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Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Wu Ni (please vote for further reading!!!)

Author: Ke Xue's Caitou

Chapter 68 Wu Ni (please vote for further reading!!!)

"No matter what, I won't let go!!!"

A loud roar broke the silent atmosphere of the church.

Fat Orange waited for the cat to stop training and turned around to look over. He saw Levin holding the Golden Crow Eye in one hand and covering his bleeding nose with the other. His face was pale and trembling.

Mawei bent down and picked up the football, which was wrapped in leather and sewn from cow bladder, opened the small door on the side of the church, and gave it to the eagerly awaiting children outside.

"Thank you, Father!"

The children thanked her loudly and ran away laughing.

Kerr Street is a residential area, and many children like to use their free time to play football on the street. Occasionally, the football will be kicked into other people's yards, but

The Church of Truth has thick walls and high windows, as big as a basketball basket. It is more than ten meters away from where Levin is standing. What angle and force can hit Levin's head impartially?

Could it be the legendary scimitar of the full moon?

Anyway, Ma Wei never caught the football with his face.

"You are a good football player."

Back in front of Levine, Ma Wei said sincerely: "If you were the goalkeeper on the football field and plucked out the eyes of the Golden Crow, I guarantee that the opponent would not be able to score a single goal."

"Since when have you been making sarcastic remarks?!"

"Wipe the blood." Ma Wei handed over his handkerchief: "Is the bridge of your nose broken?"

"It's broken, but it's not broken. Ouch, it hurts."

Blocking the bleeding nostrils with a handkerchief, Levin grinned in pain and said angrily: "This Golden Crow Eye is definitely an heirloom of our family, I'm sure!"

"When I take it off I'll be in trouble"

"It must be a lucky gem!"

Ma Wei asked: "It has been in your home for so many years, why was it discovered today?"

"Before, it used to be hung around my dad's neck. How did I know?" Levin muttered.

"How did you survive today without the protection of the Golden Crow Eye?"

"I wasn't so unlucky when I was a kid! I even picked up a lot of money!"

Scratching his head, Levin was extremely depressed: "Maybe something went wrong, causing my luck to deteriorate."

After several events that happened one after another, Ma Wei and Levin agreed that the Eye of the Golden Crow can bring good luck to the wearer.

Because since Levin took back the Eye of the Golden Crow, nothing strange has happened again.

Even the crumbling bluestone bricks above my head stopped shaking and returned to their usual solidity.

Lady Luck once again opened her arms to the unlucky Levin.

"Could it be that the magic circle in the Eye of the Golden Crow is a passive magic that is activated all year round, and can add unexpected special effects to the wearer?"

Touching his chin, Ma Wei thought thoughtfully: "What energy does it use? The magic power input by Xiao Hei and you is not absorbed at all. It stands to reason that it has not started yet."

"Could it be this eye?"

After stopping the nosebleed, Levin carefully observed the Eye of the Golden Crow for the first time, and also discovered the lifelike eye in the six-pointed star array, like a living creature.


At this moment, Yunia, who was wearing white cotton and linen pajamas and had just taken a shower, ran into the church with her little bear and threw herself into Ma Wei's arms, her wet hair still dripping.

"Why didn't you even dry your hair?"

After complaining, Mawei threw Xiao Hei aside, who was still in the pilgrim posture, took Yunia upstairs, got a dry towel, sat in front of the heater, and wiped her hair.

Levin also followed, looking around the room. After looking around, he was extremely disappointed and said: "Why don't you even have a bottle of wine at home?"

"Don't you have wine?"


After pouring out the silver wine flask, Levin sighed: "My father said that you must be careful of men who don't smoke, don't drink, and don't look for lost women, because they either have sexual orientation problems or psychological problems.

The problem is very weird."

"Who are you scolding?"

"I'm not cursing. The main reason is that other churches have their own wine cellars, and they also sell wine privately, making a lot of money. The Truth Church has no industry or land to support it. It can't sustain itself just by voluntary donations from believers!"

"I know, but the Truth Church is currently in the early stages of development. It needs to spend money to develop its reputation, expand its influence, and gain a certain amount of trust from the people before it can start thinking about developing industries." Ma Wei said: "The church must provide convenience for the people.

Reliable and affordable products, while ensuring quality, are mutually beneficial and form a virtuous cycle, so that we can go further in the long run."

Levin slumped down on the sofa, raised his head, and groaned: "Thinking too far ahead, it's better to live in the present."

"Give me the Eye of the Golden Crow."


Levin's eyelids twitched, and he sat up straight as if he was electrocuted. He covered his Golden Crow Eyes tightly and looked at Ma Wei warily: "This is my life-saving treasure! I don't want to be hit by rocks falling from nowhere.


"Show it to Yunia! She might know something!"


Levin took the Eye of the Golden Crow, sat cross-legged on the carpet, presented the gem to Yunia in person, and would not let go until she died.

Yunia lay in front of the fireplace, closed one eye, and looked close to the Eye of the Golden Crow. After looking at it for a while, she whispered: "Wuni."


"Wuni, the small words under this eye are its name." Yunia was a little surprised: "Dad, these are the words of gods! They are carved with divine power! Only gods can understand them!"

"God. Wu Ni"

With his eyes narrowed, Ma Wei muttered: "This name sounds familiar."

"The two crows on Odin's shoulders!" Levin answered first: "One is called Fujin, which represents thinking, and the other is called Wu Ni, which represents memory! These are mythical creatures!"

"A truly mythical creature."

Ma Wei nodded: "Yunia, can you see anything else?"

"Well, this magic is incomplete. It's missing the other half."

There are two crows on Odin's shoulders, Fujin and Wuni. If the magic circle in the Eye of the Golden Crow is incomplete, then the other half is missing.

It must be the corresponding Fujin!

Apart from these two pieces of information, Yunia does not know any more details about the Eye of the Golden Crow. After all, she is only a newborn god and does not understand the previous myths.

"Your brother Levin will become very unlucky once he leaves the Eye of the Golden Crow. Why is this?"

"It's because of the blood curse."

Yunia glanced at Levin and said: "In addition to the fact that the cursed people will not live to be 30 years old, their luck will get worse and worse as they grow older. They are approaching the end of their lives, and the scythe of death will be there at any time.

May fall."

"I see."

Ma Wei suddenly realized.

Not living past 30 does not mean that you can live to 30, but it means that you will die before 30, 29, 25, or 15.

It's all possible!

(End of chapter)

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