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Chapter 2531 Losing me, no shame!

Scenes like this...

This is what Chen Zongheng doesn’t want to see!

But, at this moment.

Tantai Yue seems to have also... noticed the special nature of this crescent moon!

Rao is so...

so what?

She holds the crescent moon...

There is no way at all!

Even if you want to dodge... you can't do anything!

Just because...

Once the crescent moon determines the target, Chen Zongheng will stop it on his own initiative!

We can only wait until this crescent moon...to completely absorb the target!

"That's almost it..."

Chen Zongheng had a little helplessness on his face, "It's not shameful to admit the gap between you and me..."

Hear the words.

But Tantaiyue... got into trouble!


What Chen Zongheng wanted to express was not to ridicule.

But Tantaiyue... mistakenly thought this was the case!

For the so-called face... reservations.

Tantaiyue did not... give up!

In an instant!

The whole person... soared into the sky!

After the body shape merges with the midday sun...!

A sound...

The dove's cry that spread across the land of China... boomed!

Harsh sound!

Even Chen Zongheng couldn't help but... frowned.

As for that?

It's just to... differentiate between high and low.

So hard...

What to do?

There is no mortal hatred between you and me!

Helpless... shook his head.

Step forward and collect the crescent moon... again!

No way!

Before Chen Zongheng... could make any move.

A fireball hit... in front of Chen Zongheng.


Chen Zongheng's actions were not approved by Tantaiyue.


Chen Zongheng regretted it for a moment!

If I had known this would be the case, I should not have agreed to her from the beginning!

I really want to make her... suffer.

It's good now!

he still……

It’s so real!

What is this thing called?

never mind……

Since she insists on doing this, let her have fun.

Anyway, her divine phoenix power has the power of nirvana and rebirth like a phoenix.

Even if you are injured, it is easier to heal!


The little spiritual power Blue Star has just stored will be wasted here!

Think of this!

Chen Zongheng suddenly... had a flash of inspiration!

Are the ferocious beasts that appear in the space cracks related to the spiritual power stored in Blue Star?


Want to occupy Blue Star...

Wouldn't it be easier to attack directly and massively?

After occupying Blue Star... then slowly develop!


No matter from any aspect, it is the simplest and crudest!

But, at this moment.

The heat wave in front of me...

Let Chen Zongheng come to his senses!

at the moment!

Tantai Yue... has two wings on its back!

The fiery red wings all give people a... fiery feeling!

It seems like...

Sun God Golden Crow!

Stasis... in the air.

In an instant!

Tantaiyue followed the trend and swooped down!

Judging from that posture!

Apparently he wants to confront Mengyue... head-on!

To this!

Chen Zongheng couldn't help but frown... slightly!


Although there is, the power of nirvana and rebirth.


What you're doing now...is no different from self-destruction!

Knowing clearly...

In the case of the crescent moon characteristics, it is still like this!

Chen Zongheng felt for a moment that... Tantai Yue had gotten carried away!

If you want to use your own power to stretch the crescent moon to the maximum... it will be destroyed!

Let’s not talk about it yet…

Is that possible?

As far as...Tantaiyue's current strength is concerned, it's simply impossible!

Crazy move!

Chen Zongheng had to... cheer up!

Any surprises...

It's not what he wants to see.

at the moment!

The subduction speed of Tantai Moon is getting faster and faster!

in a blink!

Then the crescent moon... collided with each other!

And, at this moment!

Chen Zongheng showed an expression of...surprise.

Just because...

Since the power erupted by the Tantai Moon has not been absorbed by the crescent moon.

That is to say...

At this time, Tantaiyue was not using attacks based on spiritual power...!

More like some kind of... mysterious power!

This kind of power...


All of a sudden!

Even Chen Zongheng couldn't figure out... what was going on!

For this moment...

The mysterious power that appeared on Tantaiyue.

It even aroused... great curiosity!


Right now this is storage, which is simply unexplainable.

It seems...

We can only ask Tantai Yue afterward.


Because the crescent moon cannot absorb... the mysterious power erupted from Tantai Yue.

All of a sudden!

They were just entangled together like that.

No one gave in...the original boundaries were maintained.

Consuming each other...

Hard to tell!

This meaningless fight...

Even if Chen Zongheng wants to stop, he can no longer intervene!

Once you lose your balance!



Even Chen Zongheng could not have predicted the final result.

"Just like this, keep consuming it?"

Chen Zongheng was also speechless for a while, "Otherwise..."

Hearing this, Mandalin smiled awkwardly.

Looking at the Tantai Moon in the distance... I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the pride of a woman...!

That kind of unwillingness to admit defeat!

And he takes everything extremely seriously.

Everything is...a benchmark for women!


Isn’t this the case with Mandalin?

What she did was no less than Tantaiyue.


The paths are just different!

But, at this moment.

Chen Zongheng suddenly noticed that the space cracks were fluctuating again.

A cold frown!

Separate a part of your perception... to find out!

The weird thing is!

This kind of fluctuation is not the pattern of the appearance of ferocious beasts!

I don't know either...

What is the outcome brought about by the strange fluctuations...

Then again!

Why at this time?

not to mention!

Except for China...

Other places, where space cracks gather.

But no such vision appeared!

Could it be that……

Is it the mysterious power erupted by Tantai Yue?

As a result, something in the space crack is... attracted?


How could such a strange thing happen?

No matter it is the previous Tantai Moon or the appearance of the crescent moon!

But they have never caused the cracks in this space to... fluctuate.

at the moment!

What is the mysterious power that Yu Tan Taiyue possesses?

Could it be...

Some kind of mysterious power that transcends spiritual power?


Is there really such a thing?

The exhaustion of thinking made Chen Zongheng unable to figure it out for a while.

Can only...

Keep your eyes peeled and never give up any change!

Not long after.

The fluctuations in the space cracks...are getting more intense!

That scene...

It's like there's something... that wants to force a breakthrough!

But was...

The toughness of space cracks prevents it!

But, at this moment.

Tantaiyue, who was fighting against Crescent Moon, suddenly felt a... coldness in her eyes!

That look...

Even if it was Chen Zongheng, everyone couldn’t help but feel nervous!


It's not something Tantaiyue... can reveal at all.

No wait...

Chen Zongheng thinks too much!

Tantaiyue spread out a hand and waved suddenly towards the crack in space...!

This chapter has been completed!
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