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Chapter 91 Resistance Army

February 14, Carlos Kingdom.

The tide was lapping at the shore, and a ship with the flag of the United States of America docked. The cabin was crowded with demons, and the turbid air was filled with the stench of animals.

As they are both occupied areas, it is normal for the Kingdom of Carlos and the United States of America to have exchanges with each other. Ships are not just a means of transporting goods. Some low-level flightless demons will use this means of transportation to reach their destinations.

"Get off the boat, get off the boat!"

The captain rang the bell, and the demons began to crowd out of the cabin. Among them was a thin human being, Ma Wei.

This is a flight specially opened for demons. Humans can also board the ship, and the fare is even cheaper, but no one dares to board it.

The reason is simple. No one knows what will happen in the half month from the United States of America to the Kingdom of Kalos. He might be eaten by a low-level demon!

Ma Wei is safe and sound. He is probably related to Buggy, the demon hunter who has become famous in the United States of America recently. Everyone knows that there is a demon hunter who is fearless and fearless, traveling across the continent, all the way to the east, and the headquarters also said that his destination is the center.

Mainland, please be extra careful during this time...

On a ship that humans dared not set foot on and was specially set up for demons, a young man suddenly arrived. He was very murderous and dusty, and he looked exactly like his owner Belial. This ship also happened to be located in the United States of Citi - Carlos

On the route of the kingdom....

So many coincidences seem to tell the truth behind them.

Ma Wei spent a very quiet month during this month. He went to the deck to get some fresh air during the day, and when he came back at night, he would see dozens of demons huddled up on the bed, with their backs to him. The occasional glances in their eyes were filled with fear and fear.


He's really too good-natured.

The sea breeze in Madrid is still gentle. The St. Martial fleet has docked here, and Ma Wei is quite familiar with this place. After leaving the pier, he took a carriage into the city. Devils can be seen everywhere, but there are not many humans.

This situation is even more serious than in the United States of Citi. In the United States of Citi, human beings have plenty of living space, and demons rarely set foot there, let alone interfere with the normal order of human society. However, in the Kingdom of Carlos, demons no longer seem to care about humans and can do whatever they want.

move around...

The occupied area is still different from the surrender area. The United States of America is the party that surrendered to the demons on its own initiative. The treatment is of course different from that of the occupied Carlos Kingdom. In the eyes of the demons, the humans who can survive now are extremely lucky. They want to kill

Just kill.

Cities have turned into human settlements, unable to leave without permission, and turned into captive livestock that may die at any time.

After walking through several cities, the situation is almost the same. People eat black bread mixed with sand, vegetables, and little meat and milk. They have turned into machines that provide spirituality. The Kingdom of Carlos was once one of the world's hegemons, but now it is

Reduced to this state...

Taking the train, Mawe arrived in Madrid. The situation here was slightly better than in other cities. Although it had experienced the baptism of war, the recovery was relatively complete, and the supply of supplies was much richer, barely able to maintain daily expenses.

I walked into a coffee shop, ordered a soda, took a few newspapers from the bar, found a quiet place to sit down, and read the newspaper while observing the situation on the street.

The central city of Madrid is close to the northern front line and is considered the rear area. Because of its prosperity, it has become a resort for many demon commanders and generals. It is the place with the best information.

Sitting here is Flush, one of the seventy-two demon gods. Nicknamed Mr. Noble, he is relatively gentle compared to other demons. He is not as cruel as the Green Ox Saigon. Some operas, drinks and other entertainment activities are still available.


Soon the boss brought the sparkling water. Seeing Ma Wei looking out the window, he whispered: "Sir, stop looking. If those demon commanders find out, you will be in trouble!"

Withdrawing his gaze, Ma Wei called to his boss and asked him about the front line and demons. Some things would not be explained in newspapers.

But when he heard about "front line, devil", the boss shook his head repeatedly and didn't want to say more.

Fear had already penetrated his bones. Ma Wei didn't know what his boss saw, but it must have been an extremely terrifying scene, which even destroyed his courage to resist.

After drinking the sparkling water, Ma Wei put down a few coins, picked up his coat and left the cafe, walking slowly on the street, looking for opportunities to gather information.

From the posters posted on the wall, he accidentally discovered that the demons were looking for a few young men. They were members of the resistance army and were working behind enemy lines in occupied areas, causing the demons a lot of headaches.

In order to deal with them, the demons even banned gatherings of more than ten people, and gatherings of more than three people must be reported, otherwise they will be executed on the spot if discovered.

"No wonder you don't see hordes of..."

Rubbing his chin, Ma Wei stared at the poster on the wall thoughtfully.

In the lower right corner of the poster, he saw a very special symbol. It was not an ancient character or a certain language. It was like a graffiti drawn by a child. More importantly...

He actually knew what the graffiti meant!

【11 o'clock】

This is a new type of code that Yunia made when she had nothing to do!

"No way..."

Looking at the posters one by one, I found several other symbols. If they are combined in order, they can become a complete sentence.

[Meet at Bohr Street Underground Tavern at 11 o’clock]

Judging from the handwriting, it was obvious that it was not written today, but Ma Wei still decided to try his luck at the Bol Street Underground Tavern, and it would be best to meet these brave and resisting guys.

Suddenly, Ma Wei felt someone's gaze coming toward him. He turned around and saw the demon guarding the poster staring directly at him, his eyes widening.

"What are you looking at?"

The scolded demon touched its neck and looked like it had seen a ghost. This was the first time it had been scolded by a human. I have to say that the experience was quite novel.

When the companion on the other side saw this, he was about to come up to trouble Ma Wei, but he was grabbed by him: "Go and report to Commander Longge, saying that we have found a suspicious person!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Longo, the demon commander in charge of this area, learned that a human who looked exactly like Belial came to Madrid, and immediately found Flash and reported it.

"is it him?"

Flush took out a photo and asked the demon guarding the poster to confirm it.

"It's him! That's right! But his eyes are sharper...very fierce...dare you yell at me!"

"After killing so many extraordinary creatures, of course there will be murderous intent in his eyes. This is his true face...a robber who robs homes and homes."

Flush smiled: "The master's inference was correct. He did not return immediately. Instead, he gathered information on our territory and followed him quietly to find out the location of the Resistance Army headquarters! Wait until he leaves, and then

Annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

"As you command!"

After the demon guarding the poster left, Commander Longo hesitated and asked: "Sir, didn't Freya tell us not to provoke Maev Enders? He has Buggy and Odin helping him, and once he goes on a killing spree,


"Who asked you to provoke him?"

Flush was more tolerant towards his subordinates. He lay lazily on the chair, not even bothering to raise his eyelids: "Follow quietly, do you know what it means to follow quietly? He can do whatever he likes. He only collects information and doesn't let him notice.

Wait until he is satisfied and leaves Madrid before attacking the Resistance Army."

Under the guidance of passers-by, Ma Wei swaggered to Bohr Street and found that this street was full of pubs, not only demons but also humans. It was not so lively during the day and seemed a bit deserted. Many shops were not even open.

Mawei was very patient and knocked on the door from door to door. Whenever the boss opened the door, he would ask in the code word Yunia taught him:

"Is this where the Resistance Army gathers?"

The unique pronunciation is like a cat's meow, which makes some bosses think he is crazy. When this happens, Ma Wei will not bother and just change to another company.

Finally, when he knocked on an inconspicuous pub near the corner at the end of the street...

The boss who opened the door understood what he said.

"come on in!"

Dragging Ma Wei into the house, the bearded boss locked the store door, put on the oil lamp, took him to the wine cellar, and opened a secret door.

The tavern has three floors. The first floor is a ground building, which is an ordinary tavern. The second floor is a wine cellar, but there is another floor under the wine cellar that is specially used to hide people.

"Evans! Are you crazy? It's daytime!"

There was a young woman on the third floor of the wine cellar. When she saw the bearded boss leading people down to the third floor of the wine cellar, she suddenly became nervous.

"Selita, look who he is!"

The boss named Evans raised the kerosene lamp and let the dim light illuminate Mawei's face, his tone was very excited.

"It's you!"

Selita saw Mavi's appearance clearly and was stunned for a moment: "Why are you here?"

"you know me?"

"Of course, we have all seen photos of you and Zova."


Hearing this name, a girl's face suddenly appeared in Ma Wei's mind.

Kuznetsova, one of his students.

The other party is the person in charge of the Church of Truth’s propaganda in the Kingdom of Carlos.

"Is Zova here too?" Mawei looked behind Selita and saw nothing but a few tables, chairs and a bed.

"She is at the headquarters. Please answer my question first, why is she here?" Selita still did not relax her vigilance.

"Selita! He is Pope Marvel!"

"He was!"

Selita glared at Evans, "Don't forget, it was him who abandoned the Church of Truth and unlocked the devil's seal! There are rumors outside that he is Belial! Aren't you scared when he suddenly appears here? Who is it?

You know what those demons can do!"

"He can't be a demon in disguise! He can speak code words!"

"There are many people who can speak code words! Especially him! The goddess's father!"

Without enough vigilance, the resistance army would have been uprooted by the demons long ago. Selita's worries are justified, and Ma Wei is willing to explain the reason to her.

"You mean... Belial controlled you, but you were freed with the help of Buggy and Odin?"

"That's about it. They can all vouch for me, Buggy!"

Buggy's spirit body floated out of Ma Wei's body, confirming these words.

With God of Faith as the witness, Selita dispelled her doubts and smiled. This was also good news in dark times.

The Resistance Army has always welcomed new people to join, and only in this way can it be sustained for a long time.

"How is the situation on the front line and in the occupied areas?" Ma Wei inquired about the information.

"It's not optimistic. Although the battle situation has improved with the addition of Odin two months ago, overall it is still at a disadvantage. The Lord God does not dare to leave his territory for fear of being attacked..."

Selita sighed: "As for the occupied areas, you have seen the situation. They are all survivors. They may die at the hands of the devil at any time. There is no freedom at all."

"The Odin pantheon has returned, why haven't the churches united to organize a counterattack?"

"The churches all have their own agendas, and the Allies are also fighting openly and secretly within themselves. No one is willing to take the lead."

Glancing at Badji, Selita gritted her teeth and said: "The economies of various countries have been greatly affected in the past two years. Saladin has led the Kingdom of Voodoo to resist the demons. The fighting there is very fierce, and the Allied forces are constantly sent to support

, the frontline losses are also astronomical, and we are already showing signs of fatigue.”

"War has no loss on demons. The more extraordinary creatures die, the stronger they become, and the more they fight, the stronger they become. On the other hand, the Allies' economy is on the verge of collapse, like a sponge that will soon be unable to squeeze out any water.


Only then did Mavi realize the importance of the Golden Gods.

If the golden gods who can create unlimited resources are still there, the Allies will never be afraid of the war of attrition launched by the demons!

Every pantheon has its reason for existing!

Without the allies of the Golden Gods, they will be at a disadvantage against the menacing Ancient Gods. In addition, they all have their own agendas and no one wants to make an effort...

How is it possible to win?

This is simply an impossible war to win!

"In addition, I also received a piece of news." Selita said suddenly: "Bishop Edward of the Church of Truth... has defected."


"Bishop Edward."

His lips moved, and Ma Wei seemed to want to say something but couldn't. His eyes suddenly dimmed a lot, and he sat on the chair.

"Besides it, who else has defected?"

"Yaga, the leader of the Chimora tribe, was captured by the devil after Bishop Goncharov died in the battle. There is no news yet."

"There are also extraordinary creatures in the restricted area. Most of them have chosen to join the ancient gods. The rest are not stable. Recently, the Church of Truth has been in constant turmoil. Pope Levin is not influential enough to suppress the extraordinary creatures that are ready to move. They may explode at any time.


After three years of training, Levin is no longer the Levin he once was, but he has a fatal flaw, that is, he lacks prestige and cannot suppress the leaders of extraordinary races.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Church of Truth is currently in a precarious and turbulent state, and is on the eve of a drastic change.

This also means that there are different voices within the church, and some church members are... afraid.

Maybe they didn't openly surrender to the devil, but what they did was undoubtedly moving closer to the devil.

"It's time for me to go back..."

After learning this, Ma Wei took a deep breath and stood up.

"Pope Marvel, are you...going to leave now? Don't you want to go to the headquarters to take a look?"

"I believe in you. Your bravery and loyalty are like candles in the darkness, bringing warm hope. Your dedication and fearlessness are the reasons for our struggle."

Ma Wei stretched out his hand and shook it with Selita, "You are our comrade. Before leaving, I want to give you a gift."

"what gift?"

"Devil's Head."

This chapter has been completed!
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