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Chapter 72 The Kingdom of God is Coming, Ailan’s Choice

Dambala struggled painfully in the metal storm, and screamed loudly throughout the sky. The body made of crystal tree core quickly deteriorated and withered, like a withered stamen.

From the beginning, Ma Wei had no good impression of Dambala. The Witch God Cult that believed in him even used living babies to refine soul puppets. Such cruel methods were really shameful.

Although Yunia wants to kill Dambala to avoid future troubles, she does not have the ability to kill gods now. There is no problem in destroying Dambala's body, but it cannot prevent Dambala's soul from escaping.

But this is enough. Dambala, who loses his body again, will fall to the level of the second awakening. He will not be able to pose a threat to the Church of Truth, nor can he be Tilde's opponent.

In the underground research institute, Seokula, whose magic power was almost exhausted, leaned against the wall and panted. When he saw the scene in the sky, he laughed a few times and then spat on the ground: "You deserve it!"

"He is really pitiful."

Luca came to Seokula with his harp and accompanied him to watch Dambala collapse in the metal storm: "A god of faith who has lived for tens of thousands of years is despised by everyone. It is such a failure."

"In the past, He may have been a god revered by tens of thousands of people, and he may have fulfilled his duty to believe in God, but now, He has long forgotten his original intention."

Seokula said with disdain: "He no longer fights for believers, but for himself! A selfish god!"

"Are you fighting for the believers?"


"Then why do you want to squeeze the spirituality of believers? You clearly know that squeezing too much spirituality will cause irreversible damage to the soul and reduce the life span of believers, but you still do this. Are believers just tools in your eyes?"

"I didn't think so much." Seokula used the holy sword to support the ground and stood up with difficulty: "I'm different from you. I won't think about it all day long, and I can't be perfect. The duty of the God of Judgment is to protect the God system and judge.

To punish sins, Nereida needs me, so I’m here.”

"Good dog."

"Are you praising me for my loyalty?"

"I'm scolding you. This is a curse word taught to me by the priest."

Luca opened his mouth, feeling that Seokula couldn't get his point, so he could only change the topic: "The responsibility of believing in God is not as simple as you think. If everyone is as lazy to think as you are, the world will be in chaos."

"You haven't stopped thinking, haven't you? So I don't have to think. It's as simple as that. If I choose Nereida, I will act according to his instructions."

"Did you know that Nereida is related to Asis?"

"I didn't know it before, but I know it now."

Luca's eyes lit up: "Then you are still willing to help him? He is related to the ancient gods!"

Looking at him with strange and doubtful eyes, Seokula said: "Is the Church of Truth irrelevant to the ancient gods?"


Can't refute.

If we really talk about connections, the connection between the Church of Truth and the Ancient Gods is no less than that of the Apocalypse Theology.

This is a fact.

"So everyone is the same thing." Seokula said expressionlessly, "Why should you think about these things that will make you painful? Responsibilities, obligations, expectations...you are already hung up on these things."

"We are gods! Gods of faith that are different from the ancient gods!" Luca scolded: "Our power comes from the trust of believers! How can we be indifferent to their suffering?"

"But you don't have the ability to change the status quo. This is the source of pain."

Seokula's words made Luca stunned.

"I don't have the ability to change the status quo, so I won't think about the things that make me painful. I will only follow the big people who can change the status quo and let them carry my responsibilities, obligations and...expectations."

Looking down at the Holy Sword of Judgment in his hand, Seokula slowly raised it and pointed it at the sky: "It's been thousands of years. If I still can't see Nereida clearly after thousands of years, then what else do I have?"

What’s the meaning? I can either respond to the expectations of believers and fulfill my responsibilities, or I will commit serious sins and suffer eternal damnation.”

Looking at his movements, Luca's expression changed and he pressed his fingers on the strings: "What are you going to do? Put down the sword!"

Seokula grinned,



The sky tore apart, and the huge reflection of the Kingdom of God appeared in the firelight. Under the gaze of countless eyes, it collided with Yunia's Kingdom of God.

Both kingdoms shattered during the collision, and the metal storm that swallowed Dambala was also stagnant. Seizing the opportunity, Dambala, with only one head left, plunged into the clouds and disappeared.

No one intercepted Him. There was no point in intercepting Him at this moment. Dambala, who had lost his body, was no longer a threat. Compared with Him, the sudden arrival of the Kingdom of God was the key.

Rather than saying it is a kingdom of God, it is more like a trial court that is too large to imagine. Through the reflection, you can vaguely see the torture instruments placed inside.

"The Divine Kingdom of Seokula!"

Catching Tilde who fell from Dambala's broken body, Wilder healed his injuries while looking down at the ball of light emerging from his palm.

Countless threads of fate flew out of the ball of light, intertwined in a messy manner, and Wilder's expression became solemn, because this was a sign of disordered destiny.

He doesn't know what will happen next!

"Is Seokula crazy?!" Nande looked at the Kingdom of God that collided not far away in disbelief: "This is a suicide attack!"

Wilder could not answer his sister's doubts. He could not see clearly the direction of fate, but someone guessed Seokula's original intention.

The tragedy of Atlantis emerged before Ma Wei's eyes.

The scene of the collision between the kingdoms of gods is so similar to the destruction of Atlantis.

"He is coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ancient and long-lasting breath suddenly descended, pressing on everyone's heart like a haze. It was a fear that made it difficult to think of resistance...

The giant hand came again, exploring the Kingdom of Truth along the broken cracks of the Kingdom of God, groping for the seeds of the Alchemical Divine Tree.

Ailan, who was resting, felt the terrifying aura of the giant hand. The branches and leaves trembled, and his body quickly shrunk to half a person's height. He pulled out the roots that were deep in the soil, and ran wildly, trying to avoid the capture of the giant hand.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The giant hand seemed to have eyes and accurately grabbed the fleeing Aylan. Just when he was about to catch him, the sleeping tree spirit leader Saka woke up and faced his descendants.

give an order:

"Protect the ancestors!"

For a moment, the entire forest came to life. The tree spirits who had been sleeping for a long time moved their branches and twisted their bodies. Their old and craggy faces appeared on the trunks. They did not flinch. They stretched out their branches and intertwined with each other to form an umbrella canopy.

, blocking Ailan’s head.


The umbrella cover was torn apart by giant hands after being blocked for a moment, but in the next second more branches stretched out to block the front.

The giant hand became angry, grabbed the branches, and pulled several dryads out of the soil, tearing off their bodies and crushing their fruits like plucking weeds. However, no matter how he killed, the dryads still continued to fight, unyielding.

Fear of death.

The running speed became slower and slower until it stopped. Ailan stood there, watching the dryads who were calling his ancestors dying one after another, and a sad emotion suddenly broke out.

It has never felt that it is the ancestor of these tree spirits, and has always refused to admit it. It even despises them for robbing its sunshine. They always bother it no matter what, and it just wants to be quiet...

But when the disaster comes, it feels that these tree spirits are so stupid. They can obviously save themselves, but they have to be like moths fluttering into the fire and die for an ancestor who doesn't recognize them at all.

does it worth?

"Ancestor, leave quickly!!!"

"I... don't want to leave."

Ai Lan suddenly felt very boring. He had been a god since he was born, and was respected by thousands of people. He looked good, but there was always something he was dissatisfied with.

for example...

Why is it a sunflower?

It hates its own identity. Why can't it be beautiful flowers like roses and lilies? It has to be something as ugly as a sunflower?

I wanted to change, so I wanted to fuse the seeds of the Alchemy Tree, but in the end I still couldn't become what I wanted, I was still a sunflower.

There is nothing I can do, just let sunflowers be sunflowers. After all these years, what else can I do?

But just now, it suddenly understood.

Trees rarely live alone.

Where there are trees, there is often a forest.

So it has so many companions gathered around it.

Among a group of trees, sunflowers seem out of place. But from another perspective, sunflowers always face the sun, and sunshine is exactly the nutrient that trees need most.

Where sunflowers can grow, strong trees will also grow.

There is a reason why these tree spirits keep calling their ancestors!

This reason seemed a bit far-fetched, but Alan used it to convince himself.

It really dislikes these dryads that stick to its body when nothing happens, and always wants to keep a distance from them.

But you want to bully them, no way!

This is my fucking little brother!

Her figure expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, Ailan once again turned into a sunflower as tall as a mountain, and her huge figure blocked the dryads.

The giant hand paused for a moment, as if he didn't expect Ailan to give up his escape, and then grabbed Ailan's branches and planned to uproot it.

The silver melon seeds shot out like bullets, causing the skin and flesh of the giant hand to rip open. Without the bullets, Ailan opened the leaves and pounced on it. The flower bed where the melon seeds grew was like a mouth, biting wildly.

"Sunflowers can bite, too!"

Seeing that their ancestors were at a disadvantage and about to lose their support, the tree spirits dug their roots into the soil one after another and stretched out their branches to tie Ailan's branches. The green leaves were like spider webs all over the ground, trying to compete with the giant hand.

Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, a metal storm swept over and wrapped the giant hand.

This was not over yet. As Yunia turned her hand, a long mithril sword condensed in her palm, and she swung it towards the giant hand...


The long sword opened a huge wound, and the divine blood scattered all over the sky and fell into the soil. The giant hand was in pain, but still refused to let go of Ailan.


Yunia couldn't turn around in time, and was knocked away by a huge force. She flew very far before she could stop. When she looked back, another giant hand came!

It's already difficult to deal with one giant hand, but now both hands are here...

Yunia raised her sword to strike, but she saw the newly arrived giant hand grab a handful of soil. In an instant, the soil restructured and turned into a trident that shone with cold light and stabbed towards her.



The sound of the sword and the trident colliding echoed in the night sky. Daniel could not help and could only watch. There was good news. Since the two giant hands appeared, Levin's body no longer trembled, but recovered.


"Why hasn't he woke up yet? His injuries have healed!"

Maria glanced at Levin and said: "He is facing a choice and needs time to think. As for whether he wakes up is a monster or a familiar friend, that's not necessarily the case."

Daniel was silent for a moment, then looked up at Yunia who was fighting the giant hand, and asked: "Why don't you help?"

"What help?"

"Resist Ahis! Isn't he your enemy? If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be sealed!"

"It makes sense, but we are demons." Maria smiled slyly: "Devils cannot afford to do anything without benefits. If you ask us to help, you have to come up with benefits."

"You don't help and let Asis collect the alchemy tree. What good will it do to you!"

Daniel gritted his teeth and wanted to say something else. Suddenly his body was shaken and he looked at Maria in disbelief: "You want the teacher to summon Belial?!"

With a smile on her face, Maria was noncommittal.

Daniel grabbed his hair and said with a trembling voice: "You planned all this... You are framing us... You let Dambala appear in advance just to force the goddess to take action and let Seokula

To be able to continue its mission, the Church of Truth will have to turn to Belial for help!"

"You are quite smart." Maria nodded and praised: "It's a pity that you can't predict the future, and you always realize it later."

"You actually united to deal with the Church of Truth! You are plotting against us!" Daniel roared.

"Unite? We are not united with the Apocalypse God System." Maria covered her mouth and chuckled: "This is a tacit understanding. We know what Nereida wants to do, and Nereida also knows what we will do. As for Danba

La, He is a clown, everyone knows Him."

Daniel sat on the grass, his face ashen.

Maybe Maria was right. This was just a tacit cooperation. Everyone tacitly staged a good show in front of the Church of Truth. The final result was probably that Belial's seal was further lifted, and Nereida got her own

What is the future you want to see, the Church of Truth?

The absence of a formidable enemy like Dambala also further released the terrifying enemy Belial.

It seems like a win-win situation, but in fact it is full of dangers.

What really disappointed Daniel was not the result, but that every move they made was deliberately guided!

It's like there is an invisible hand that is moving the balance of fate!

This feeling is very bad, very bad, as if no matter what I do, I can't escape the shackles of fate.

The feeling of suffocation came like a tide.

"Are you desperate? That's right. Once upon a time... I was as desperate as you."

Maria stared at the inseparable fight with the giant hand, but Ailan was about to be unable to support the situation, and said quietly: "There will be a future that will make you even more desperate. At that time, you will feel that the sky has collapsed.

Everything is turned upside down and you doubt yourself.”

"Everything you cherish and value will pass away. That is the real despair, the despair of not being able to breathe, of being too painful to live!"

This chapter has been completed!
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