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488 aunt

Wang Gang drove out of the third ring road and slowly came to the gate of a community. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw a group of old men and women dancing in the garden.

"Isn't that my dad?"

Sure enough, from a distance, I saw an old man dancing and twerking with an old lady. The old man was Wang Gang's uncle Guo Changshan.

But that old lady was not his aunt Feng Langzhi.

Wang Gang pulled the car over to the side of the road, got out of the car and walked into the garden with Guoran.

"Uncle, you are a good dancer, why didn't I see you dancing with my aunt?" Wang Gang teased.

Guo Changshan was startled and subconsciously let go of the old lady's hand. He was relieved when he saw it was Wang Gang and his son.

"Xiao Feng is here! I know how to scare your uncle." Guo Changshan scolded.

Sure enough, he was speechless and said: "You saw your nephew, but you didn't see me, your biological son!"

Guo Changshan said angrily: "Go, go, you brat, what are you doing back here? I get angry when I see you."

"If I don't come back, I still don't know that you have found a new one behind my mother's back." Sure enough, he said.

"Go, go, what nonsense are you talking about? This is your Aunt Huang, your neighbor who lives in the third building." Guo Changshan said.

Wang Gang smiled and said: "Uncle, let's not stand here in poverty and go home quickly! Let's have some drinks tonight."

Guo Changshan was overjoyed at first, but soon his face became serious again.

"I'm not going back, I'm going to run away from home." Guo Changshan said.

"If you run away from home, what's wrong with you, my mother?" She said, as expected, she was not surprised.

"Your mother won't let me eat meat," Guo Changshan complained.

"My mother is doing this for your health." Sure enough, she said, "Have you forgotten what the doctor said during the last physical examination?"

Guo Changshan puffed up his chest and said, "I'm in good health. The doctor also said that I should pay attention to nutritional balance. He didn't say not to eat meat!"

Wang Gang took Guo Changshan's arm and said, "Uncle, let's go home! I promise to let you eat meat tonight."

"Really." Guo Changshan's eyes lit up.

"When have I ever lied to you?" Wang Gang said with a smile.

The three of them went home side by side. When they opened the door, they saw Aunt Feng Langzhi standing at the door, holding a feather duster in her hand, pointing at Guo Changshan and shouted:

"You still know how to come back."

Guo Changshan shrank his neck and hid behind Wang Gang.

"Feng Langzhi, let me tell you, a gentleman talks but doesn't do anything, so put down the feather duster quickly."

Feng Langzhi looked at the feather duster in his hand and put it down.

"Mom, what's wrong? You're still touching me?" Sure enough, he came up from outside and asked.

"Go, why bother? I just cleaned the house and didn't put down the duster." Feng Langzhi said angrily.

Wang Gang carried a lot of things, took Guo Changshan directly into the house, and said with a smile: "Aunt, I bought a lot of cooked food, please take it to the kitchen!"

"You kid, didn't I tell you to come here and not buy anything?" Feng Langzhi accused her, but her hand took the things over.

"The food we bought on the way are all our favorite dishes and they don't cost much," Wang Gang said.

"That's right, Xiaofeng is rich anyway and doesn't care about these three melons and two dates." Sure enough, he said.

Feng Langzhi frowned and said: "As expected, what did I tell you? Xiaofeng's money is his own money. We can't..."

"Okay, okay, Mom, it was a slip of the tongue." Sure enough, she took the initiative to admit her mistake, but she didn't want her mother to take ideological education classes.

Feng Langzhi and Guo Changshan are both teachers. Although they are retired, they can teach children a long way and cannot change them.

As expected, being trained by my mother since childhood has left me with a psychological shadow.

Seeing that her son had admitted his mistake, Feng Langzhi let him go. He took the cooked food to the kitchen and found a box of cordyceps mixed in it.

"Xiaofeng, what is this?" Feng Langzhi has never bought Cordyceps Sinensis, so she would buy it if she had the money.

"This is a supplement. It's good for your health. It's just a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It's not worth much." Wang Gang said deceptively.

Feng Langzhi was a little confused, but she really didn't know Cordyceps.

The old couple didn’t know the value of cordyceps, but they sure did!

As expected, Wang Gangchao winked and asked him to hide it from Feng Langzhi.

Feng Langzhi took the Cordyceps in doubt and wanted to go back and ask someone.

She is not stupid and knows that the things her nephew gives her cannot be cheap.

"Aunt, I'm hungry. When will dinner be served?" Wang Gang changed the subject.

"If you stir-fry another dish, you can eat. If you are hungry, drink some soup first." Feng Langzhi said to Guoran:

"As expected, you serve your cousin a bowl of soup."

Sure enough, he said speechlessly: "Mom, why don't you ask me if I'm hungry?"

Feng Langzhi said: "When you serve soup, don't you know how to serve yourself a bowl?"

"Mom, you are really good." As expected, he went to the kitchen to serve soup.

Wang Gang took Guo Changshan to the living room to play chess.

"Uncle, we haven't killed a game in a long time."

Guo Changshan said happily: "Let me see if your chess skills have improved."

Wang Gang secretly pulled Guo Changshan to the side and took out a box of sauce elbows and gave it to him.

"Uncle, put it away, don't let aunt see it." Wang Gang whispered.

Guo Changshan stuffed the elbow into his arms and cautiously glanced towards the kitchen, as if he was committing a crime.

Wang Gang smiled and blocked Guo Changshan with his body.

In fact, Feng Langzhi did not let Guo Changshan eat meat for his own good. During his physical examination this year, Guo Changshan tested positive for three high blood pressure levels. The doctor asked him to pay attention to his diet and strengthen exercise.

Feng Langzhi was worried about her wife, so she stopped eating pure food at home and ate vegetables all day, which made the old man's eyes glow green and he was so greedy for meat.

Wang Gang also knew that Feng Langzhi's approach was too extreme. The doctor asked Guo Changshan to pay attention to a balanced nutrition, not just a vegetarian diet without meat.

Guo Changshan was worried that Feng Langzhi would find the pork elbow, so he hid it in the innermost layer of the closet.

Fortunately, Wang Gang bought it in vacuum packaging, so he was not afraid of getting the clothes in the closet dirty.

Guo Changshan was in a good mood, so he invited Wang Gang to play chess, and as expected, he brought them two bowls of pork rib soup.

Wang Gang was playing chess and drinking soup, and half an hour passed unknowingly.

"It's time to eat." Feng Langzhi called, and Guo Changshan stood up as soon as he threw the chess piece.

"Xiaofeng, let's go downstairs after dinner." Guo Changshan said with a guilty conscience.

Wang Gang and Guo Ran knew that the old man realized that he was about to lose, so the excuse he made was not revealed.

The three of them came to the restaurant. Feng Langzhi prepared three vegetarian dishes, but there was no meat on one plate. Guo Changshan immediately gave up.

"Where's the cooked food Xiaofeng brought back? Why don't you bring it out?"

Feng Langzhi said angrily: "What Xiaofeng bought is all meat and vegetables. We can eat it, but you are not allowed to eat it. At most, I will give you some pork rib soup. You can only drink soup, not meat."

"Why! I'm eating vegetables alone and watching you eat meat. I wouldn't be such a bully!" Guo Changshan's temper also got worse.

"Your body still wants to eat meat, give me vegetables."

"No, I must eat meat today."

The old couple quarreled in front of their children, and as expected, Wang Gang and Wang Gang were already used to it.

When couples get older, they seem to be unable to talk calmly and will start to quarrel within three sentences.

"Aunt, uncle, please stop arguing. Brother Ran and I rarely come back for a meal. It doesn't matter if my uncle eats meat occasionally."

For Wang Gang's sake, Feng Langzhi finally let Guo Changshan eat two pieces of meat.

The dinner table finally became quiet until Feng Langzhi said to Wang Gang: "Xiaofeng, you are going to be 33 years old, when will you find a girl to start a family with?"

Wang Gang said: "Brother Ran is not married yet, I am not in a hurry."

Feng Langzhi glanced at Guoran and said accusingly: "It's all because of you that Xiaofeng refuses to get married."

Sure enough, he was unconvinced and said: "If Xiaofeng doesn't get married, what does it have to do with me?"

"It's because you, the older brother, didn't set a good example."

As expected, I was speechless.

"I signed up for you to participate in the 10,000-person blind date conference." Feng Langzhi said to Wang Gang and Guoran.

"Aunt, I don't need to go on a blind date!" Wang Gang raised his eyebrows.

"Mom, I don't want to go on a blind date." Sure enough, she refused directly.

Feng Langzhi said: "You don't need to go. I'll go ahead and look for a few good girls for you. Then you can just make an appointment to meet."

Guo Changshan stood by his wife this time.

"You are all in your thirties. Sure enough, you were already born at my age. If you keep delaying it, when will your mother and I be able to have a grandchild?"

Sure enough, he said angrily: "Dad, if you want to have a grandson, I will buy you a dog and raise it first."

"Can a dog and a grandson be the same?" Guo Changshan said angrily.

Feng Langzhi helped: "Sure enough, Xiaofeng, we will make a decision when we find the right one, and we will try to get married together this year."

Wang Gang saw that he couldn't hide, so he said: "Okay, Aunt, you can help us look for her first, and then Brother Ran and I will find time to meet."

Sure enough, Wang Gang frowned and touched him with his leg under the table.

In the end, I reluctantly agreed.

When Feng Langzhi saw the children agreeing, she immediately became happy and gave Guo Changshan an extra piece of meat.

This chapter has been completed!
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