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263 Persuasion

Li Suhua's heartfelt words made Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei feel on pins and needles, and even the braised pork in front of them no longer tasted good.

Wang Gang came out at the right time to smooth things over.

"Mom, we can't rush the baby. The doctor said that the more we push, the harder it will be to conceive. You see, Juan'er and I only got pregnant after three years of marriage."

"My eldest brother and sister-in-law are busy at work and supporting each other there. There is no one to help. How will we take care of the children if we have them?"

Li Suhua said: "What's the matter? When I gave birth to you three, I didn't raise you three by myself. It's really not possible. After the child is born, he will be sent back to Jichun and I will take care of it."

Zhou Zhigang smiled and said: "Old lady, it's not that simple. I see you, don't rush your children. Bingkun is right. The more you push, the more pressure they will have."

Li Suhua looked at Hao Dongmei and said, "Mom is not forcing you to have children, you can just do it yourself."

"Yes, don't be stressed. Your parents are not antiques. Just let things take their own course." Zhou Zhigang also added.

Looking at their parents who understood their righteousness well, Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei felt very guilty, but they did not dare to tell the secret directly.

After dinner, Wang Gang suggested that Zhou Bingyi and his wife stay at Zhou's house, while he and Zheng Juan went to live with Zheng's mother next door.

There are two rooms in Zheng's mother's house. When the time comes, Zheng's mother and Zheng Guangming will squeeze into one room, which will be enough.

"Did Bingkun buy a house?" Zhou Bingyi asked in surprise.

"It's Lao Zhangtou's house next door. Three years ago, Lao Zhangtou took his daughter-in-law and grandson back to his hometown, and the house was given to Bingkun." Li Suhua said proudly.

Li Suhua was very proud of the house. There was no house in the entire photon film where seven or eight people lived in one room.

"Juan'er's house still has a room, so Rong'er will have room to live in when she comes back." Zhou Zhigang said with a smile.

Zhou Bingyi looked at Wang Gang and said: "Bingkun, I didn't expect that you have done so many things for this family. On the contrary, as the eldest brother, I can't help you at all. I am very ashamed."

Wang Gang smiled and said: "Brother, why are you talking about this?"

Zhou Zhigang is very satisfied with the attitude of the two brothers. As a parent, he hopes to see the picture of respectful brothers and sisters.

Even if the brothers did it deliberately to show their parents.

At night, Zhou Bingyi and his wife originally slept on the kang in the inner room, but Li Suhua really missed her son, so she secretly slept next to Zhou Bingyi and whispered to him.

Zhou Bingyi also told Li Suhua some things about the Corps, and Li Suhua gradually fell asleep.

Zhou Bingyi couldn't sleep, so he couldn't help but sit up, cover his mother and wife with quilts, and then went out alone, intending to smoke a cigarette.

Unexpectedly, I saw Wang Gang as soon as I arrived at the yard.

Wang Gang was standing between Zhou's house and Lao Zhangtou's house, also smoking.

"Bingkun, you're still up so late!" Zhou Bingyi walked up to Wang Gang and lit a cigarette himself.

"I sometimes write at night, and when I'm stuck, I go out to smoke a cigarette, for fear of injuring Juan'er." Wang Gang explained.

Zhou Bingyi smiled and said: "Dad just showed me the column story you wrote. I didn't expect you to have such a talent. You wrote it so well!"

In the past, among the three siblings of the Zhou family, the one with the best writing skills was actually Zhou Bingyi. He also relied on his articles and was transferred to a civilian position as soon as he arrived in the Corps.

"I gave it a try, but I didn't expect it to work." Wang Gang said modestly.

"Writing requires talent. You haven't graduated from junior high school, but you can write such a touching story, which shows that you are very talented. No wonder you were recommended to the School of Liberal Arts of Jiangliao University." Zhou Bingyi sighed.

"I believe that my eldest brother will definitely be able to go to college in the future." Wang Gang said with a smile.

The two brothers were smoking and chatting. Finally, Wang Gang stepped on the butt of the cigarette and said, "Brother, when are you going to tell your parents that your sister-in-law can't have children?"

Zhou Bingyi trembled and half of his cigarette fell to the ground.

"How do you know it?"

Wang Gang said calmly: "During dinner today, I saw something was wrong with my sister-in-law's expression. Every time she mentioned the child, she was very afraid. In addition, you have been refusing to have children, so I guessed it.

I didn't confirm it at first, but the way you looked just now illustrates the problem."

Zhou Bingyi said anxiously: "You must never tell your parents."

Wang Gang asked: "Have you taken your sister-in-law to the hospital?"

Zhou Bingyi sighed and said: "Your sister-in-law unfortunately fell into a well when she was working. She happened to be menstruating at that time and injured her body, so she couldn't get pregnant."

Wang Gang knew this a long time ago and was not surprised. He just said: "Does the doctor say there is no hope at all?"

Zhou Bingyi shook his head in pain and said: "The chance is very small, almost non-existent."

Wang Gang advised: "I have said it since I was very young. Now that medicine is getting more and more advanced, I can't take my sister-in-law to Beijing for a visit."

"When I come back this time, I just plan to take your sister-in-law to Peking Union Medical College. I've already asked for leave." Zhou Bingyi said.

Wang Gang nodded and handed Zhou Bingyi another cigarette.

"No matter what, you shouldn't hide this from your parents."

Zhou Bingyi said ashamedly: "You know the situation at Dongmei's family. I'm worried that my parents will not agree to us being together if they know she can't have children."

Wang Gang was speechless.

To say that the Zhou family are all lovers, let’s not talk about the male protagonist Zhou Bingkun. In the original work, Zheng Juan’s condition is that he will never leave her for the rest of his life. It can be said that he is deeply affectionate.

Zhou Rong is in love and dares to go to Guizhou alone for Feng Huacheng.

The same goes for Zhou Bingyi. After he identified Hao Dongmei, he ignored everything, including his future and his family.

Even Zhou Zhigang is actually the same. He has loved Li Suhua deeply all his life. Even if she became paralyzed and turned into a vegetative state, he never thought of giving up.

It goes without saying that the Zhou family is sincere in their feelings.

"Let me tell you something!" Wang Gang suddenly said to Zhou Bingyi: "I wanted to marry Zheng Juan before, but I was worried that my father would mind that she had a blind brother, so I kept it secret.

Three years ago, my father went home for the Chinese New Year and saw Zheng Guangming. He was very angry and wanted to beat me when he got home.

At first I thought he disagreed with Zheng Juan and I, but later I found out that what he cared about was not that Zheng Juan had a blind brother, but that I lied to him."

Zhou Bingyi listened very carefully and understood Wang Gang's intention when he said this.

"You have studied hard since you were a child. I know you are afraid that your father will be disappointed." Wang Gang added: "Of the three children, my father has the highest expectations for you. The one he loves the most is Zhou Rong, who always beats and scolds me."

Zhou Bingyi wanted to explain something, but Wang Gang raised his hand to stop him.

"Originally, I had complaints in my heart. We are my parents' children, so why should we be the harshest to me?"

Zhou Bingyi frowned.

"Later I figured out that dad's love for the three of us is actually the same. It's just that I was too naughty and mischievous since I was a child. He was afraid that I would go down the wrong path and learn bad things, so he was so strict. This was his way of expressing love, even though it was violent.

, but my heart is good."

Zhou Bingyi sighed and said, "Bingkun, I'm very happy that you can think so."

Wang Gang raised his hand again and said: "I am telling you this not to make you happy, but to tell you that we have all misunderstood Dad.

Although dad is not highly educated and has never read any books, he is the person who loves us the most in the world. He will not separate you because my sister-in-law cannot get pregnant. He will only feel sorry for the fact that his child has no offspring."

Zhou Bingyi opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

Wang Gang put out the cigarette and said, "Think carefully whether it will be more harmful to him to lie to Dad, or to hide it from Dad. It is up to you to decide whether to confess or to continue to hide."

After saying that, Wang Gang turned around and went home, leaving Zhou Bingyi alone to think by himself.

Zhou Bingyi stood in the cold courtyard with a cigarette between his arms, his eyes changing unsteadily, and he didn't notice the smoke burning into his hands.

"Hiss." Zhou Bengyi felt pain in his hand, shook the cigarette butt away, and then came to his senses.

"Alas!" Zhou Bingyi sighed deeply, turned around a little lonely and wanted to go back to the house, but he froze immediately.

Zhou Zhigang was standing behind him.

"Bingyi, it's so late at night, why did you run out without sleeping?" Zhou Zhigang put on a cotton coat and stood at the door.

"Dad, I can't sleep, so I came out to smoke a cigarette." Zhou Bingyi said in a panic.

"It's cold outside. Go back to the house as soon as you finish smoking. Don't freeze." Zhou Zhigang opened the door and motioned for Zhou Bingyi to come in.

Zhou Bingyi ran back to the house in panic, not seeing Zhou Zhigang's complicated eyes.

At the dinner table, even Wang Gang could tell that something was wrong with Hao Dongmei. How could Zhou Zhigang not see it? He saw through it but didn't say anything.

After all, I still feel sorry for my children, and I hope my children can tell me their predicament and have a heart-to-heart relationship with me.

It's a pity that Zhou Bingyi disappointed him. As the child grew older, father and son were always estranged.

On the contrary, for his younger son, Zhou Zhigang felt that when he grew up, he would not only think about himself and his family, but he would also be considerate to his parents.

Before closing the door, Zhou Zhigang glanced at the direction Wang Gang left, his eyes filled with relief.

In fact, Wang Gang had already discovered that Zhou Zhigang was behind him, otherwise why would he have reminded Zhou Bingyi?

He has done everything he can. How Zhou Bingyi chooses is his business. He is Zhou Bingyi's younger brother, not his father.

This chapter has been completed!
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