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Chapter 327 Take a step forward and break your head!

Countless bodyguards are coming from all directions!

Hundreds of bodyguards, electric batons, crackling electricity!

Along the entrance of the Yuanxing Group building, a terrifying wall of people formed!

The atmosphere at the entire scene was unprecedentedly solemn!

At this time today, this Chen Zongheng...has no wings to fly!

However, at this time, Chen Zongheng still stood calmly in the sea of ​​people, lighting a cigarette as he was minding his own business.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the sea of ​​people in all directions.

Blow out a smoke ring.

"I didn't expect Chen... to be so popular? So many people came to greet him." The corner of his mouth raised a hint of mockery.

Then he continued to raise his eyes, step by step... towards the front of the sea of ​​people.

He actually regarded the group of people in front of him as nothing.

Ahead, beyond the sea of ​​people.

Guo Shaoze had a cold face and held a revolver in his right hand...The dark barrel of the gun had locked onto Chen Zongheng in the sea of ​​people!

"Chen...Zong...Heng, can you still escape today?" Guo Shaoze clutched the revolver tightly, his face was so calm that it was terrifying.

The calmer Guo Shaoze appears on the surface, the more ferocious and furious he becomes in his heart at this moment!

Today, in front of so many people present, Chen Zongheng openly threw Wang Ning’s body downstairs!

This is a slap in his face, Guo Shaoze!

He was the one who insulted Guo Shaoze!

How could Guo Shaoze... let Chen Zongheng leave?

Chen Zongheng raised his eyes slightly, looking across the sea of ​​people and looking at Guo Shaoze in the distance.

The corners of his mouth were even more curved.

"Young Master Guo is also proficient in firearms...? It's really unexpected." Chen Zong smiled calmly.

"Standard m500, 3.0 caliber, double-buckle spring installed, revolver... good stuff."

Chen Zongheng glanced at the Na Bing firearm in Guo Shaoze's hand and said lightly.

Huh~! When he heard this sentence, Guo Shaoze's pupils...uncontrollably condensed slightly!

This...this is the modification data of the firearm in his hand...! Unexpectedly, Chen Zongheng saw through it at a glance?!

"If I take a step forward, I'll crush your head."

Guo Shaoze is holding a gun, his face is colder than ever before!

"Aren't you a good shooter? I really want to try it. Which one is faster, your movements or my gun?"

Guo Shaoze has endured this problem for a long, long time!

Now, he finally... drew his gun!

He really wants to know how powerful... Chen Zongheng is?

After all, is it my own shooting skills that are faster...or is it Chen Zongheng's body skills that are faster?

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and he took a deep breath from the cigarette ring.

"I'm also curious, Mr. Guo, how fast is your gun?"

He put his leather shoes on, step by step... and continued to step up.

Is this a provocation?

Faced with a revolver, he didn't change his mind at all?

At this moment, Guo Shaoze's face was as cold as ever!

The pupils slowly condensed!

His marksmanship is different from others.

Shooting, pay attention to people, guns, gods... three speeds in one!

Chen Zongheng's ability to dodge other people's hot weapons was simply because he caught others' movements to shoot in advance.

Therefore, before someone else pulled the trigger, Chen Zongheng had already moved quickly to avoid the bullet's trajectory.

You'll be able to escape the bullet's range.

However, Guo Shaoze practiced shooting at the age of eight.

His marksmanship is almost integrated with his soul.

The gun is his life. It seems to be integrated with his body.

Every shot he makes is an instinctive reaction, as fast as lightning!

Load, load, pull the trigger, aim...fire!

The entire process can be completed quickly in the blink of an eye... within a few tenths of a second!

With such a lightning movement, no matter how fast you dodge someone, you will have no time to dodge, let alone react!

The entire scene in front of the Yuanxing Building is unprecedentedly dignified!

A sea of ​​countless people surrounded Chen Zongheng.

However, Guo Shaoze was standing twenty meters away, with the revolver loaded and locked on Chen Zongheng!

This is the optimal shooting distance.

Air density, humidity, temperature...all reach the optimal range of the bullet!

Guo Shaoze had already estimated the situation on site.

His bullets are specially made.

Every bullet, regardless of appearance or metal material...even the proportion of gunpowder, has been accurately calculated.

It can penetrate the target at the fastest supersonic speed!

However, at this moment, the barrel of his gun was aimed at Chen Zongheng's eyebrows!

The distance between the two is twenty meters.

Chen Zongheng raised his eyes slightly, his eyes were calm and indifferent, and there was no emotion in his pupils.

He just stared at Guo Shaoze indifferently.

It seems that he is waiting for the other party to shoot?

This is simply!

But Guo Shaoze, who was twenty meters away, hesitated to shoot.

Chen Zongheng seemed a little impatient, he took a step slowly with his leather shoes.

"Mr. Guo, if you don't shoot again, then I will leave."

"Bang...!!" Just as Chen Zongheng finished speaking!!

"Whoosh...!!" A tongue of fire suddenly shot out from Guo Shaoze's revolver!!

The bullet's tongue of fire, carrying a huge explosive force, quickly cut through the air, and in the blink of an eye, it had penetrated to the center of Chen Zongheng's eyebrows!

It's just a hair's breadth away from being shot into his head!

But, at that moment.

The bullet suddenly stopped.

The bullet stopped one millimeter away from Chen Zongheng's eyebrows.

Because, Chen Zongheng's two fingers were slowly clamping... the bullet that struck suddenly!

The scene is dead silent!

Guo Shaoze's pupils widened and his eyes were about to burst, staring at the scene in front of him in disbelief?!


How can it be?!

His marksmanship is as fast as lightning...!

With this shot, the air...density, humidity, temperature...are completely consistent, and the bullet's range...reaches its peak!!


But...this shot...

But, he was still... blocked??!

Two fingers... caught his own bullet?!

Guo Shaoze's pupils widened and he couldn't believe it!


This is impossible……!!

He didn't even see clearly...how did Chen Zongheng take action...?!

Guo Shaoze's eyes, after being trained in ultra-high-speed capture... can capture the trajectory and range of a single bullet flying out!

But just now...he actually...didn't see Chen Zongheng's action at all?

In the blink of an eye, the bullet was caught by Chen Zongheng?!

Could it be...!

His shooting speed...has exceeded the speed of sound?

Faster than a bullet?!!

A terrifying and shocking thought suddenly appeared in Guo Shaoze's mind!

The speed of a person, breaking through supersonic speed??

Could it be that...my previous judgment...was all wrong??

This Chen Zongheng...didn't...capture the bullet trajectory in advance??

But just... pure... physical speed, breaking through the supersonic barrier??


This is impossible?!

Guo Shaoze shook his head tremblingly, this is absolutely impossible!

Four hundred years ago, the physical scientist Newton once said... It is impossible for human speed to break through the barrier of the speed of sound!

Otherwise, humans will evolve to a terrible physical state!

But...how can we explain the scene in front of us...using science??!

Guo Shaoze's face was trembling, unbelievable!

He suddenly raised the revolver and tried to fire a second time!

But, suddenly...his pupils suddenly dilated!

Because, Chen Zongheng's figure actually teleported... appeared in front of him?!

"Mr. Guo, your gun... doesn't seem to be fast enough?"

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This chapter has been completed!
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