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Chapter 2605 Whether it is successful or not, here it is!

Just because...

If, the space crack can be substituted into the dimensional crack!


Doesn’t it mean that the battlefield has completely shifted!

Even if...

A third-level space crack has appeared!

Also available in…

Without destroying the Blue Star, strangle those ferocious beasts!


Chen Zongheng didn't know if this method would work.


Isn't it a solution?

at the moment!

To be sure...


Can space cracks be placed in dimensional cracks?


After placing a dimensional rift, will it return to the moon through the dimensional rift?


Is it possible to take the space rift away from Blue Star?

the last one!


Top priority!


For Blue Star!

For the future development of mankind!

No matter what, give it a try!


The threat posed by space cracks never makes people completely relieved!

not to mention!

Once something unexpected happens, it will be... a fatal blow to Blue Star!


After listening to Chen Zongheng's thoughts, Mandelin asked, "Is it... too dangerous?"

Hear the words.

Chen Zong shook his head and did not respond verbally.


No matter what, he has to experiment!

Only in this way!

Only then...

Give humans enough time to develop!


Chen Zongheng doesn't need to control the abundance of Blue Star's spiritual energy.


Maximize aura!

Only then can the overall strength of human beings be made rapid progress!

Have enough strength!

Only then can we deal with various... emergencies!


Blindly following the rules will only lead to chronic suicide!

Opportunities are all earned!


The aura exuded by Chen Zongheng.

Mandelin knew that no amount of words could stop Chen Zongheng!

"Be sure to... be careful! Be careful! Be careful again!"

Feeling the tight grip of Jade's hand, Chen Zongheng touched the back of his hand, "Don't worry..."

Looking at the blood mist, "Even if...it's not for myself...I will live for you..."

These words!

Mandelein was stunned for a moment!


This emotional idiot can say such sweet words.


Come here once!

It really is……

It makes people's hearts sweeten!


Tsing Yi emerged from Chen Zongheng's body and wrapped Mandelin in it!

A sudden step!

Together, the two of them... passed through the blood mist and pointed directly at the Blue Star!

Just entered...

The gravitational range of Blue Star!

The two of them felt uncomfortable.

after all!

There is still a huge gap between the gravitational pull of the Blue Star and the Moon!

That kind of...

Pulling feeling!

That is...

Chen Zongheng and Mandelin were able to adapt in a short period of time.

Change it to someone else!

I am afraid……

It takes a long time!

After fully adapting, Chen Zongheng couldn't wait to go to...the desert in China!

Make or break!

In one fell swoop!


Mandelin, on the other hand, informed the space agency of the changes in the moon.

This matter...

Not to be underestimated!


There is no need to hide it.

But, at this moment.

Chen Zongheng has already...

A secondary space crack, wrapped in green clothing... soaring straight into the sky!


Chen Zongheng... was nervous!

Don't dare...

There is no slack at all regarding this secondary space crack!


If you find anything wrong, you will definitely... stop!

This matter!

There is no room for... any sloppiness!

along with……

Keep rising into the sky!

Chen Zongheng also became more nervous!


When you pass through the thick clouds, your eyes can see the emptiness of space.

even more……

He stopped nervously.

No trouble at all!

Over and over again, checking the changes in the space cracks!


After all indicators meet satisfactory requirements.

Chen Zongheng closed his eyes and took a deep breath!

When you open your eyes again!

Step into the air!

The whole person flew out with a whoosh!

Just for a moment!

It broke away from the gravity of the blue star and was completely exposed to space!

Good thing!

The space crack has not changed in any way.

At least!

Inside Tsing Yi!

Blue Star air and spiritual energy are all needed for space cracks.

Next up!

What we have to face... is that layer of blood mist!

No matter how!

The appearance of this blood mist is caused by the blood of these ferocious beasts.


It won’t happen, it’s not a big problem!


The moment of contact!

Chen Zongheng was startled by this... sudden sound!




Cross the blood mist in the shortest time!


The irrelievable momentum acts on the moon instantly!


A deep pit with a diameter of about fifty meters was formed!

Chen Zongheng...can't control so much!


Checking the changes in the space cracks.

You won’t know until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it!


There is a Tsing Yi parcel!

There are signs of corrosion at the edge of the space crack!


Could it be that the blood mist...

Are they not the same as Space Crack?


Why can it be hurt by the blood mist?

In doubt!

Chen Zongheng could only throw this idea behind him.

There is one thing...more important!

along with……

Tsing Yi slowly disappears!

The space crack is completely exposed on the moon!

A pair...

His bright eyes stared at the cracks in space!

if only……

Any changes!

Chen Zongheng will wrap it in Qingyi again!

Space crack!

Extremely important!

Once something is destroyed, no one knows what will happen.

Can only...

Protect it so that all space cracks will not be harmed.


Minutes and seconds passed by.


For Chen Zongheng, seconds are like years!

Don't dare...

Let go of any changes!


Any changes occur!

Over time!

The hanging heart was finally relieved.


Exactly as guessed.

It is possible to survive space cracks on the moon!

Apart from……

On entry!

The blood mist caused a little damage to it.

It looks exactly the same as when I stayed on Blue Star!

This scene at this time!

Chen Zongheng was extremely excited!

After a lot of effort...did everything!


Not in vain!

But, at this moment.

Chen Zongheng has no plans to return to Blue Star directly!

he wants……

Waiting on the moon!

Waiting for the ferocious beast in the space crack to appear!


Space cracks, able to survive on the moon.


The face represents a ferocious beast and will appear as usual.

seeing is believing!

This is……

Chen Zongheng is cautious about things!

As for...


Chen Zongheng is not worried.


I've already told you.

It won't...

It’s the same scene as before.


Chen Zongheng can also take this opportunity to feel the changes on the moon!!!

Such evolution!

It’s rare!

Once you miss it!


There will be absolutely no second chance!

This chapter has been completed!
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