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Chapter 178 He wants to kill, but no one stops him!

"Good drinker, let's have another drink."

Chen Zongheng smiled, picked up the jar of poisonous wine Ner Hong, and poured another cup for her.

Then, he didn’t forget to pour it for himself.

He raised his glass and clinked it gently with Fei Fanjin.

Then, drink it all in one gulp.

Even though he knew it was poisonous wine, he still drank it so unscrupulously and calmly.

This kind of scene is really shocking.

Because, his body... is basically invulnerable to all poisons.

His body has extremely powerful cell functions and countless white blood cell antibodies.

His immunity is thousands of times that of normal people!

When a person's body becomes so powerful... that even poison can hardly invade it.

This is simply a living legend.

Fei Fanjin, on the other hand, was completely shattered.

She is just an ordinary person.

The antidote in her body has almost reached its limit.

I simply cannot bear the toxicity of this poisonous wine.

If she drinks again, she will definitely die.

But, at this moment...she couldn't resist at all.

Under Chen Zongheng's terrifying pressure, her nose was mixed with tears... She picked up the wine glass tremblingly and continued to drink the second glass.

"Please... go around me... don't kill me..." Fei Fanjin collapsed completely, all the makeup on her face was stained, and she was begging for mercy with fear and trembling.

At this moment, she could only beg for mercy.

Chen Zongheng forced her to drink, which... was a death sentence.

She doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to die.

"Kill you? You misunderstood." Chen Zongheng slowly lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"If I kill you, I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty."

"So, I'm giving you a chance... to go on your own."

Boom~! Upon hearing this, Fei Fanjin was completely crushed.

Give you a chance... to go on your own?!

This sentence is simply scarier than killing her directly.

This is what drives a person's mind to collapse.

Knowing that she was going to die, she still let her... take care of herself.

This is simply.

"Don't kill me... Please don't kill me... I will make you cows and horses... I will give you my body, I will be your slave... All the assets of my Fei family will be given to you...! Give them all to you!!"

Fei Fanjin collapsed in fear and begged for mercy miserably.

When a woman is broken to the limit.

At this time, she had no regard for any dignity.

She just wants to live.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Chen Zongheng still had a smile on his lips, like a... devilish smile.

He raised his glass and drank the poisonous wine in one gulp.

This is his first glass of wine.

Invincible to all poisons.

In his eyes, the jar full of poisonous wine was like nectar.

But... what was in Fei Fanjin's mouth was truly poisonous wine!

The toxicity of ketamine is enough to kill a person... within five minutes!

Chen Zongheng poured her another glass of poisonous wine.

"Cheers." He said, raised his glass, and drank it in one gulp.

As for Fei Fanjin, he completely collapsed.

Snot, tears mixed together... my delicate body trembled.

She held a glass full of poisonous wine in her hand and didn't dare to drink it.

If she drinks it again, the poison in her body will be enough to kill her.

"Why, don't you want to drink?" Chen Zongheng looked at her calmly.

"Let me go...please...I'll give you everything I have." Fei Fanjin's delicate body trembled and she begged for mercy in fear.

She really doesn't want to die.

"That's okay." Chen Zongheng sighed.

"Good wine should not be wasted. If you don't drink it, I will feed it to you."

As he spoke, he directly picked up the wine glass in Fei Fanjin's hand and grabbed Fei Fanjin's neck.

"Uh..." Fei Fanjin's red lips opened wide subconsciously.

Then, Chen Zongheng poured the full glass of poisonous wine directly into her throat.

"Uh... cough... poof..." Fei Fanjin's delicate body trembled violently, and poisonous wine was forced into her mouth. She coughed violently, almost suffocating her whole body.

She was trembling, it was the struggle before death.

Human instinct made her struggle violently. Her legs were staring, trying to survive.

However, Chen Zongheng didn't give her a chance at all.

The God of Death wants you to die at the third watch, and will never let anyone live past the fifth watch.

He personally fed Fei Fanjin wine.

One cup, another cup.

Fei Fanjin collapsed and coughed violently...

This scene is too miserable and hideous.

This Chen Zongheng showed no sympathy or sympathy at all.

In his eyes, there is only indifference.

At the door of the presidential box, a group of hotel security guards swarmed in darkness, looking horrified and horrified.

Everyone could only watch helplessly as the boss's lover... was given poisonous wine.

There were hundreds of them, and they didn't even dare to step forward to stop him.

Because if you step through the door, you will die.

No one dared to step through the door of this box.


At this moment, a weak shout suddenly came from the side.

I saw that Qiu Yiren had woken up from her stupor.

Her toxicity finally subsided.

She was weak, holding on to the chair and slowly stood up.

Hear Qiu Yiren's voice.

Only then did Chen Zongheng finally stop drinking.

"Cough cough cough...!" Fei Fanjin was lying on the ground, coughing violently. Her face was covered with tears and snot... mixed with poisonous wine. At this time, she was... so miserable.

Like a wild dog.

The once famous female director of the group...a ​​shareholder member worth tens of billions...but ended up like this.

Qiu Yiren walked weakly towards Chen Zongheng step by step.

"Mr. Chen, let...her go." Qiu Yiren's voice was very soft and weak.

She had just recovered from the toxicity and found it difficult to even speak.

Chen Zongheng raised his head and looked at this woman with deep eyes.

"She just wanted to kill you."

Qiu Yiren's chest rose and fell, as if to make her breathing easier.

"She was obsessed for a moment... Please, sir, please don't argue with her..." Qiu Yiren's voice was weak, and she actually began to beg for Fei Fanjin's mercy.

How stupid is this woman?

So stupid that he begged for mercy on behalf of her murderer?

Chen Zongheng looked at her calmly.

"I said I wanted her to die, so she had no choice but to die."

His words were very calm and cold.

With an aura that is comparable to terrifying.

He is the God of Death and does what he says.

Never break a promise.

As Chen Zongheng spoke, he refilled a glass of poisonous wine and fed it into Fei Fanjin's mouth.

"No, sir...please, let her go."

Qiu Yiren's delicate body trembled slightly, and she knelt down with weak knees.

This is to beg for mercy on behalf of Fei Fanjin.

Kneel down on her behalf.

When you see this scene.

Fei Fanjin cried bitterly, her delicate body trembling miserably.

She never thought that... now that things have come to this... this woman would actually... kneel down to save herself?!

Chen Zongheng was silent, just looking at Qiu Yiren who was kneeling in front of him.

"You shouldn't be like this."

He murmured and looked at Qiu Yiren.

"Please sir... show mercy." Qiu Yiren knelt in front of Chen Zongheng and begged weakly.

"That's fine."

Chen Zongheng sighed.

‘Clang.’ He squeezed it with his right hand.

Just crush the glass in your hand and explode it.

Endless poisonous wine is poured on the ground.

He, the god of death, will kill anyone he says to kill.

Never broke a promise.

But today, for the woman in front of me.

He, for the first time... broke his promise.

Chen Zongheng stepped forward and helped the woman kneeling on the ground up.

"You and I, my peers, remember... don't kneel in front of me in the future."

He helped Qiu Yiren up and said calmly.

Qiu Yiren's pretty face was complicated, her beautiful eyes were filled with mist, and she nodded cautiously.

"Let's go home."

Chen Zongheng just supported Qiu Yiren and walked slowly towards the door of the box.

Outside the door of the presidential box, a dark group of security guards retreated in fear.

Fei Fanjin was left alone... lying limply on the floor of the box.

She burst into tears.

I cried heartbreakingly.

Willows and crows sing in the courtyard at dusk.

Things are different and people are different.

Remember that person, and Yue Zhelihua.

If you want to speak, tears will flow first.

This chapter has been completed!
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