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Chapter 1908 The case of the Chen family finally emerged!

On a fishing boat.

The judge's voice was a little hoarse, "Why help me?"

"In such a desperate situation, you...could have left."


Chen Zongheng took a sip of wine and said calmly: "You helped me once, and I will help you."

"It's that simple."

Hear the words.

The judge did not speak again.

He also picked up the wine jar, drank a sip of wine, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them sat there.

You take a sip of wine, and I take a sip of wine.

After this bloody battle, they were both physically and mentally exhausted.

Inside the cabin.

Qiu Yiren sat there, her pretty face turned slightly pale.

She was trembling all over.

It was windy at sea, not to mention it was still night time.

The temperature is dropping sharply.

But, at this moment.


Chen Zongheng casually threw the blood-stained jacket over.

"Just wear it."

Hear the words.

Qiu Yiren pursed her red lips slightly, bent down to pick up her coat, and put it on her body.

Her pretty face looked a little confused.


What to do?

This trip, returning to G Island... is impossible.

Only across the Pacific Ocean.

Only then can we wait for rescue.


Under night.

Lightning suddenly tore the sky apart.

Thunder rolls and explodes!

On the sea, wind and waves gradually arose, causing the boat to rise and fall.


The rain is falling like crazy!

This makes the waves roll more and more!

The whole boat was like a lone boat, rising and falling crazily in the waves.

"My rescue is a hundred miles away."

The judge's voice was hoarse and he spoke.


The boat suddenly hit the waves!

It almost turned over and fell into the sea!

In this time of crisis.

Chen Zongheng suddenly shouted low, and with terrifying force, he restrained the hull of the ship...!!

He turned back and looked at the judge, "Aren't all your people dead?"

Hear the words.

Judge, be silent.

"They... will not die in vain."

At this moment, his eyes turned slightly red.

A clear tear fell down.


They are all the real elites of the Tushen Temple who have experienced many years of war...!!

Super core!

As a result, in an extremely unequal battle...

Use crazy self-destruction to hold back the enemy!

Cover your retreat!

This made the judge feel extremely uncomfortable.

his subordinates.

He should have died a violent death on the battlefield.

Instead of dying in such a miserable way.

Chen Zongheng sighed softly, "Originally, the person who died would be mine."

The Shura Legion is also ready at any time.

Breaking through requires paying a huge price.

And, now.

Those who died were the people who killed the temple.

This made Chen Zongheng feel a little relieved.

The judge looked at him and said in a hoarse and low voice, "I owe you."

Hear the words.

Qiu Yiren couldn't help but be stunned.

She was a little confused.

What is the relationship between this man and Mr. Chen?

You have paid so much, but you say... you owe him?

"You don't owe me anything."

Chen Zongheng picked up the wine jar, took a swig, and looked up at the stormy sky, "She doesn't owe me anything."

At this moment, boom...!!

A bolt of lightning tore the sky apart!

It also illuminated his face.

At this moment, Chen Zongheng suddenly... showed a smile.

"None of you owe me anything."

He said calmly, "It's those so-called justice... who owe us."

"We owe it to...the Chen family."


Muffled thunder and explosion!

The sea is becoming more and more stormy and the waves are rolling!

This made the boat shake crazily!

But, at this moment.

The judge's face seemed to be frozen.

He looked at Chen Zongheng determinedly, "As expected, you have already seen it."

His originally hoarse and low voice.

Gradually, things returned to normal.

It sounds like...

Does it look similar to Chen Zongheng?

A trace of doubt arose in Qiu Yiren's heart.

But, at this moment.

Chen Zongheng also looked at him, "You and I are brothers, connected by blood."

"How come I never recognize you?"

this moment.

It's as if time has stood still.

The two looked at each other.

The judge lifted the jar of wine, took a big sip, and suddenly choked and coughed!

"Cough...cough...haha, hahaha...!!"

He was coughing and laughing loudly!

Even tears almost came out of laughter.

Chen Zongheng also drank a sip of wine, shook his head and laughed, which gradually... turned into a loud laugh!

It was stormy outside and the waves were rolling.

The ship rocks wildly!

But, at this moment.

The laughter of the two people resounded throughout the sea!

Suppressed, the roar of the sky!

Whether it is Chen Zongheng or the arbiter.


There is a hint of sadness in the bold laughter.

However, at this time, the judge finally... took off the stiff mask on his face!

His facial features were finally revealed.

His facial features are fair and cold, like an elegant scholar!

It seems.

He is almost 70% similar to Chen Zongheng!

If you are unfamiliar with it.

I'm afraid, at a glance... it's hard to tell the difference between the two of them!

These two people are brothers!

Connected by blood...!!

And, now.

Finally, we recognize each other!

"Oh my god..."

Qiu Yiren covered her red lips, her pretty face looked shocked!

Full of disbelief!

"You, are you his... younger brother? Or older brother?"

Hear the words.

The judge smiled.

His voice was extremely clear, "My name is...Chen Piwei!"

"Brother, I am named after the two characters Zongheng!"

Vertical and horizontal, invincible...!

But, at this moment.

Chen Zongheng looked at his brother solemnly, "We haven't seen each other for seven years. How are you and your mother...?"

At this moment, brothers... finally recognized each other!

And, time.

Seven years have passed!

Chen Piwei's voice trembled slightly, "Brother...!!"

When he shouted this.

His voice immediately trembled, and his eyes turned red.

How many years has it been...

Finally, we can recognize each other!!

Chen Piwei held his eldest brother's hand, his voice gradually choked with sobs!

"Don't worry, you, don't worry..."

"Mom and I, everything is fine!!"

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said, "Mother is waiting for you in country Y...!"

these years.

Chen Piwei and his mother Ye Aiying are in country y!


Chen Zongheng's eyes suddenly condensed!

He finally understood.

My pursuit over the years has not been in vain...!!

After all, my mother and brother... were not killed in the sea of ​​​​fire.

But, at this moment.

The two brothers sat opposite each other and drank heavily.

Chen Zongheng could drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, but at this moment... he was drunk, and his face turned red.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to still be alive..."

At this moment, Chen Piwei was also a little drunk and murmured, "Thanks to you, my mother and I survived..."


The Chen family was brutally wiped out.

The young and powerful men were almost...slaughtered!

And, Chen Piwei and his mother were also being hunted all over the city...!!

The other party vowed to destroy the Chen family bloodline!

And, just at this moment.

Chen Zongheng arrived in time.

He bought time for his mother and brother...at the same time, he was dealing crazily with the enemy!

And, that fire.

Just like that... it started to burn!!

Chen Zongheng asked his brother and mother to escape as soon as possible...!!

And he stayed!

This chapter has been completed!
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