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Chapter 21 Turned Out!

Even if there are thousands of people blocking it.

He is still calm and calm.

Even though there were thousands of murderous intentions, he... still stepped forward.

On both sides of the steps, there are figures. All around...the darkness is densely packed with security guards.

The square of several thousand square meters no longer had the solemnity, solemnity, and tranquility it had before. Instead, it was filled with tension, restlessness, and tense situations.

A hint of gunpowder smoke floated in the drizzling air.

This is a weird atmosphere.

Involving people who had no idea at all.

Many guests present had no idea what was going on. Why did the Huang family put up such a big fight? Forcefully intercept it?

All they knew was that the Huang family did not welcome this young man.

"Where does this guy... come from? Why is the Huang family so violent?"

"Who knows? Today is Mr. Huang's funeral, so there must be no fuss, right? Otherwise, the head of the Huang family will go crazy."

The unsuspecting guests… were whispering to each other in low voices, their eyes were filled with shock and confusion… nervously scanning the scene.

The Huang family has been a century-old clan. It has been passed down for hundreds of years and is listed as one of the four major families in Shanghai. The golden glory of the powerful man back then... shocked the whole sky.

If today's funeral of the Huang family is disrupted, then... the Huang family's face may be completely lost.

This is a shame and blasphemy for a wealthy family with a strong family tradition.

The deceased is a great one. Before the funeral, even if there are thousands of troops, the war must be stopped for a while.

Wow wow wow!

The security force on site continues to increase.

Group after group of security teams surrounded and surrounded him from all directions.

With Chen Zongheng as the center, there are figures in all directions.

The dark security lineup was a shocking scene. Not only did they surround him, they even pulled out electric batons and stood ready.

"It seems that I'm not welcome?"

Chen Zongheng stopped at the second step, only a few dozen meters away from Huang Zhengming.

He placed the wreath beside the steps and asked questions knowingly.

Not far from the steps, the eyes of the guests who knew his identity were as shocked as stone.

They looked at that young, fair, elegant, and sharp face, and all of them had extremely complicated emotions.

This guy is really brave.

After killing Huang Xuyang, today...how dare you come uninvited? Take the initiative to attend Huang Xuyang's funeral.

Never before has a perpetrator... come to the funeral of the deceased. Unprecedented.


Do you really think that the Huang family are docile vegetarian animals?

"Master?" The old servant asked Huang Zhengming in a low voice, how will he respond next?

Endless emotions flashed in Huang Zhengming's eyes.

However, surprisingly, the head of the Huang family actually restrained himself.

"Xu Yang's funeral is important. For such a young man, let him... get lost."

What this means is that today, he does not want to cause trouble and will not pursue it.

After all, there were too many guests present, and a big fight would definitely affect the rest of the funeral.

Anyway, I saw the real murderer today.

As soon as the funeral is over, Huang Zhengming will take action and personally kill the man named "Chen".

"Understood." The old servant nodded, then moved his old body and walked slowly towards Chen Zongheng.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely solemn.

The security guards, who were surrounded by darkness, immediately gave way to a path.

The old servant moved his steps and came to Chen Zongheng.

"You are not welcome here." The old servant said with a solemn face and a hoarse voice. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and made a 'please leave' gesture.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm. He ignored the old servant in front of him and focused his gaze on the mourning hall a hundred meters away.

White flag.

death knell.

Play the orchestra.

Honor guard, funeral group.

Carved dragons and phoenixes are extremely brilliant.

There are also countless important people from Jiangnan and Shanghai participating in the farewell.

How grand is this funeral?

A truly spectacular funeral.

However, the originally solemn and quiet scene suddenly became oppressive and tense, filled with smoke.

Chen Zongheng's calm and majestic figure stood in front of the steps. His figure was like a mountain, attracting the attention of everyone present with his unparalleled grace.

"You are not welcome here. Please leave immediately." The old servant's voice repeated again, this time, more solemnly, with a trace of evil aura. This old servant's old eyes... actually had a sharpness hidden in them.

murderous intent.

This old servant is a sharp sword. Although it is old, it is not rusty.

Chen Zongheng then withdrew his gaze from a distance and cast his gaze on the old servant in front of him.

"Artillery battery, field main gunner." Chen Zongheng's voice was deep and calm, as if it could penetrate people's hearts. "Decades of military service have severely damaged your spine and waist. This is a stubborn disease and must be treated early."

Huh~! As soon as these words came out, the old servant's stooped body trembled suddenly, with disbelief.

He joined the army in 1952. He was drafted into the army and served as the main gunner in a field artillery company. He made a living in the army for more than thirty years, and finally retired due to illness.


How did the young man in front of me know that?!

"I just didn't expect that the mighty military soul would...become a lackey of a gang-related family." Chen Zongheng said slowly, with helplessness, inexplicability, and slight ridicule in his voice.

Boom. After hearing this, the entire scene...everyone was shocked.

How dare this young man speak so arrogantly...to speak to Uncle Huang Jiazhong like this?!

In the whole of Shanghai, Huang Zhengming, the head of the Huang family, is the eldest. The old servant of the Huang family...Zhong Bo is the second.

Uncle Zhong... also has the surname Huang, and his full name is: Huang Zhong. He is a peripheral bloodline of the Huang Clan. Now he is fortunate enough to enter the inner sect of the Huang family and become the head of the old housekeeper, so he is the leader of the Huang Clan under one person and above ten thousand people.

At this time, the old servant Huang Zhong also trembled. His old fists were clenched, and there seemed to be endless inexplicable aura... emerging.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were wandering, and he slowly put his right hand into his suit pocket. Then, he took out a bag of things wrapped tightly in white cloth.

"Today's Mr. Huang's funeral, besides wreaths, I can't think of what to send. Let's take this... lunch as a small gift." Chen Zongheng said calmly and handed the white cloth 'thing' to Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong's eyes were deep and he stared at Chen Zongheng for a long time. Then he slowly turned around, took the bag of items, and handed it to the head of the family who was dozens of steps up.

The owner of the house, Huang Zhengming, looked calmly and took the white cloth handed to him. Then... he slowly opened it.

All the guests around him cast curious glances.

Everyone is curious to know, what is this?


When Huang Zhengming opened the package of white cloth... there was a gasp of air at the scene.

I saw that in the middle of the white cloth package... lay several bloody severed fingers!

These are the fingers of a living person.

The center of the white cloth was stained blood red.

"These are the severed fingers of the members of your Huang family on the crossroads of Zhongshan Road the day before yesterday. Their bodies were not complete, so I cut off a few fingers and returned them to your Huang family. This can be considered a complete return to Zhao, right?" Chen Zongheng stood

On the steps, he said calmly. At the same time, he calmly took out a cigarette and lit it slowly.

The day before yesterday, at the intersection of Zhongshan Road, the Huang family sent people to attack and kill him.

All ten killers died.

Today, Chen Zongheng came to the door in person and presented the severed fingers of ten Huangmen killers. The jade was returned to Zhao intact.

Huang Zhengming's hands were trembling slightly. Under his sunglasses, his pupils were staring at Chen Zongheng, who was dozens of meters away.

The atmosphere in the entire scene was tense to the extreme.

All the guests present were stunned.

I was so frightened beyond belief by the scene in front of me.

Is this young man desperate for his life?

Today's funeral for Young Master Huang was such a solemn and solemn scene. How many severed fingers did he present? And... judging from his words, these severed fingers... belonged to members of the Huang family?

Provocation? Humiliation? Or... open war?

At this moment, the hearts of all the guests were lifted up. They wanted to find out the origin of this elegant young man who appeared out of nowhere and was not afraid of death?

This is the funeral of Mr. Huang, the eldest son of the family.

Such an occasion, such a provocation?

Isn't this looking for death?

This chapter has been completed!
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