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Chapter 270 Die on the battlefield without taking the title!

Ding Long's face turned sharp and blood red, and he suddenly drew the knife out of his body!

There was no chance for niece Ding Fei to react or evade.

Finally, the knife fell from his hand.

"Pfft...!" The blade penetrated Ding Fei's chest like lightning...!

At that moment, Ding Fei's whole body... her beautiful eyes widened, ferocious, struggling, unbelievable!

Her long hair was messy and disheveled, her whole body was trembling, and the white skin on her chest was instantly stained red with endless blood!

Her body trembled and fell backwards, crookedly... and finally... suddenly... she fell to the ground.

This dignified eldest daughter of the Ding family, Ding Fei... died completely on the spot.

"Feifei...!!" Father Ding Hu collapsed completely. He tremblingly rushed to Ding Fei's body, knelt down with all his strength... hugged his daughter's body... looked up to the sky and howled miserably.

You lose your son when you are old, you lose your daughter when you are middle-aged.

Great sorrow in the world.

This Ding Hu, today...all his children died!

At this time, he had a mental breakdown!

The chairman of the Ding Lao Group, a former big boss who was in the underground world, has now successfully cleared his name... He originally wanted to use his power to make the Ding family rise to the top of the upper class.

But he didn't want to lose his wife and lose his troops.

He never dreamed that... his two wicked children... would mess with a 'handsome' one!

In the entire box, Chen Zongheng was the only one standing calmly with his hands behind his back.

His eyes were indifferent, staring at Ding Hu who was kneeling on the ground...crying miserably.

Suddenly, he raised his right hand slightly.

In front of the dining table, an ivory chopstick... was suddenly lifted up, and then flew out suddenly!

The ivory chopsticks turned into lightning and flew through the air...

"Pfft!" The chopsticks hit hard and inserted into the tip of Ding Hu's tongue!

"Uh..." Ding Hu didn't have time to scream miserably, and his whole tongue... exploded at the same time!

Blood splattered and overflowed from the mouth!

His body trembled and he fell directly to the ground, howling miserably.

This dignified chairman of Ding Lao Hotpot... his tongue is completely ruined!

From now on, I become a mute who cannot speak!

Then, Chen Zongheng turned his eyes and glanced at Ding Long beside him.

At that moment, Ding Long's face turned pale, and his body was frightened, as if he was locked by a demon. He took a step back, and his spine felt chilly.

"Listen carefully, no one knows my identity when I come to Jiangnan."

"If you wait...dare to reveal even a word."

"Zhu Jiu Clan."

Chen Zongheng's voice was calm, he looked around the audience and spoke slowly.

In the entire box, the bodies of the soldiers from the military camp all trembled.

Then everyone knelt down and kowtowed.

Centurion Ding Long knelt on the ground, his voice trembling, "Humble duty... Humble duty understands!"

Chen Zongheng stared at Ding Long who was kneeling on the ground with cold eyes.

"As a centurion, how do you deal with abuse of private power...do you know?"

Ding Long's body trembled violently and he kowtowed repeatedly, "I'm humble... I understand."

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and he slowly lit a cigarette.

Then, he finally... waved his sleeves.

Walk out.

Meteor White Feather is inserted into the waist.

Sword flowers and autumn lotus lights come out of the box.

The soldiers from heaven illuminate the snow below Jade Pass.

Arrows shoot like sand at golden armor.

The first time he came to Jiangnan, he only investigated and found the Bible organization, and ordered him to take on the task of protecting the Qiu Yi people.

He did not want to reveal his identity or title.

However, the appearance of Wuying made him change his mind.

Matters in the military camp should be settled using the identity of the military camp.

In the box, Chen Zongheng's figure... completely disappeared out of the corridor.

The one hundred soldiers present seemed to have...wandered from the hell of Yama...to find a way out.

Everyone fell to their knees on the ground, sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

At that moment, Chen Zongheng's power alone shocked a hundred of them to the point of trembling, and their hearts were shattered.

Is this the ‘handsome’ power?!

All the soldiers in the military camp present were trembling with fear, still terrified.

The title of commander is above ten thousand people.

These little warriors from the martial arts camp have never seen with their own eyes a truly handsome man!

Today, I finally saw it with my own eyes.

Finally, for the first time, I felt the horror of...'handsomeness'!

Such majesty makes one’s soul tremble!

At noon, at the entrance of Qiu Group.

A black Mercedes-Benz S600 car slowly stopped.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he held a cigarette in his mouth and stepped out of the car.

At this time, he regained his elegance and indifference, as if everything in the world was aloof.

That feeling was simply unbelievable. A second ago... he had killed countless people with his own hands and bloodbathed the entire Ding Group Hotel.

After returning to Qiu's Building, take the elevator back to the ninety-ninth floor.

Walking into his office, Chen Zongheng randomly pulled out a book from the bookshelf... and began to read it calmly.

After killing someone, he could still read a book so calmly and calmly.

I'm afraid he is the only one in Jiangnan who is in such a state of mind.

He just sat in the office, flipping through books... I don't know how long it took.

Sunset, dusk and sunset gradually hang in the western sky.

When I closed the book, it was already evening.

"Mr. Chen, it's time to get off work." Outside the office door, Qiu Yiren, wearing a black OL CEO uniform, was standing at the door and reminded softly.

A security director could make Qiu Yiren, a dignified CEO, personally invite him to get off work.

This kind of identity-reversal behavior is almost unprecedented.

However, within the Qiu Group, everyone has become accustomed to it.

Chen Zongheng, the new security director, has broken people's psychological endurance time and time again.

Now, his status in the group...has reached a point where people look up to him.

Everyone knows that the Qiu Group... is the only security director Chen Zongheng... who cannot be offended.

At dusk, the Mercedes-Benz drove Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng back to the Ziyuan mansion area together.

It was calm along the way.

These days, since the assassination by the Bible Killer, the whole Jiangnan... seems to have fallen into a brief silence.

There was no more smoke, and the whole city seemed too peaceful.

Qiu Yiren was sitting in the Maybach, her beautiful eyes staring at the dusk street scene outside the bulletproof glass window.

In her heart, her thoughts were slightly complicated: I wonder how long this brief silence can last?


At the same time, Jiangnan Wuying.

Inside the theater base.

Ding Long took off his camouflage military uniform, carefully held the uniform and epaulettes, and walked towards the boss's office with a dignified pace...

And, downstairs of the war zone base.

Ding Long's one hundred soldiers also took off their military uniforms and stood together downstairs, with their heads lowered and complex and embarrassed expressions on their faces.

At this time tonight, their career...is completely over.

Ding Long, with a solemn expression... finally arrived at the door of the superior boss's office.

"Dong dong dong." He stretched out his hand and knocked solemnly on the door.

"Who is it in the middle of the night?" A rich man's voice came from the office.

Immediately afterwards, the office door opened, and a man wearing a dark green military uniform was standing at the door with a confused look on his face.

"Ding Long?" The man was stunned, "You're working in the middle of the night, what's the important thing?"

"Bang." Ding Long suddenly fell to his knees and handed the military uniform in his hand to the man.

"In a humble position, Ding Long... abused his private power... and committed a serious crime. He is worthy of the Jiangnan military camp and the heroic spirit of the war zone!"

Ding Long's voice was solemn, with endless complexity, "A humble position... A humble position, I wish to take the blame and resign! Take off the title!"

Huh~! Upon hearing this, the man at the office door changed his expression!

To take off his title? For a soldier, this is the same as terminating his life!

This is worse than killing him!

A soldier, stripped of his honors, would be worse off than dead!

I would rather die in battle than take off my honor!

This is the will of thousands of warriors!

But, this Ding Long... finally... spent twenty years in the military camp, and got the title of centurion! Now, he has to... take it off??


"Ding Long...what happened?!" The superior boss man stood at the door of the office, staring at Ding Long with solemn eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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