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Chapter 365 Who is the real name to report?!

The secretary urgently booked high-speed rail tickets for Ding Xiyang!

Ding Xiyang put on her clothes and hurriedly took the elevator downstairs without even having time to prepare!

Downstairs, his BMW 7 Series sedan was already waiting respectfully.

His subordinates respectfully opened the car door for him.

"Mr. Ding, why are you traveling in such a hurry? Are you going to a meeting?" The driver asked cautiously and doubtfully while sitting in the car.

"Temporarily decided to go to Lhasa to hold a special meeting." Ding Xiyang concealed it.

He couldn't tell his men that he was absconding out of fear of crime, right?

He felt something wasn't quite right, so... he ran away first.

Then he remotely commanded his subordinates to clear up all the clues about his transaction with Guo Shaoze.

Then everything has nothing to do with him.

However, just when Ding Xiyang got into the BMW car.

In the distance, a rapid siren sounded!

"Diwu~! Diwu~!!"


When he heard the sirens, Ding Xiyang's expression suddenly changed as he sat in the BMW!

Looking out through the car window glass...

Tens of meters away on the street... patrol vehicles with flashing police lights were speeding towards them!!


There was a sudden sound of brakes!

With lightning speed, the patrol vehicles immediately surrounded the Jiulang Weibo headquarters building!!


A large group of uniformed staff hurriedly got out of the car!

Came directly to the BMW 7 Series sedan!

In the BMW car, the driver was completely frightened by this scene?!

This is...what happened??

"Ding...Mr. Ding...can we...leave?" the driver said slightly incoherently, trembling.

"I'm afraid... I won't be able to leave..." Ding Xiyang was sitting in the back row, looking... unprecedentedly embarrassed.

His lips turned white and he was trembling slightly.

A large group of police officers rushed forward and blocked his BMW car.

"Dong dong dong." A staff member came forward and gently knocked on the window glass.

Ding Xiyang's face turned pale and he slowly lowered the window.

"Captain...is there something wrong?" Ding Xiyang pretended to be calm and asked in a complicated voice.

"Mr. Ding, after a real-name report, you are suspected of... illegal bribery, illegal fabrication of online rumors... online accusations... three crimes, and now I am ordered to please go back and accept the investigation!" The staff member looked solemn and handed over a piece of paper.

The investigation letter was delivered directly to Ding Xiyang!


When he saw this investigation letter, Ding Xiyang's complexion instantly turned pale!

"Mr. Ding, please come out." The staff gestured and asked Ding Xiyang to come out.

If he doesn't come out, then they may have to step forward and 'invite' him to come out.

Ding Xiyang's face was as embarrassed as ever.

Trembling, he pushed open the BMW door and slowly stepped out of the car.

"Pa-ta~!" A pair of iron shackles were directly cuffed on his hands!

"I...can I ask...who reported me under my real name?" Ding Xiyang asked cautiously with a complicated and trembling voice.

According to the rules, if you report with your real name, the defendant has the right... to question the reporter. This can be regarded as a right to self-protection.

The staff member looked solemnly and glanced at Ding Xiyang, "Do you have any doubts about the real-name report letter sent out by the Forbidden City?"


When he heard the words...'Forbidden City'...Ding Xiyang's legs trembled violently, and he couldn't stand upright and collapsed directly to the ground!

Purple...Forbidden City??!

He... offended a certain... hero in the Forbidden City??

The real-name report from the Forbidden City...how can he refute it? How can he question it?!

That is the supreme center of hot summer!

Ding Xiyang collapsed on the ground and was supported by the staff and escorted to the patrol car.

Because at this time, he couldn't walk at all.

The moment he was detained in the patrol car, Ding Xiyang's eyes trembled... He glanced unwillingly at the towering company building outside the car window.

At this moment, he cried.

Guo Shaoze, you bastard, you killed me!!

Morning, ten o'clock.

Public opinion on the Internet continues to explode.

Guo Shaoze's name has made almost every major news and entertainment headlines several times.

The sexual assault scandal shocked almost the entire Jiangnan.

At this time, as the whistleblower of the brewing disaster.

Chen Zongheng, with calm eyes, sat calmly at his desk, holding a book of "Warring States Policy" in both hands, and slowly flipped through it.

Su Qin used Lian Heng to talk about Qin, and Feng Xuan visited Lord Mengchang.

He seems to be indifferent to what is happening in the outside world.

Apart from performing tasks, he would just sit there quietly, reading and passing the time.

Back then, Zhang Yuzhou released him from prison.

For him, now... it's just a different prison.

He has been imprisoned all his life.

Death, imprisoned by killing.

Only in books, those unconstrained thoughts and the deeds of soldiers and horses in the Warring States Period can make him sink into it.

And, at this time, in the office next door.

President Qiu Yiren was sitting on her desk, her beautiful eyes complex, looking at the news that kept popping up on the computer.

When she opened Weibo, she suddenly discovered that the scandal news that was pinned to the top yesterday was gone?

Could it be that Ding Xiyang has already dealt with the scandal?

Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes were confused. She contacted Ding Xiyang yesterday, but was directly rejected by Ding Xiyang.

According to Ding Xiyang's attitude, it shouldn't be possible for him to take the initiative to remove the scandal news?

And, at this moment.

"Dong dong dong~!" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the office.

"Come in." Qiu Yiren called out.

Secretary Sun Xue walked quickly into the office wearing high heels and a pretty face.

"Mr. Qiu... a TV set!" Sun Xue said hastily with a complicated face.

Qiu Yiren was stunned. What happened again?

She hurriedly turned on the LCD TV in the office, tv1.

In the cctv1 program, surprisingly... a criminal interview is taking place!

In the talk show... the criminal client being interviewed was surprisingly... none other than the boss of Jiulang Weibo, Ding Xiyang?!

When seeing this scene, Qiu Yiren's pretty face was shocked and inexplicable? She couldn't believe it?


Ding Xiyang, was arrested?

We were still on the phone yesterday, and you were arrested early this morning...?

Too fast? Too coincidental?

During the interview on the show, Ding Xiyang looked remorseful, kept crying, and took the initiative to reveal inside information:

[It was I who accepted the bribe from Guo Shaoze of Yuanxing Group, and that’s why Qiu Yiren... and hundreds of pornographic videos of the boss were put on the hot search...]

[Qiu Yiren’s hot search was made by Guo Shaoze and I... The purpose was to suppress the Qiu Group and create commercial pressure. 】

[I accepted a bribe of 300 million from Guo Shaoze...I know I was wrong and I regret it very much. Please give me a chance to change my mind.]


When she heard Ding Xiyang's words in the interview program, Qiu Yiren's pretty face... became completely shocked and complicated?! Unbelievable!


Monthly ticket...!!!!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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