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Chapter 263 There is no way to teach your son, then I will teach you!

"How dare you...!!" Ding Hu clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth!

At this moment, the head of the Ding family was completely furious and ferocious.

Chen Zong sat at the dining table and took a sip of tea.

His eyes looked at Ding Hu calmly, and their eyes met.

He... replied with four words, "Why don't you dare?"

Everyone in the audience:...

The air was dead silent.

This damn... He is going to die with the Ding family!

"Now, let's talk about your son's problem." Chen Zongheng took a deep breath of cigarette, stepped on Ding Zhi's face with his shiny leather shoes, and spoke calmly.

"Your son has a very high self-esteem and is nosy... he tried to confuse right and wrong, and even set up a Hongmen Banquet."

"I will discipline and discipline this useless son for you...is this reasonable?"

As soon as these words came out, the air in the whole place became cold and depressing again.

Ding Hu's eyes were about to burst as he gritted his teeth every word.

"You are seeking death! It is not your turn to take care of the affairs of my Ding family!"

"What's more, who dares to judge whether our Ding family is right or wrong?! Do you have the qualifications?"

Ding Hu's pupils were more murderous than ever before. He had...completely committed murder.

In this Jiangnan area... who dares to care about the rights and wrongs of his Ding family?

"I'll give you three seconds to immediately move your feet away from my son's face. Otherwise, I will destroy your body." Ding Hu almost said this with gritted teeth and a ferocious expression.

"Oh, really? I... don't believe it." The corner of Chen Zongheng's mouth raised a slight arc, and the next second, his other leather shoe suddenly stepped on Ding Zhi's left arm at his feet!

"Crack...!" A crisp sound of bones being crushed filled the whole place.

Under the foot... the entire bone of Ding Zhi's left hand was crushed to pieces by this kick! The entire middle of the arm was sunken and shriveled, dripping with blood!

"Uh...ah!!" Ding Zhi collapsed on the ground and howled miserably!!

"Azhi...!!" Father Ding Hu's eyes widened and his eyes were about to burst!!

Chen Zong was sitting in front of the dining table, smoking lightly, and his leather shoe was still firmly on Ding Zhi's face.

"Since you don't know how to teach your son, then I... will teach you for you."

Ding Hu's whole body... was shaking!!

Angry, violent... furious!!

How humiliating is it to see your own son being trampled under your feet?! Even his arm was trampled on and broken?!

This... was like stabbing him in the heart with a knife!

"Give it to me...!!" Ding Hu finally couldn't bear it anymore... He gave up the opportunity to negotiate with this young man... and shouted loudly!!

At this moment, the only option is to attack...to kill this damn young man and save his son!!


As Ding Hu roared loudly, outside the box door...a dark sea of ​​people surged in like a tidal wave!

The crowd shouted, the machete's edge trembled!

Countless people were slashing away at the fair and elegant young figure in front of the private dining table!

The air seemed to freeze for an instant.

Chen Zongheng remained the same, sitting calmly at the dining table.

He didn't even get up.

He slowly poured himself a cup of hot tea.

Then he picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

At the same time, the machete in front... was slashing rapidly and crazily.

Just...in an instant.

Suddenly! The tea cup in Chen Zongheng's right hand turned slightly.

"Whoosh, whoosh...!" A bunch of tea splashed out... turned into water droplets, and was carried by a light swirling force... and rushed towards the endless sea of ​​people ahead!

Tea instead of sword!

"Puff, puff, puff...!" The water droplets were like sharp swords, instantly penetrating the bodies of dozens of thugs in front!

Terrifying drops of water, like bullets, suddenly penetrated from the thug's body!

The thugs... their bodies suddenly hovered in place, they lowered their heads in horror... looking at their pierced bodies... they couldn't believe it!

The next second, 'bang, bang, bang', corpses fell to the ground one after another.

The whole scene fell into dead silence for an instant!

Killing with tea??

What the fuck?!

What means?!

Ding Hu's pupils widened... He stared at this scene in disbelief!

He has been traveling around the world for decades and has seen countless killings...but he has never seen...such a weird and terrifying method of killing?!

The dark group of thugs in front also looked shocked, as if they had seen demons!!

This... is simply...!

"What are you afraid of?! Come on! Whoever cuts off this man's head will get a reward of tens of millions!!" At the door of the box, Ding Hu was furious and shouted wildly!!

After all, there is strength in numbers!

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward!

Today, no matter how strong this young man is... he will still be drowned by the machetes of his countless thugs!

"Kill...!!" There was a sea of ​​people in front of the darkness. They were furious and excited. Countless machete blades were slashing towards the direction where Chen Zong was sitting!!

The rewards are crazy!

The group of thugs scrambled to be the first... and rushed forward like crazy!

Chen Zongheng sat calmly at the dining table, looking calm and calm.

Under such murderous intent, he could still be... so calm.

That calm and calm look was almost incompatible with the raging murderous intent at the scene!

He was holding a tea cup in his hand, his eyes were calm... and suddenly he turned slightly.

"Swish, swish...!" Countless teas were once again swirled by a force... and flew out!

A thug with a ferocious face, holding a machete... was slashing at him! He tried to chop off Chen Zongheng's head with one knife...

But, right now!

"Poof...!" In front of him... like lightning, a drop of water passed through the center of his eyebrows in an instant!

At that moment, the thug's body... trembled violently... he only felt... a sharp pain... that penetrated and invaded his head in an instant!

His body froze in place, in disbelief... He slowly reached out and touched his forehead between his eyebrows.

A tiny blood hole... is slowly emerging.

Scarlet continues to overflow.

"Bang." The thug fell to the ground sideways.

Ahead, an endless sea of ​​people surged forward.

Chen Zongheng sat calmly.

Hold the tea cup in your hand and rotate it gently.

Strings of water drops... burst out like a goddess scattering flowers!

"Puff, puff, puff..." Wherever the water drops passed, it was like destroying everything... and shot through the figures in front of them!

The dark sea of ​​​​people in front of them was almost like swaths of people... they fell to the ground!

A thug rushed towards him... brandishing a machete... but before he could react... a drop of water turned into a sharp sword and attacked quickly... 'Clang!' with a sound, the water droplet suddenly penetrated the machete in his hand, and then again

Penetrated through his chest!

A hole as big as a soybean appeared on the machete blade in his hand.

His chest was also penetrated with a bloody hole.

His body went limp and he collapsed directly to the ground.

This is simply!

Alone, sitting in front of the hall, sipping tea calmly.

And ahead, there is a sea of ​​countless people...machetes surging...but no one...can get close to him?!

This scene is simply shocking...unbelievable!

If anyone wants to get close to him... countless water drops turn into swords and attack him.

One after another figures... fell to the ground.

Blood stained the entire private room floor red!

This chapter has been completed!
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