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Chapter 1066 It is easy to invite Buddha

"I want you to die!"

A ferocious roar came out from the mouth of the special interrogator!

However, the words have not yet fallen.

Chen Zongheng responded lightly and punched out!


Oncoming is an electric baton with flashing blue light!

But, the next moment.


Chen Zongheng's fist instantly caused the electric baton to... break like crazy!

In the horrified eyes of the special interrogator, the power remains unabated!


A punch, hard... hit him in the face!

Plasma splash!

Chen Zongheng's punch dented the interrogator's face!

The skull is cracked!

Such things that help the tyrants to do evil deserve to die...!!


Yuan Li suddenly flashed his delicate body!

In his hand, the scale-reverse dagger suddenly... erupted into black light!


Just now, the interrogator, who had a lewd expression on his face, just... flew out!

In an instant, nearly twenty wounds appeared all over his body!

And, the next moment.

Yuan Li's pretty face was covered with frost, and he lifted it up with a knife from bottom to top...!!


A shrill howl sounded!

Blood splatters!

All around.

All the prisoners were completely dumbfounded.

There are countless people from these two interrogators who want to tear their flesh alive!

Now, right under their noses, two people died miserably...!!


Suddenly, cheers rang out!

Soon, bursts of applause burst out wildly!

Everywhere, there are prisoners whistling and cheering crazily!

Iron house, inside the office.

Suddenly, someone stumbled and pushed the door in!

"Director Jin! Dead, dead...!!"

Hearing this, Director Jin frowned and said coldly: "What are you talking about!"

The subordinate looked anxious, "Two prisoners broke out in the detention area and killed two interrogators!"

"The strength of those two prisoners is extremely terrifying! It seems that they only used one move to kill them!"


Director Jin’s complexion changed drastically!

The interrogator is dead?

Moreover, he was killed by a prisoner?!

This is simply ridiculous...!!

"Separate the two of them! I will report this matter to Chairman Cha...!!"


Chen Zongheng was taken to another cage.

The material of this prison is military alloy material...!!

Extremely strong!

When I saw Chen Zongheng, he seemed to have his hands on the prison cell, testing his strength...

There was a hint of ridicule in the staff's eyes.

"What a waste of effort. This place... was used to imprison cruel and wreaking international mercenaries...!!"

And, just when he turned to leave.

Suddenly, a heart-wrenching tearing sound sounded from behind!

The staff suddenly turned around.

Immediately afterwards...he saw an unforgettable scene...!!

Chen Zongheng gently pressed his hands on the alloy iron pillar of the prison, and then... pulled hard!


A terrifying tremor broke out!

The whole prison seemed to be shaking!

The iron pillar was like a twist, with a huge hole being pulled out!

The next moment, Chen Zongheng stepped out of the prison...!!

at this time.

The staff were completely shocked!

Not to mention him, but the countless prisoners next to him.

At this time, everyone was looking at this scene with dull expressions.

Trapped here day and night, no one knows the terrifying protection capabilities here better than them...!

For decades, no one has been able to escape from here...!!

But right now.

Chen Zongheng, as if using an understatement, broke their three views!

If he wants to escape at this time...

I guess no one can stop me!

But, the next second.

In the almost dull eyes of countless prisoners.

Chen Zongheng returned to his original prison again!

Casually, I sat on the bed!

Is this him...

Countless prisoners regard this iron house as a nightmare.

Here, Chen Zongheng is as ridiculous as a child playing house!

"Mr. Chen, it's rare... for the two of us to have time alone."

Yuan Li held his chin, with a soft smile on his lips, and looked steadily at Chen Zongheng's figure.

Even in prison, as long as Mr. Chen is by his side.

In my heart, there is no fear anymore.

"What about today's practice?"

Chen Zongheng put his hands behind his back, his eyes indifferent.

There was a hint of coldness in his tone.

Yuan Li:......

For the first time, she had the urge to roll her eyes.

The trace of romantic atmosphere just now was completely wiped out by these words of incomprehensible amorous feelings.

"But, there is no training room here. If you attack casually, the prison will be destroyed..."

There was a hint of innocence on Yuan Li's pretty face.

Chen Zongheng said calmly: "Then, just hone the moves in your mind."

Hearing the words,

Yuan Li's eyes looked a little depressed.

Mr. Chen’s three sentences are all about cultivation, he must have done it on purpose!

And, right after.

Chen Zongheng's words made her look completely serious...!!

"I was trapped in the most terrifying prison in the world for a whole year!"

"But I came out of there stronger than before..."

Yuan Li's pretty face couldn't hide the look of shock!

Mr. Chen is such a powerful person, who... can trap him for a year?

At this moment, her heart moved and she closed her eyes slightly.

Relax your breathing to the extreme.

And, just when the mind is silent.

In Yuan Li's mind, suddenly... a figure that kept jumping appeared!

That is the body technique and moves that have been refined thousands of times!

not far away.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and he nodded slightly.

Yuan Li's understanding is the most terrifying thing he has ever seen in his life...!!

It’s hard to imagine... how far can she go in the future?

at the same time.

In the director's office.

"What!" Director Jin stared at his subordinate with a fat face, "That guy... broke through the iron pillar of military alloy!"

In front of me, the subordinate had cold sweat on his forehead and nodded hurriedly, "That's right...!!"

When he saw that scene, he almost... couldn't believe his eyes!

Hear the words.

President Jin pondered for a moment and waved his hand: "Forget it, let's leave it like this. Anyway, when President Cha asked, he had some explanations..."

Being cautious by nature, he always felt... something might be wrong.

And what Che Zejian's request is for detention, interrogation, and request for information...

How could it be possible in front of that perverted and terrifying guy!


The subordinate's look was a little strange.

"By the way, Director Jin, that Chen Zongheng seems... a little dissatisfied with the food."

"I have to report this nonsense!" Director Jin looked unhappy and waved his hand, signaling to leave.

But, the subordinate's next words directly... made him spit out water!

"Now, Chen Zongheng seems to have ordered a takeaway..."

Order takeout!

Moreover,? He is still a person imprisoned!

This is the first time I have seen this kind of thing...!!

This chapter has been completed!
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