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270 Misunderstanding

Zhou Rong got off the train excitedly, carrying her luggage in one hand and holding her husband Feng Huacheng in the other, and finally set foot on the land of Jichun.

After not coming back for seven years, Zhou Rong felt that every breath of air in Jichun was fresh.

"Zhou Rong, slow down, don't fall." Feng Huacheng reminded his wife gently.

"Hurry up, I want to go home right away and give my mother a surprise." Zhou Rong complained.

Feng Huacheng was helpless. There was really nothing he could do about his wife, who was more than ten years younger than him.

He actually didn't care about the sudden surprise. What he wanted more was to see his daughter as soon as possible.

After spending more than half a year in jail in the capital, he was finally released. He originally wanted to return to Jichun to pick up his daughter Feng Yue as soon as possible.

It happened that the Writers Association sent him an invitation at that time, so it was delayed until now.

After finally sorting out their work matters, their original plan was to go to Jichun tomorrow to celebrate the New Year with my wife's mother, brother and family.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Rong decided on a whim to buy an early train to give her mother a sudden surprise.

"Feng Huacheng, can you hurry up? You're taking your time more than a woman like me."

Zhou Rong was pampered at home since childhood, and later went to the mountains of Guizhou to marry Feng Huacheng. Her temper did not change, but because of Feng Huacheng's pampering, her temper gradually grew.

"Okay, I'll walk faster." Feng Huacheng smiled bitterly, carried his luggage, and followed Zhou Rong's footsteps.

The two of them walked all the way to the light plate, and it was already dark.

"Huacheng, my house is in front of you." Zhou Rong pointed to the house in front with a smile and said:

"Let me tell you, my father built my house hand by hand, and the entire photogram is the only one."

Feng Huacheng looked in the direction of Zhou Rong's finger and did see a house, but it was a bit dark and there seemed to be no light.

"Why is there no light in your house? No one is home, right?" Feng Huacheng asked.

"My mother must have refused to turn on the lights to save money."

Zhou Rong didn't pay attention, but ran faster.

"Mom, Bingkun, I'm back!" Zhou Rong started calling from a distance, but when she ran to the door of the house, the house was completely dark and she didn't respond at all.

Zhou Rong frowned and knocked on the door, calling for a long time but no one answered.

Feng Huacheng put his luggage on the ground and said, "Is your family going out for something?"

Zhou Rong wondered: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, where can they go? Are they going to Bingkun's mother-in-law's house?"

Zhou Rong knocked on the door for a while, but the door of Zhou's house was not opened, but someone from next door ran out after hearing a noise.

"Who are you talking about? Why don't you let people eat?" Xiao Guoqing put on a piece of clothing and walked out, shouting.

Zhou Rong looked back and seemed to recognize Xiao Guoqing.

"Are you Xiao Guoqing, Bingkun's classmate?" Zhou Rong asked doubtfully.

Xiao Guoqing also saw Zhou Rong at this time and said in surprise: "Are you Sister Zhou Rong?"

Zhou Rong's appearance is not much different from that of seven years ago. As Wang Gang's childhood friend, she has naturally met his sister.

"Sister Zhou Rong, aren't you coming back tomorrow? Why are you so early?" Xiao Guoqing ran over and asked.

"Xiao Guoqing, do you know where my mother and my brother are? Why is there no one at home?" Zhou Rong asked doubtfully.

Xiao Guoqing said: "Bingkun's family just moved out two days ago, and your mother also lived with them."

"Moving? Where did you move to?" Zhou Rong asked confused.

"Bingkun bought a suite in Xinyi District and moved to the new house two days ago."

"Buy a house?" Feng Huacheng asked in surprise.

Xiao Guoqing glanced at Feng Huacheng and guessed that he was Zhou Rong's husband. Wang Gang once mentioned to him that his sister had found an old man for her second marriage.

"The same goes for Bingkun. Why didn't you notify me when you were moving?" Zhou Rong complained.

Xiao Guoqing raised his eyebrows but did not answer. I really want to say something, even if your brother wants to notify you, he must be able to notify you!

"I know Bingkun's new home, and I will take you there." Xiao Guoqing said without hesitation.

"I'm really troubling you! Aren't you eating?" Zhou Rong said a little embarrassed.

"It's not troublesome. Bingkun and I are like brothers. This trivial matter is nothing, not to mention that I still live in his house now."

Zhou Rong was slightly stunned and said, "What do you mean, how many houses does Bingkun have?"

Wang Gang didn't want to see Zhou Rong and rarely wrote to her about his affairs.

"Next door to your house, it turns out that Lao Zhangtou's house belongs to Bingkun. His wife's natal family also has another house in Taiping Hutong. Counting your Zhou family's house, there are four houses!" Xiao Guoqing said with his fingers.

Zhou Rong opened her mouth wide. She didn't expect that her brother had so many houses.

Feng Huacheng was even more surprised because he had been worried about the house in the past few months.

After he was released from prison, Feng Huacheng was invited by the Writers' Association to work. Everything was agreed, but later he didn't go and went to work in the library instead.

Because the Writers Association does not have separate houses, the library has separate rooms.

Feng Huacheng only wanted to have a home of his own, so he took his daughter Feng Yue over.

However, the house in the library is just a small room in a tube building. Not to mention the shared kitchen and toilet, the room is not large enough and can barely accommodate a bed, a table and a small wardrobe.

The table must be used for both eating and working, and living there is not comfortable anyway.

Even so, Feng Huacheng was still a little proud. After all, it was a house in the capital.

But now he can't feel proud at all. His brother-in-law has so many houses that he can rent others to live in. How can you make him proud?

"Where did Bingkun get the money? He won't commit adultery, right?" Zhou Rong didn't quite believe that her naughty brother actually owned so many houses.

Xiao Guoqing looked at Zhou Rong strangely, as a sister, why haven't any outsiders gotten to know your brother?

"Bingkun used to work in a magazine. His income was not low, and his articles were serialized in newspapers."

Zhou Rong was surprised: "With his level, he still serializes newspapers?"

Xiao Guoqing nodded and said: "Bingkun is very capable. He was recommended by the publishing house to go to college. Unfortunately, if Aunt Li hadn't gotten sick, he would have been a college student."

Zhou Rong was extremely shocked.

She knew that Li Suhua was ill, but Wang Gang never told her about going to college?

"This Bingkun, doesn't he think of me as his sister? Such a big thing happened at home, but he didn't say a word." Zhou Rong said unhappily.

When Xiao Guoqing saw that Zhou Rong was angry, he immediately stopped talking. He was not highly educated, but he was also very discerning.

"National Day, please take me to find Zhou Bingkun quickly." Zhou Rong said angrily, as if she wanted to settle a score with Wang Gang.

What else could Xiao Guoqing say? He quickly pushed the bicycle and put Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng's luggage on the bicycle.

The three of them walked for more than half an hour before arriving in Xinyi District. The closer they got to Wang Gang's new house, the less calm Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng became.

"If Bingkun really lives here, can he afford to buy a house here?" Zhou Rong felt a little unsure when she saw the single-family houses around her, and looked at Xiao Guoqing with a bit of fear.

"Bingkun said that buying the house here would almost wipe out all his and his father's money." Xiao Guoqing said truthfully.

"Bingkun is too much. How can he use his parents' pension money to buy a house?" Zhou Rong became even more angry.

Feng Huacheng felt something was wrong. He had seen Zhou Zhigang, an honest and diligent worker. Even an eighth-level bricklayer couldn't afford a house here if he had not eaten or drank for several years, right?

For an eighth-level worker, the monthly salary is 99 yuan, which seems very high, provided you can save it.

There are so many members of the Zhou family, and they all relied on Zhou Zhigang's salary to support them in the past. Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong went to high school, and Li Suhua was not in good health. The Zhou family couldn't save much money, right?

The three of them walked to the door of Wang Gang's new home. Zhou Rong looked at the neighbors whose houses were obviously smaller, and couldn't help but feel more dissatisfied.

"How much did Bingkun cheat his parents so he could afford this house?!" Zhou Rong thought to herself.

Both of them are educated people. Feng Huachen himself is a college student, and his monthly salary is only more than thirty. With their combined salary, they can't afford the smallest room here even if they haven't eaten or drank for twenty years.

Using yourself to save others, Zhou Rong believed that her younger brother must have defrauded his parents of all their hard-earned money in order to buy a house.

"No, I must bring Mom and Yue Yue to the capital. I can't let Zhou Bingkun chew on the old man again." Zhou Rong secretly made a decision, but she didn't think that she was still living in Tongzi Tower, so how could she have the ability to take the old man and the child to the capital.

"This is Bingkun's new home. I asked him to come out to pick you up." Naturally, Xiao Guoqing could not see Zhou Rong's psychological activities and excitedly knocked on the door.

Dang Dang Dang.

The door quickly opened from the inside, and it was Zheng Juan who opened the door.

"National Day, why are you here so late? Did something happen?" Zheng Juan was stunned for a moment when she saw Xiao Guoqing.

"Where is Bingkun? Is he at home? Come out quickly, your sister and brother-in-law are back." Xiao Guoqing said excitedly.

Zheng Juan was stunned again and subconsciously looked at Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng behind Xiao Guoqing.

"Sister? Why did you arrive early?" Zheng Juan saw Zhou Rong's photo and recognized it at a glance.

This chapter has been completed!
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