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Chapter 152 The seven places in the south are all bleak

Feijia Villa.

Fei Fanjin stood in front of the balcony. Looking at the sky, she felt a deep sense of weakness.

Even the head of the Huang family was killed by...that Chen Zongheng?

Just relying on herself as a weak woman...how was she going to deal with Chen Zongheng?

What should we do, to overthrow Qiu Yiren and make him step down?

Today, my father's right hand was severed and he is still lying in the intensive care unit of the hospital, receiving treatment.

She must avenge her father.

Thinking of this, Fei Fanjin's beautiful face flashed with a hint of ruthlessness.

She clenched her jade hands tightly, and the murderous intent in her eyes could not be concealed.

Even if she had to risk everything and use any means, she would still let Qiu Yiren step down.

Also, let Chen Zongheng die!

The night has ended and the stars are dotted.

Shanghai, Peace Hotel.

At this moment, the entire Peace Hotel... was in a state of panic and depression.

The Peace Hotel, originally a subsidiary of the Huang family, was uniquely endowed.

But today, the news that the head of the Huang family was destroyed spread throughout the city.

The Peace Hotel instantly lost its backer.

Lin Jian, the owner of the Peace Hotel, was crushed in the head by Chen Zongheng during the tofu banquet three days ago and became a vegetative state.

Now, it is his son, Lin Hai, who has inherited the hotel.

However, as soon as Lin Hai took over the hotel, he encountered such a change.

The head of the Huang family died.

The whole Shanghai was in turmoil.

The Peace Hotel is neither big nor small.

It is one of the only super five-star hotels in Shanghai, with a market value of 4 billion.

A four-billion-dollar hotel is not small-scale.

Profit driven.

It's enough to make any family scramble to...try to snatch it.

At this time, the Peace Hotel was facing such a situation.

Without the protection of the Huang family, how can his hotel protect itself and continue to operate safely in Jiangnan?

However, the more you worry about something, the more it will come.

Just in this dark night.

Cadillac cars came one after another like a long queue.

In just a short moment, the entire Peace Hotel was surrounded.

The new owner of Dong Clan, Dong Biao, holding a long knife, slowly... stepped out of the car.

Behind him, countless members in black suits got out of the car.

In the dark night, murderous intent surges.

He raised his head and glanced at the endless, deep night sky above his head.

In his eyes, deep murderous ferocity surged.

Today, I learned that the head of the Huang family was killed.

Dong Biao was shocked and horrified.

However, he became even more determined...his determination to surpass Chen Zongheng!

Chen Zongheng, this person...is definitely not a good person. This person may...become a true hero.

The revenge for killing one's father must not be unavenged.

But before that, Dong Biao... must make himself stronger!

Keep fighting and engulf all forces!

Let yourself become a hero.

Only in this way can we... truly... compete with Chen Zongheng.

At this time, the Peace Hotel in front of him was his goal.

A five-star hotel worth four billion is just a piece of fat.

Today, the Huang family is dead.

Most of the power of the Huang family will be swallowed up by the overlords of all parties.

At this time, Dong Biao was not able to contaminate those forces.

But this missing hotel just happened to...become his Dong Biao's food ration.

Waiting for him, there are thousands of troops behind him.

One day, the door will collapse and Zongheng will be killed with a sword!

He will definitely chop off Chen Zongheng's head with his own hands.

"Do it." Dong Biao slowly dropped the cigarette butt from his mouth.

Then, holding a knife, he walked towards the Peace Hotel step by step.

Behind him, a large group of young men in black suits followed closely.

Blood intertwined, and killing cries echoed.

Tens of minutes later.

The Peace Hotel was captured.

The new owner of the Dong Clan, Dong Biao, snatched one of the remnants of the Huang family, the Peace Hotel, in one fell swoop.

And, at the same time.

Late at night, the sky is filled with stars.

Shanghai, Sheshan.

As a super magical city with a population of nearly 30 million, the suburbs of Sheshan have become the back garden of the entire magical city.

It has another name - top wealthy area.

There are nine peaks among the clouds, and the mountains are undulating.

It is the largest urban back garden.

The ancient trees on the mountain are towering into the sky, and the bamboos are built to block the sun.

Deep in the shade on the top of the mountain, stands an extraordinary ocher-red building.

This building is the famous Catholic "First Cathedral in the Far East".

Hundreds of years of history, precarious.

Now, this church has been privately owned and transformed into a more magnificent and splendid private manor.

Its new name is - Du Family Manor.

Shanghai, Du family.

This city is one of the four major families in Jiangnan.

A hundred years ago, there was a time when the heroes dominated the world.

Now, even though it has settled down in seclusion, it still occupies a quarter of the sky in this city.

Dujia Church Manor, the top floor of the dozens of meters tall tower.

The eldest son of Du, Du Zhanhuang, wearing a straight Chinese tunic suit, was standing in front of the observation deck on the top floor.

He held an astronomical telescope in his hand, and through the telescope he was staring directly at the dark night sky above his head.

Watch the stars at night, the sky is full of phenomena.

In today's era, there are not many people who can bear to watch the sky at night...

The celestial phenomena are changing gradually, and it is necessary to stay there day and night, day after day, to observe the changes in the celestial phenomena.

If so, no one without great wisdom and patience would be able to understand its secrets.

Du Zhanhuang stood in front of the loft stage, wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a restrained look, staring at the endless night sky through the telescope.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps slowly came from the attic stairs.

The younger brother Du Wendi slowly walked up the stairs with a cigar in his mouth.

Du family, two young and handsome heroes.

The eldest son, Du Zhanhuang, swept across the country.

The second young master, Emperor Du Wen, was a fierce rival.

The Du family, a century-old family, has accumulated countless influence.

Nowadays, there are two more young masters, they are powerful and handsome, and their youth is outstanding.

Today's Du family can be said to be more prosperous than it has been in a century.

"Brother, are you really not going to get involved with the remaining power of the Huang family? If you don't take action, I'm afraid...it will be completely embezzled by Guo Shaoze." Du Wendi slowly came to the elder brother's side with a cigar in his mouth and asked.

Guo Shaoze attacked and killed most members of the Huang family and annihilated the entire remaining power of the Huang family overnight. This matter has been closely watched by senior officials in Shanghai and Shanghai.

Some were shocked and some were horrified. Everyone had their own thoughts.

This means that a super family power that combines the Guo family and the Huang family is about to rise.

"Why is it necessary for an already lonely Sunset Clan to waste energy?" Du Zhanhuang, the eldest brother, said calmly while staring at the night sky through the telescope.

He seemed to have no concern for things outside his body. He had nothing to focus on except the stars in the endless night sky above his head.

"Brother, Chen Zongheng... really surprised me. What do you think of this person?"

His younger brother Du Wendi blew out a puff of cigar smoke and asked.

"Put out your cigarette." Du Zhanhuang stared into the telescope and said quietly.

His younger brother Du Wendi did not dare to resist and quickly wiped out the cigar butt in his hand.

Although he was unruly and unruly outside, he did not dare to make any mistakes in front of his elder brother.

Some people are destined to be unsurpassed in this life.

For example, Emperor Du Wen's eldest brother.

The eldest brother Du Zhanhuang’s eyes were profound and endless, still... staring at the endless night sky.

After a long time, he muttered to himself.

"The stars are in turmoil, Sirius shines, and the seven constellations in the south are all dim."

He finally put down the astronomical telescope.

Look back from the endless starry sky.

"Soon, there will be great chaos in this Shanghai city."

Du Zhanhuang's voice was deep and solemn, but his eyes were still as calm as water.

After hearing his eldest brother's words, his younger brother Du Wendi's face suddenly became condensed.

Chaos... comes to the world?

Looking at more than ten years, my eldest brother has never commented like this.

"Brother, the 'big chaos' you are referring to...is Chen Zongheng?" Emperor Du Wen asked with a solemn expression.

The eldest brother, Du Zhanhuang, put his hands behind his back, took a deep breath, and looked up at the endless starry sky.

He didn't speak.

Just silence.

This chapter has been completed!
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