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1337 old blind man

Wang Gang handcuffed the thief, and then together with Du Jiang, pushed the person into the dining car. During normal meal times, the dining car was closed and only used by the staff on the train.

Although the thief was caught, according to the procedure, a confession was recorded to let the suspect explain how he committed the crime.

The two victims who were stolen also had to come over and write a statement of the situation, sign and fingerprint it, and then according to the procedure, when the train stopped at the next station, the police officers handed the prisoners over to the police at the local train station.

"Master, since we caught the person, why did he hand it over to others?" When Jiang Daqiao heard that he was going to hand over the thief, he was a little unhappy.

Although it was Wang Gang who discovered the thief, Du Jiang arrested him, and Jiang Daqiao was responsible for the whole process, he also had a share of the credit. The police team arranged three to four police officers for each trip, so they were naturally a team.

Du Jiang collected the prisoner's signed confession, then glanced at Wang Gang and asked, "Why do you think you handed the prisoner over to the local police?"

Wang Gang knew that Du Jiang was testing him, and after thinking for a moment he said: "First, there are no special cells for prisoners on the train. Letting prisoners stay on the train for a long time will cause trouble to other passengers."

Du Jiang nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask: "What about the second one?"

Wang Gang said: "The three of us need to be responsible for the safety of everyone on the train. There are not enough manpower in the first place. It is obviously inappropriate to distract ourselves from watching the prisoners."

Jiang Daqiao suddenly realized: "If the prisoner plays tricks and escapes and jumps from the train, not only will we have no merit, but we will also be punished."

Du Jiang sighed and said, "You have to know that sometimes prisoners are very cunning, and there are no detention conditions on the train. If something goes wrong, who would dare to take the responsibility.

A few years ago, we had an old comrade in the police force who chased the prisoner too closely because he was escaping, causing the prisoner to jump out of the car and die."

Wang Gang's heart moved, and he thought of Ma Yan's father. Wang Xin said that Ma Yan's father was once a policeman, and he went in because of manslaughter.

"Master, what happened to that old comrade?" Jiang Daqiao asked.

Du Jiang grimaced and cursed: "What happens to him is none of your business."

Jiang Daqiao shrank his neck and did not dare to speak.

"Watch the prisoner carefully. Wang Gang and I will continue patrolling. If the prisoner escapes, you are the only one to ask." Du Jiang said to Jiang Daqiao sternly.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Jiang Daqiao trembled, hurriedly ran to sit opposite the prisoner, and stared at him.

Du Jiang turned to Wang Gang and said: "Xiao Wang, don't worry, I will remember this credit for you, and I will ask Captain Hu for credit when I get back to the team."

"Master, we all caught him together, and the credit belongs to the three of us." Wang Gang said modestly.

Wang Gang actually didn't take credit for catching a thief. He was an emperor in his previous life.

Du Jiang was very satisfied and admired Wang Gang as his apprentice more and more.

The two of them continued to inspect the carriage, and at this time, the radio in the car sounded the story of Wang Gang and Du Jiang catching the thief.

Wang Gang realized that this was an arrangement by train conductor Lu Hongxing. Firstly, he wanted to show his goodwill to Du Jiang and Wang Gang, and secondly, he wanted to attack other lawless elements on the train.

Because of the broadcast, every time Wang Gang and Du Jiang walked through a carriage, they were greeted with thunderous applause, and many passengers expressed their gratitude to them.

When Du Jiang and Wang Gang returned to the dining car after inspecting the carriages, they found Jiang Daqiao sweating profusely and sitting on the thief, pressing him to the ground.

The thief had a bruised nose and swollen face, as if he had just been beaten.

"What's going on?" Du Jiang said angrily when he saw this scene.

"This guy just wanted to escape by going to the toilet. Fortunately, I remembered what the master said and suppressed him first." Du Dajiang said slightly proudly.

"Did you hit him?" Wang Gang couldn't help but feel bad when he saw the injuries on the thief's face.

"He is dishonest and wants to attack the police, so I have no choice but to take action." Jiang Daqiao said without knowing why.

Wang Gang asked: "Did anyone see him when he attacked the police? Were you injured by him?"?

"There were only two of us in the dining car at the time. He said he wanted to go to the toilet. I didn't expect that he wanted to run away, so I held him down. As a result, he refused to resist, so I took action." Jiang Daqiao said.

Wang Gang couldn't help but said: "Brother Jiang, can't you use handcuffs to roast him on the iron handrail?"

"Ah, can it still be like this?" Jiang Daqiao said dumbfounded.

Du Jiang said speechlessly: "You studied in the police academy for nothing! You don't even know how to adapt to this."

At this time, the thief who was pressed to the ground suddenly shouted: "The police are beating people! Help!"

Wang Gang ran over and shouted angrily at the thief: "Shut up and be honest."

The thief did not stop shouting. Instead, he shouted louder and louder, and even threatened to file a complaint against Jiangdaqiao.

"I also have human rights, you can't do this to me." The thief raised his handcuffed hands and shouted: "My hands are handcuffed, how can I attack the police? You are unjustly accusing me."

Du Jiang frowned deeply, because if the thief really complained to Jiang Daqiao, he might be in trouble.

Even if Jiang Daqiao is fine in the future, there will definitely be records in the files, which will affect his future.

Wang Gang dragged the thief up and leaned his hand on the iron railing of the train.

Du Jiang walked over and said to Jiang Daqiao and Wang Gang: "You block the doors of the front and rear compartments and don't allow anyone to come in."

The thief was now frightened and said in horror: "What do you want to do?"

Wang Gang pulled up Jiang Daqiao and signaled him to block the door in front, while he blocked the door in the back, leaving Du Jiang and the thief to "talk" alone.

A few minutes later, Du Jiang walked out of the carriage, and the thief sat on the ground frustrated.

"Master, will he really complain about me?" Jiang Daqiao asked in panic.

"Okay! Be careful when doing things in the future and know how to adapt." Du Jiang slapped Jiang Daqiao's face and said, "This time is a lesson. You must pay more attention in the future."

Jiang Daqiao is as honest as a child.

Wang Gang sighed and did not ask what Du Jiang and the thief "discussed".

When the train stopped and the station police picked him up, the thief still looked unhappy.

The rest of the journey was very uneventful. Wang Gang didn't find any more thieves and mostly dealt with trivial matters. When the train arrived at the bottom station, Harbin, he also felt a little tired.

But his work was not over yet. After the police team went to Harbin Railway Station to hand in their mission report, the three of them had to take the train back to Ningyang from Harcheng.

On the way back to the city, Wang Gang met an old beggar while patrolling. He was hiding alone in the compartment between the carriages. He didn't look like he had money to buy a train ticket.

Wang just wanted to go up to check the tickets, but Du Jiang stopped him.

"Stop checking, I know him."

Du Jiang dug into his pocket, took out half a piece of cake, walked to the old beggar and squatted down.

The old beggar rolled his eyes, tilted his head, and suddenly said: "Hey, it's Officer Du! This bus is in your charge."

Du Jiang said: "Your nose is still so sharp, how did you recognize me?"

Wang Gang discovered that the old beggar seemed to be blind and had a face exactly like Su Daqiang.

"I didn't recognize you. I smelled the cake in your hand." The old beggar chuckled and said:

"My eyes don't work well, my nose is the best."

Du Jiang stuffed the cake into the old beggar's hand and said, "Don't disturb other passengers in the car."

"Thank you, thank you." The old beggar touched the cake and thanked: "I will definitely not affect other people."

Du Jiang said "hmm", then stood up and pulled Wang Gang to the next car.

"Master, who is he and how come he begs on the train?" Wang Gang asked in confusion.

"His name is the old blind man, and he is also a poor man. He lost his daughter on the train many years ago, and he has been looking for her on the train, turning himself into a beggar." Du Jiang sighed.

"Is he born blind?" Wang Gang asked.

"I miss my daughter and cry so much." Du Jiang shook his head.

"You haven't found anyone in these years?"

"It's not easy to find! Especially girls. After so many years, the children must have grown up and changed. The old blind man's eyesight is not good, so he wouldn't be able to recognize it if he found it." Du Jiang sighed: "What he is actually looking for is...

That human trafficker.”

Wang Gang was stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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