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Chapter 2841 Strange beasts, extremely strange

So that in the end, the body of the thick tentacles was constantly exposed to the air!

At first glance, it turned out to be an unexpectedly ferocious beast.

How should I put it, this seems to be the fusion effect of two creatures!

As for which two creatures, you may not believe it!

The lower body is exactly the same as a crab, but a squid-like creature is tightly sewn on top of the crab!



I don’t know if the crab got a disease and its head became enlarged, or if the squid took over the body of a big crab!

However, this huge body, which is about six meters long and four meters high, really brings a great visual impact to people!

Such strange and weird things are really incredible!

The world is really full of wonders, and all kinds of strange and ferocious beasts may appear!

No matter what, this is still a swamp, and mutation is not impossible!

But like this, the combination of crab and squid, isn’t it a bit too out-of-the-box?

Is it possible that this place was not a swamp and a desert, but an endless ocean?

Don't tell me, according to the direction of the terrain, it is very likely to be true!

At this moment, the fluctuations emanating from Chen Zongheng did not show any mercy because of his strange appearance.

It should not be aimed at this strange beast, but at all areas radiated!

Just like that, it stretches in all directions as always, as if there is no limit!

Having suffered damage from fluctuations before, it didn't dare to have any intention of collision, and immediately began to move the soil downwards!

The crab's legs and the octopus's tentacles work together to allow the huge body to dive without slowing down at all!

On the contrary, because he did not want to be touched by the strange fluctuations, the fear in his heart made it increase a lot!

You chase me, not giving the beast any chance to breathe!

But when the depth reached 500 meters, the fluctuation finally stopped its intention to increase the range, and the destructive power it caused also disappeared without a trace!

Even so, the other ferocious beasts dug down for more than ten meters before stopping!

Even so, it never showed any signs of crossing the line. It just stared blankly in place, trying to make sure something is the same next time!

However, due to the lack of wave erosion, the semicircular deep pit originally formed began to be slowly filled up by the surrounding soft swampland!

The collapse scene can be described as a mudslide rolling down the mountain, which is very thrilling!

Fortunately, only that one ferocious beast exists, and its tough shell will not be harmed by the squeeze of this mud.

After a while, the strange and ferocious beast also disappeared under the soil.

At this moment, Gu Chang, who was suspended in the air, woke up first.

When he saw that there was no movement from Chen Zongheng not far away, his face was full of doubts.

After being stunned for a moment, he finally recovered and hurried towards Chen Zongheng!

I was even more anxious inside, fearing that he would be hurt in some way, otherwise it would definitely not be the scene in front of me!

However, when he arrived within five meters of Chen Zongheng, he felt as if he had hit something!

Although it is not painful and soft, it is not very comfortable!

In an instant!

Gu Chang had not yet reacted, but an inexplicable force suddenly acted on Gu Chang.

Just because there is no pain does not mean there is no force!

Just for a moment!

The whole person flew backwards like a bullet out of sugar, the speed was so fast that it was staggering!

He didn't pause at all when he was stuck on the ground, and he fell into the swamp in an instant!

Fortunately, the swamp was very soft at this time, so Gu Chang did not suffer much damage.

It is precisely because of this that the resistance becomes smaller and the speed and distance of the dive are maximized!

Gu often has to do something to increase his own resistance. Only in this way can he get a certain buffer!

When Gu Chang stopped, he happened to land next to the combined beast.

Faced with this, how could the strange and ferocious beast ignore the dinner delivered to his door?

What's more, this is your home court, and devouring this person will be of great benefit to you!

Killing two birds with one stone is a good thing, how can we give up on the strange and vicious beasts?

Without saying a word, he launched an attack on Gu Chang!

Countless thick tentacles began to attack Gu Chang at various weird angles!

Even the crab body controlling the movement below also raised its huge pliers and pinched it!

At this moment, Gu Chang, who had come back to his senses, also noticed the changes in his surroundings. With his sight blocked, he could only use his extremely poor perception to detect everything around him!

In an instant!

Gu Chang couldn't help but be shocked by the information he got. He never thought that he would be so ignorant of it!

Facing such a large-scale attack, Gu Chang frowned and immediately wanted to escape from the opponent's combined attack.

As for resisting something, it is not within the scope of Gu Chang's consideration at all. Taking action in this place is probably looking for death!

However, the resistance of the swamp greatly affected Gu Chang's speed and he was unable to maximize his speed!

On the other hand, those tentacles and giant pincers had no effect at all.

After all, they have been active underground all year round and have long been accustomed to that kind of resistance!

At this point, Gu often had to use the newly evolved poison to corrode the surrounding soil!

The shape is also exquisite. The direction of advancement is a sharp point, and it is pulled downward to form a cone shape!

Only by using this method can you increase your movement speed in the soil!

Even so, the continuous consumption of soil is also being continuously filled, which is much better than before!

Something is better than nothing, and it is infinitely better than no improvement at all.

With such speed, although he can escape the attack of the giant pincer, he cannot escape the countless tentacle attacks!

After a while, Gu Chang felt that the distance between himself and the tentacles... kept shrinking!

Continuing like this is not an option!

Once entangled by it, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

In an instant!

Gu Chang opened his eyes, and the originally black and white pupils turned into dark purple!

Immediately afterwards, I saw the poison starting to be released with him as the center!

Obviously, he wants to use the poison to descend here to form a place where he can move freely!

In this case, at least there is still the possibility of a battle!

Although the consumption on oneself is also huge, there is no other way!

Turning passivity into initiative is the only thing Gu Chang can do right now!

What's more, within the range where the poison descends, the range it covers will also be the range that it can sense.

This chapter has been completed!
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