting for news. Xu Xiang, the person in charge of the North China Region, was attacked by Quan Xing and was seriously injured. Wang Gang, as an employee of the North China Region, could not leave.

Now Feng Baobao stays by Xu Xiang's side every step of the way, but everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before this old man who has worked hard all his life dies.

Privately, Wang Gang found Zhang Chulan and asked about Tian Jinzhong.

"How did Mr. Tian's hands and feet get severed?"

"Back then, my grandfather stole away from Longhu Mountain. The previous generation of Celestial Masters sent Master Tian and the old Celestial Master to search separately. Master Tian unfortunately encountered a gangster.

The gangsters thought Master Tian had met my grandfather and knew the secrets of the Eight Wonders, so they were severely tortured and even destroyed his cultivation and chopped off his hands and feet." Zhang Chulan said sadly.

Wang Gang touched his chin and said, "Does Master Tian really know the secret of the Eight Wonders?"

"Master Tian didn't find my grandfather at all after he came down from the mountain. Otherwise, if something like this happens to ordinary people, all the secrets will be revealed." Zhang Chulan said guiltily.

"I heard from the old Celestial Master that after Master Tian was rescued, he wanted to die. It was only after the previous Celestial Master's persuasion and the support of his fellow disciples that he gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide. In recent years, Master Tian has practiced meditation successfully and even used meditation.

Instead of sleeping, Master Tian has not slept for many years."

When Wang Gang heard this, he narrowed his eyes and felt even more certain that Tian Jinzhong should know the secret of the Eight Wonders.

Because meditation cannot replace sleep, Tian Jinzhong has not slept for many years. Apparently, he has hidden a big secret in his heart and is worried that it will be revealed in his sleep.

Since Wang Gang can think of this, Gong Qing can naturally do the same. Combined with the fact that Gong Qing recruited Lu Liang to go up the mountain, he obviously wanted to use the Bright Soul Technique to copy Tian Jinzhong's memory, so as to know the secret of the Eight Wonders.

After thinking everything through, Wang Gang's hair stood up instantly.

"No, Mr. Tian will probably commit suicide." Wang Gang stood up abruptly and ran towards Tian Jinzhong's room quickly.

Zhang Chulan was confused, but he still followed because he didn't want anything to happen to Master Tian.

When the two arrived at Tian Jinzhong's residence, a bolt of lightning suddenly crossed the sky, and the originally sunny weather on Longhu Mountain was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

An unknown premonition enveloped Zhang Chulan's heart.

He rushed into Tian Jinzhong's room eagerly and saw the old Heavenly Master holding Tian Jinzhong with arcs of electricity surging all over his body.

"Master Tian." Zhang Chulan called.

The Heavenly Master had a cold face and hugged Tian Jinzhong tightly. At this time, Tian Jinzhong was no longer breathing.

"Lao Tian is gone." Master Tian said in a deep voice.

Zhang Chulan knelt down in front of Tian Jinzhong in disbelief and felt his pulse.

"Who killed Master Tian?" Zhang Chulan said through gritted teeth.

The old Heavenly Master sighed and said, "Lao Tian committed suicide."

Zhang Chulan was shocked and couldn't accept it: "Why did Master Tian commit suicide!?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Wang Gang walked to Zhang Chulan, patted his shoulder and said: "Tian Lao has a big secret in his heart. He is worried that Lu Liang's Ming Soul Technique will spy on him.

So I chose to end it on my own."

The old Heavenly Master took out a piece of paper and said, "This is Lao Tian's suicide note. He requested that he be cremated immediately after his death to avoid Lu Liang extracting his memory."

Zhang Chulan grabbed the suicide note and after reading it, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

The old Heavenly Master picked up Tian Jinzhong's body and stood up, saying, "I want to fulfill Lao Tian's last wish."

Tian Jinzhong's funeral was held in a hurry, so Luotian's funeral was postponed for another seven days.

Everyone on the mountain went to attend Tian Jinzhong's farewell ceremony. Even Xu Xiang, dragging his broken body with the support of his two sons, paid homage to Tian Jinzhong's remains.

Tian Jinzhong was not sent to the crematorium, but was burned directly to ashes in Longhu Mountain, and then the ashes were sent to the resting place of the ancestors of the past generations in Longhu Mountain.

Zhang Chulan was very remorseful and blamed all the resentment on Quan Xing and Lu Liang.

He didn't even want to participate in the Luotian Festival, and shouted that he would seek revenge from Lu Liang.

The Heavenly Master directly gave Zhang Chulan a slap to wake him up.

"Don't you understand now? Lao Tian seeks death just to preserve the secret of the thirty-six thieves back then, and also to protect you." The old Heavenly Master hated iron and said:

"Only if you win the Luo Tian Dajiao and inherit the new generation of Heavenly Masters, no one will dare to trouble you. Otherwise, Lao Tian's fate will be your future destiny."

Zhang Chulan knelt in pain in front of Tian Jinzhong's tombstone and burst into tears.

Wang Gang watched from a distance and did not try to persuade Zhang Chulan. He always felt that Tian Jinzhong's death was a bit strange.

Tian Jinzhong's death was too sudden, and there was something wrong with the Heavenly Master's attitude.

His junior brother who was as close as a brother was forced to death by Quan Xing, and the Heavenly Master acted too calmly.

Except for the fact that when Tian Jinzhong's body was discovered at the beginning, the old master was furious and caused a strange vision in Longhu Mountain, the subsequent performance of the old master seemed very ordinary. He held a funeral for Tian Jinzhong and cremated the body, which could even be said to be in a hurry.

The same person who had doubts was Gong Qing.

He finally escaped from Longhu Mountain, and then received news that Tian Jinzhong had committed suicide.

Gong Qing's first reaction was that he didn't believe that Tian Jinzhong had been keeping secrets all his life, and even had his cultivation level abolished and his limbs cut off without revealing a word. Now he died so easily. Wasn't there three hundred taels of silver in this place?

After thinking for a long time, Gong Qing suspected that Tian Jinzhong was not dead, and everything was due to the protection of his junior brother by the old master.

As long as Tian Jinzhong fakes his death, he can take the secrets of the past to the grave and cremate the body. Not only does Lu Liang's soul-clearing technique have no use, but there is no evidence to prove it.

Gong Qing directly summoned Quan Xing's personnel in the name of Quan Xing's acting head in a small town hundreds of miles away from Longhu Mountain.

"I want to go to Longhu Mountain!" Gong Qing said in shock to everyone.

Lu Liang was shocked and persuaded him: "Acting Master, think twice. Now there are many masters from Longhu Mountain. The company and the disciples from Longhu Mountain have been on guard against us. If we go back at this time, we will fall into a trap."

"Now that Tian Jinzhong is dead and no one knows the secrets from back then, what's the point of us trying to break into Longhu Mountain again," Miao Shenchong, the source of trouble, said.

"The Heavenly Master is very angry. Now go up the mountain. Who can bear the anger of that old guy?" Dou Mei also said.

Gong Qing said calmly: "Don't worry, everyone. I'm sure that Tian Jinzhong faked his death. He must still be on Longhu Mountain. As long as we find him, we will definitely get the secret of the thirty-six thieves."

"This is just your guess. What if Tian Jinzhong is really dead?" Shen Chong said in a strange tone.

Gong Qing said: "Don't worry, everyone, I have been lurking in Longhu Mountain for three years, and I have already dug a tunnel using earth escape. When the time comes, we will sneak into the mountain, spread out, wreak havoc, and lure Zhang Zhiwei away.

As long as you give me an hour, I will definitely find Tian Jinzhong."

"You're talking lightly. Zhang Zhiwei has been the best in the world for decades. Who has the confidence to hold him back for an hour?" Xia Liuqing, a fully-sexual old man, said.

Gong Qing said: "No matter how powerful Zhang Zhiwei is, he is only one person and cannot protect everyone. As long as we wreak havoc in Longhu Mountain and make Zhang Zhiwei exhausted, it will not be difficult to delay him for an hour."

Shen Chong said reluctantly: "But this is just your speculation. No one can guarantee that Tian Jinzhong is still alive. Besides, it is inappropriate for all of us to take risks for the sake of an illusory secret, even if you are the acting leader!" "

Gong Qing knew that people like Quan Xing would not be able to afford the opportunity early. Without some useful information, they would not be able to take risks in Longhu Mountain.

"Don't worry, everyone, I won't let you work in vain this time. I am willing to use all my wealth to ask you to go to Longhu Mountain for an hour. No matter what happens, when the time is up, you can go down the mountain on your own and don't worry about me." Gong Qing Baoquan way:

"And I hereby promise that if the secret of the past is not found, I will die to apologize and give up the position of acting leader."

Everyone in Quanxing was in a commotion. They didn't expect that Gong Qing would pay such a high price just for a secret from back then.

Others don't know it, but Shen Chong and the other four do know that although Gong Qing looks like a child, he is actually older than everyone else. The wealth he has accumulated in his lifetime is absolutely astronomical, at least tens of billions.

Among all people, there are only a few people who truly regard money as dung. Money touches people's hearts, and this truth has not changed since ancient times.

Sure enough, when they heard that Gong Qing had donated all his property, many people became commotion.

?"No matter how powerful the Heavenly Master is, can he still kill all of us?"

Gong Qing looked at Si Zhangkuang again and said, "Don't the four of you always want to measure the strength of the old Heavenly Master? Are you afraid?"

The four crazy people looked at each other and nodded silently.

"The whole sex is making a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, it's exciting just thinking about it!" Shen Chong licked his lips, showing excitement.

"Old Master Tian, ​​the best in the world, hasn't taken action for many years. God knows if he is too old to take action!" Gao Ning said with a smile.

"Actually, as far as I know, after the old Heavenly Master passed on the Heavenly Master's education, he didn't live long." Xia He suddenly said.

"This is true."

People who were originally afraid of the reputation of the Heavenly Master were also shaken at this time.

"The previous generation of Celestial Masters passed down the Celestial Master's teachings and died within a few days. This can all be investigated." Xia Liuqing said with a smile.

"If you calculate Zhang Zhiwei's age, he is over a hundred years old. He is the oldest among all the heavenly masters in the past."

Many people's hearts became excited, as they seemed to have seen the scene of Zhang Zhiwei passing on the instructions of the Heavenly Master and dying.

"In this case, we will set the date of attacking the mountain after the Luotian Dajiao." Gong Qing turned to Lu Liang and said:

"Lu Liang, I will give you a task now. After the Luo Tian Dajiao is held again, you sneak into Longhu Mountain through the secret passage, find Zhang Chulan, and pass his grandfather's memory to him!"

Lu Liang smiled and said, fearing that the world would be in chaos: "No problem, if Zhang Chulan knew that the person who killed his grandfather was Feng Baobao, the scene would be very interesting."

Gong Qing snorted coldly: "I want to alienate the relationship between Longhushan and the company, but I want to see how Zhang Zhiwei handles it."

In fact, just when Quan Xing was discussing how to attack the mountain, Xu Xiang, who was seriously injured and beaten to death, also found the Heavenly Master.

"Old Heavenly Master, I am sure that Gong Qing will definitely go up the mountain to confirm whether Mr. Tian is really dead." Xu Xiang held the broken body, summoned people from all the companies on the mountain, and said to the old Heavenly Master:

"Tianshi, please stop the Luotian Dajiao and be on guard against Quan Xing going up the mountain."

The old Heavenly Master said solemnly: "There is no need to cancel the Luotian Dajiao. I am waiting for all the people to come up the mountain. I have not done anything for decades, and many people have forgotten the thunder method of the Heavenly Master's Mansion."

This chapter has been completed!
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