Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1342 The soul of the dead!

The night is already dark.

Guest room.

Jiang Qingyuan opened the door in the dark and walked all the way inside without turning on the light.

And, while walking around.

The clothes on her body slowly fell off to the ground...

Bedroom door.

Jiang Qingyuan frowned slightly, feeling a little strange in her heart.


Why, so quiet?

It stands to reason that Chen Zongheng drank the drugged wine and fell into a coma at this moment!

But in the bedroom, it was eerily quiet!


No one at all!

Jiang Qingyuan felt suspicious and slowly opened the door.


The door opened.

And, at the same time.


The lights are bright!

Huh! Jiang Qingyuan’s pretty face changed drastically!

In the bedroom.

Chen Zongheng looked at Jiang Qingyuan with a cold expression and sharp eyes!

But, at this moment.

Jiang Qingyuan was covered in only underwear.

And this underwear.

It’s like being enveloped by a veil!

Show off your exquisite figure to the fullest!


Jiang Qingyuan's pretty face turned red, "You... haven't slept yet?"

This suddenly disrupted her plan!

And the original plan, in such an embarrassing situation, is simply difficult to implement...

"Is something wrong?"

At this moment, Chen Zongheng slowly lit the cigarette and narrowed his eyes.

"Information about the Gu family is back..."

Jiang Qingyuan gritted her teeth and said softly: "It is said that it is in the back mountain nursing home of Lanxin Hospital."

"However, the Gu family is in turmoil tonight, and it has been decided to temporarily transfer Gu Zechuan. Now if you go there... there is a 10% chance that you won't find anyone."

After a few words.

Chen Zongheng puffed out his cigarette and said calmly: "When will there be news about the specific location?"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow morning!"

Seeing that he had no intention of pursuing the matter, Jiang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "Then...I won't bother you anymore."


She closed the door carefully and breathed a sigh of relief!

This is simply...!!


Jiang Qingyuan drugged the wine and prepared to come late at night to cook the raw rice into cooked rice!

But, who knows.

Chen Zongheng actually... didn't pass out!

This matter was almost exposed!

When I think about it, Chen Zongheng caused an earth-shaking end in the Jiang family...

A chill ran down Jiang Qingyuan's spine!

The next day, early morning.

Dining room.

The breakfast was so rich that the whole table was filled to the brim.

And, until breakfast is over.

Jiang Qingyuan arrived belatedly and pushed the door open.

When I saw Chen Zongheng.

Her pretty face turned slightly red, looking a little embarrassed.

last night.

After returning from the guest room.

Jiang Qingyuan tossed and turned and barely fell asleep until late at night.

And, now.

When she saw Chen Zongheng, the embarrassing scene last night suddenly appeared in her mind.

For a while.

Even, speechless.

after eating.

Jiang Qingyuan accompanied Chen Zongheng and walked all the way to the door of the Jiang family residence.

"Mr. Chen, I drank too much last night..."

However, Chen Zongheng didn't even look at her and said coldly: "Next time... your life will be in danger!"

This little trick was played in front of him.

Simply...just looking for death!

If it was Jiang Qingyuan, he didn't send anyone to find Gu Zechuan's whereabouts.

I'm afraid he died on the spot last night!


A black BMW was parked outside the door.

"Mr. Chen, the information... is here."

Seeing Chen Zongheng, he had already stepped into the car.

Jiang Qingyuan hurriedly ran a few steps and handed over the note in his hand.

On the car.

Chen Zongheng looked indifferent and glanced around.

on the note.

Address, located in the suburbs.

It seems like a sanatorium that has nothing to do with the Gu family.

However, after several layers of relationships, the equity is still firmly in the hands of the Gu family!

This time.

It's the Gu family, using it for the first time!

Gu Zechuan, who fell into a coma, is located on the sixth floor of the nursing home!

Jiang family's mansion, entrance.

A black BMW started slowly and drove away into the distance.

Gu family.

In the conference room.

One night, this conference room was brightly lit!

Inside and outside the Gu family.

Block all messages completely!

This is related to the future of the Gu family and even Beiyu!

If there were intelligence personnel from Beiyu here, I'm afraid... they would be frightened and faint in an instant!

Chen family, Yan family, Gu family, Zhu family...

Let’s all gather here!

This is simply...!!

Almost half of the forces in Beiyu are here!

The person sent by the Zhu family is surprisingly Zhu Juntang!

At this moment, her pretty face was slightly condensed, with a hint of excitement in her eyes!


Chen Zongheng is about to pay a bloody price!

The representative sent by the Yan family is an old man wearing a Tang suit. He looks gloomy and calm!

In Beiyu.

The Yan family is a family that has lasted for hundreds of years...!!

A royal family that has been inherited for hundreds of years since the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty! It is also one of the three major families in Beiyu!

The Chen family is a powerful figure, and Chen Tunlong is here in person!

Chen Zongheng had previously come to the house for an appointment.

And Chen Tunlong tried to recruit him several times!

But, in the eyes of this heroic figure, what can't be obtained... is worse than destroyed!


At least...no one can get it!

Along with Gu Dezhi, who looked a little tired, the four major forces... all gathered here!

But, here in Beiyu.

Who else...

Can these four major families be brought together?


The door to the conference room slowly opened.

Following a beautiful silhouette, her beautiful eyes were indifferent, and she stepped through the door.

The representatives of the four major families present all stood up and looked respectful!

"Lord Seraph!"


Seraph's beautiful eyes were cold, and she slowly stepped into the conference room with high heels on her feet!

"How's your...discussion going?"

Hear the words.

Gu Dezhi took a step forward and said slowly: "Your Excellency Seraph, we don't object to last night's conditions... but the proportion of the Qiu family... can we treat everyone equally?"


Zhu Juntang's pretty face condensed, and she frowned and said: "You alone get 60%, and each of my four major families gets 10%... Isn't this too unfair!"

Although the Chen family and the Yan family did not speak, they all seemed to agree.

"I thought you...were discussing something!"

Seraph snorted coldly and took a step forward, as if the entire conference room was shaking slightly!

There seemed to be an extremely domineering momentum sweeping across the sky and overwhelmingly!


The expressions of the representatives of the four major families all changed slightly!

Until now.

Only then did they remember what kind of existence this person in front of them was!

In the world, Bible organizations are the most terrifying existence!

And Seraph is the leader of the Bible!


Seraph's beautiful eyes narrowed and she said coldly: "Without me, how could you join forces...or even use the trick to set up a trap?"

"Today, your Gu family may have been confused and killed the heir, causing chaos inside and outside!"

One sentence.

Let Gu Dezhi break out in cold sweat on his forehead!


Yesterday, he didn't realize that there was a mole in the Gu family until he transferred Gu Zechuan!

If it weren't for Seraph, coming late at night...

I am afraid.

Gu Zechuan will soon become a dead soul under the sword!

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This chapter has been completed!
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