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Chapter 2708 Escape into the black space, thirsty for knowledge

I don’t know...

That bird is too devoted!


I feel puzzled that the thing in front of me has not been pecked by myself...!


Without realizing it, Chen Zongheng opened his eyes!

But, at this moment.

Chen Zongheng also took advantage of this opportunity!


Put pressure on it!


The soul search also begins!


The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.


On the bird in front of me!


Can't find any useful information!


Chen Zongheng left a trace of aura on this bird!

if only……

This breath is still there!

That myself...

You can always find it!

Sitting up suddenly!

That bird!

I was instantly frightened... and soared straight into the sky!

The speed is so fast that it’s jaw-dropping!


Have it all...

I was originally at the ultimate speed in the Nascent Soul stage!

What’s even weirder is!

It is impossible to perceive the level of this bird!

Chen Zongheng was greatly disappointed...

A look of decadence!

just like……

You are in a dark place!

Can't notice...

Around, any change is the same!

That feeling of helplessness...

There is really no one left!

But, at this moment.

Chen Zongheng suddenly raised his head!

Just because...


On that bird, there is your own breath!

Do not know why……

Suddenly disappeared!


That bird has also disappeared without a trace.

It took me a long time!


But back to the original position!

Chen Zongheng, who does not believe in evil!

It is really……

I can’t hold it in any longer!

Even playing games!


At least there is a manual, or a boot mode!


This is the current state of complete exploration!


It’s head-scratching!


Don't know what to do!

In an instant!

Chen Zongheng thought of someone!


Have a try attitude!

Disappeared in place!


Chen Zongheng is disappearing!

Everything around us began to undergo huge changes!


There are no scenes of any ferocious beasts!

It's just like……

There will be some kind of ultimate disguise, slowly appearing!


Move in one direction and move quickly!

But, at this moment.

Chen Zongheng has arrived in the black material space within his body!

do not know either……

Space here!

Will it be affected by the flow of time between Blue Star and this place?

"Dark Demon..."

Chen Zongheng shouted, but he didn't get any response!

To this!

All I could do was sigh helplessly!

Since you can come in!


Prove that the black devil does not exclude himself now!

according to……

The old way!

After climbing over mountains and ridges, we finally arrived at the place where we originally encountered the black devil!

Just because...

In this black space!

There's no way...

Use any power of cultivation!

Traveling across mountains and rivers!

Can only...

Rely on your own physical strength!


Chen Zongheng’s indicators in all aspects...are strong enough!


I will really be exhausted and exhausted!

"Don't hide away...I know you are at home..."

For a while...

Chen Zongheng!

I can only transform into Aunt Xue!

Come here and get a little help!


Lived for such a long time!

Definitely, you know more than yourself!

"Stop shouting! Stop shouting!"

The figure of the black devil gradually condenses!


His look!


As can be seen……

Obviously, Chen Zongheng was very annoyed!

"Can't you... use your brain a little bit?"

The Black Demon frowned and looked impatient, "Since your perception has been blocked, don't you know how to break through from other directions?"

Hear the words!

Chen Zongheng was also furious!


If only you knew!

Is it still necessary... to ask you?

not to mention!

If only you knew!

Tell me directly, wouldn't it be lighter?

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing the black devil closing his eyes tightly and frowning slightly.

Chen Zongheng looked... very confused!


The sudden expletive made Chen Zongheng stunned!

turn out to be!

You are also... an arrogant son!

"Don't look at me with that look!"

The Black Demon showed a completely convinced expression, "Why are you here?"

Hear the words.

Chen Zongheng raised his eyebrows, thinking there was something interesting!

At least……

He should know where this place is!

"There is a road to heaven but you don't take it. There is no door to hell but you break in!"

The more the Black Demon talked, the angrier he became, "Such a forbidden place! Even I at my peak didn't dare to set foot in it! But you came in?"

Shaking his head and sighing, "I thought that following you would make me happy and drink spicy food, but it seems that I will be looking for the next host so soon."

in this way……

Words of dejection!

Listening to Chen Zongheng, it made his teeth itch!

not yet……

How about it!

At once……

Get cold feet!


Nothing more than that!

looking at...

Chen Zongheng looked like a calf who was born and was not afraid of death.

The black devil has the desire to die!


Explained carefully, thus suppressing Chen Zongheng's self-confidence!

turn out to be!


This state will occur in every murderer forest!


Derived from this state!


It cannot be called the forest of ferocious beasts.


There is another, exclusive name... "The Forbidden Land of Death"!

The place lives up to its name!

Dead silence!



People or things that do not belong to the land of death enter!


It’s equivalent to!

Food from the Land of the Dead!


The rules for opening the Land of Death will also change accordingly!

Under normal circumstances!


There is no one or anything when entering.

The place of death!

Once turned on...

It will be a massacre between ferocious beasts!

The winner is king!

The loser is the bandit!


Here, the losers will only be reduced to the food and drink of the winners!

The crystal nucleus in the body!


Then be assimilated!


The crystal core of the person it swallowed undergoes some evolution!

That is to say...

The fight between ferocious beasts and ferocious beasts!

just for……

Let the ferocious beast increase its strength!


Land of the dead, the hunt is over.


will stop!


The rules are removed in an instant!


The ferocious beasts below the Nascent Soul stage will be automatically eliminated!


Become food, or nourish the earth!

Crystal nucleus!

It was stolen by other ferocious beasts!


A ferocious beast below the Nascent Soul stage!


The probability of crystal nuclei is extremely slim!


There won't be any ferocious beasts, so pay attention to those problems!

As for...

How did this so-called rule come about!


The black devil doesn’t know either!

Everything is a mystery!

Stay till the end!

The land of death has turned into a forest of ferocious beasts again!

Reproduce and reproduce!

wait until……

Certain timing!


Coming again!

go through……

Round after round of screening!


This land of death!

was born...

A prehistoric level ferocious beast!

Bound by rules...

will disappear completely!


A prehistoric level ferocious beast will appear again only after it dies!

This chapter has been completed!
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