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Chapter 32 Dongmen

Late at night, eleven o'clock.

Shanghai, Dongmen Villa.

With this villa as the core, everything within a few hundred meters is classified as a private restricted area.

Every few dozen meters, there are several members in black suits stationed there.

Passers-by didn't dare to approach this place.

Because, this is the headquarters of Shanghai [Dongmen]!

Dong Men, the terrifying underground force lurking in Shanghai City! After more than ten years of disputes in the world, Dong Men’s name is now notorious in the world!

In the dark night, a BMW 7 Series sedan drove slowly and stopped in front of the Dongmen Villa.

Ruan Wenyao got out of the car, his face was extremely solemn, and he walked quickly towards the villa.

After going through a series of body searches in front of the villa, Mr. Ruan was allowed to enter the villa.

The moment he stepped through the door of the villa, Ruan Wenyao's demeanor suddenly subsided and his attitude became groveling.

This is absolute respect for the character in the villa!

In the lobby of Dongmen Villa.

On a large and fierce tiger leather sofa, a figure is sitting there quietly, with a cigar in his mouth, and the atmosphere seems quiet and eerie.

"Meet Mr. Dong!"

Ruan Wenyao came to that figure, knelt down respectfully and saluted!

This famous young man from Shanghai City actually knelt down on one knee at this moment...to give such a great salute to others!

It is said that a man has gold at his knees, but at this moment, Ruan Wenyao lost all his ruthlessness and dignity. He knelt on the ground with great respect.

It can be seen how terrifying the identity of this person sitting on the sofa is!

The man was sitting quietly on the sofa, smoking a cigar lightly.

The man said nothing.

Ruan Wenyao kept kneeling on one knee in a respectful posture and did not dare to relax at all.

His face was full of respect and awe.

"Get up." The man slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

Ruan Wenyao felt as if he had been granted amnesty, so he stood up carefully and stood aside.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" the man said calmly, his voice calm.

"Wen Yao came here tonight to plead with Mr. Dong!" Ruan Wenyao bowed respectfully, with a very respectful expression on his face, "Please Mr. Dong, please help me deal with one person!"

The man glanced at Ruan Wenyao lightly.

"Oh, is it the injury on your face?"

Ruan Wenyao's body trembled, he looked a little ferocious, and said angrily, "Yes. That guy slapped me in front of everyone today and spoke arrogantly. I beg Mr. Dong to make the decision for me!"

Mr. Dong was sitting on the sofa, with a flash of disdain at the corner of his mouth, "A dignified young man from Ruan's pharmaceutical industry, and he was slapped in public... What a coward."

Ruan Wenyao looked ashamed and did not dare to show any anger. He lowered his head and knelt down.

Mr. Dong is the umbrella of the underworld in this area. Over the years... Ruan Wenyao has paid tribute to Mr. Dong every year and made him his patron.

When he encounters some problems that he cannot solve, he will beg Mr. Dong to help him solve those "dirty things"!

"How much do you plan to pay?" Mr. Dong slowly took a puff of his cigar and asked calmly.

The Dong Clan is extremely large and rules the underground forces in this area. If you want to ask the Dong Clan to take action...how can you not pay some price?

"As long as Mr. Dong can help me get rid of that guy, I... I am willing to pay... this amount!" Ruan Wenyao stretched out his palm and gestured with five fingers.

This means five million.

"Too little." Mr. Dong's eyes were indifferent, with disdain. "Ten million, if you are willing, pay. If you don't want to, get out."

Ruan Wenyao's eyes were complicated and unwilling. After hesitating and thinking for a long time, he nodded solemnly.

"Okay! Just ten million! As long as Mr. Dong can eradicate it, I will give you the money!"

Mr. Dong slowly got up from the sofa, put out his cigar, turned and walked up the stairs.

"Tomorrow, you will get a satisfactory result."

After saying that, Mr. Dong slowly walked up the stairs, the clouds were calm and the wind was gentle.

Ruan Wenyao's body trembled when he was kneeling on the ground. It was because of excitement. Huge excitement! An unprecedented pleasure of revenge surged up!

The ferocious look on his face was evident! As long as Mr. Dong takes action, the man named Chen... will definitely die!!

A deep night.

When the sun rose from the eastern sky, Chen Zongheng had already finished his exercise.

Putting on a clean and elegant suit, he came to Qiu's villa.

After enjoying breakfast with the two sisters from the Qiu family.

Chen Zongheng and Qiu Yiren took a Mercedes-Benz car and drove all the way to the group building.

It was calm and calm along the way.

There still hasn't been any crisis.

The Mercedes-Benz motorcade slowly stopped at the entrance of the group.

Qiu Yi and Chen Zong stepped out of the car and walked into the building surrounded by bodyguards...

At the entrance of the group building, the security guards were watching from a distance, lowering their heads and whispering.

"Did you see that man... He is Chen Zongheng. Yesterday, he was the one who disabled Manager Ding's hands..."

"This new security director... is not easy to mess with..."

Several door guards and security guards whispered, feeling a little awe and fear towards the new director.

On the side, a young security guard with a shaved head did not participate in the discussion.

His name is Xie Ming, and he is the youngest security guard in the group. He does not join any factions on weekdays and just works diligently. Therefore, after working for more than two years, there is still no promotion in position or salary.

Xie Ming stared at Chen Zongheng's leaving figure, and a trace of yearning flashed through his heart...

Wearing a crisp suit, tie, and elegant demeanor... this was what he had always dreamed of... looking like a professional bodyguard.

However, for him who has no emotional intelligence and does not know how to build a good relationship with his colleagues and leaders, it seems that he will always stay in this small position as a little doorman and security guard.

Stopping cars every day, recording license plates, and standing guard. That's all he has to do.

The pile driving and martial arts I learned in the village when I was a child have become rotten in my bones...

All morning, everything was calm inside Qiu's Building.

The Huang family's revenge did not appear, and everything was extremely quiet.

In the afternoon, security guard Xie Ming stood in front of the guard box at the door as usual, on duty.

In June, the summer heat scorches the entire earth.

Xie Ming's whole body was wet with sweat, but he was not lazy and still stood upright in front of the guard box.

Other janitor colleagues were hiding in the air-conditioned room in the duty room, enjoying the cold air conditioning.

Suddenly! There was an engine roar in the distance!

A black Cadillac car was speeding towards Qiu's Building!

Security guard Xie Ming was about to step forward to register, but he didn't expect the Cadillac to collide directly with him!

With a sound of ‘Boom!’, the access control barrier at the entrance of the Qiushi Building was directly broken, and the Cadillac rushed directly in, extremely domineering!

Before a group of security guards could react, another Cadillac came speeding towards us!

One, two, three, four...

A total of ten Cadillac cars! Standing in front of the Qiu Mansion in an extremely domineering manner!

Xie Ming felt that something was wrong, so he rushed up with a solemn expression and asked, "What do you do? Why don't you register?"

A strong man in black stepped out of the Cadillac. Without saying a word, he raised his palms.

"Pah!" He slapped Xie Ming hard on the face!

Even though Xie Ming had practiced martial arts, he was staggered by this slap and almost fell down.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Whoa! All ten Cadillac doors opened!

A group of men in suits and sunglasses stepped out of the car menacingly, standing there like menacing gods... exuding an overwhelming evil intent!

The group of security guards at the door turned pale with fear and stepped back one after another.

They are all just ordinary company security guards. Apart from boasting and flattering, what other real abilities do they have? They are as timid as mice.

Seeing this scene at this moment, everyone was frightened.

In the entire scene, Xie Ming was the only one standing there, staring closely at the group of men in suits.

"Who are you?" Although he knew that he was no match for these big men in black, he could not back down due to his job responsibilities.

The instinct of practicing martial arts since he was a child tells him that if there is danger, he must face it.

Suddenly, a man in a suit suddenly stepped forward and kicked Xie Ming to the ground.

"It's not your little security guard's turn to interrupt here. Call that guy named Chen Zongheng down and ask him to talk to me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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