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Chapter 37 After drinking, I will send you on the road

Hold a goblet and taste wine elegantly.

He just sat at the dining table, his eyes calm.

Under his feet, he stepped on the owner of this villa, Dong Guohu.

"Has the food been prepared? Just drinking wine is boring." Chen Zongheng asked calmly, swaying his wine glass.

Everyone: "..."

Everyone stared at this terrifying man in horror as if they were looking at a monster.

Who is this person?!

Under such circumstances, you are still in the mood to eat and drink?!

Devil in a suit.

This person is not a human at all, but a demon! An elegant demon wearing a suit and tie!

One second ago, he was killing violently...bloodbath in all directions.

The next second, he turned into an elegant gentleman, sitting at the dining table and tasting wine lightly?

At this time, Dong Guohu was enjoying another kind of treatment.

He lay on the ground, his body trembling, trying to escape from the man's soles.

But as soon as he moved, the leather shoe on his face became even harder.

"Lie down and don't move."

Chen Zongheng stepped on Dong Guohu's head, his temperament was calm and elegant.

This is so shocking.

Mr. Dong, the dignified head of the Dong Sect and known as a powerful figure, was being trampled under his feet by a young man at this moment. He was so humiliated!

"Young man... I advise you to let go now, so that there is room for negotiation. Otherwise... you will never walk out of this villa alive today..."

Dong Guohu tried to calm himself down, and in a trembling and threatening tone, he tried to intimidate Chen Zongheng and persuade him to stop.

But Chen Zongheng ignored him at all. He stepped on his head, picked up the silver chopsticks on the table, washed them briefly with tea, and waited for the food to be served as if nothing had happened.

And at his feet, Dong Guohu's threatening words...he didn't listen to a word.

"Is the food ready? Why hasn't it been served yet? Dongmen's kitchen of yours is very inefficient." Chen Zongheng urged with a calm look, a little impatiently.

At the same time, he leisurely lit a cigarette and puffed out smoke rings lightly.

A few minutes later, the villa's royal chef came out with trembling hands carrying plates of freshly cooked dishes.

This is a dish cooked in an emergency amidst endless panic.

Originally, the chefs never received orders to cook.

Today, it was supposed to be a good show where Dong Guohu unilaterally killed Chen Zongheng.

But at this moment, the situation was completely reversed.

Chen Zongheng alone swept the entire Dongmen.

What's even more arrogant is that after killing everyone, he didn't leave. He stepped on the head of the Dong clan boss and sat calmly at the dining table, waiting for his meal.

Wings, ginseng and abalone soup, braised bear paws, garlic oysters, Australian lobster...

One after another luxurious dishes were brought out urgently.

According to Chen Zongheng's instructions, a table full of delicious dishes has been served.

He took a sip of red wine and then started to eat leisurely.

He took down his chopsticks very easily, slowly and with a hint of elegance.

The fragrance is alluring, and the color and fragrance are all present.

He is completely enjoying the delicacies of the world.

And all around the scene, all the Dong Clan members and thugs... were as dull as stone. Everyone stared at this scene in shock...

At this moment, no one knows what to say?

Too arrogant, too arrogant, and too unscrupulous.

In the hall, groups of bodies fell to the ground in random directions...the whole ground was dyed red with blood...

But at the dinner table, he was elegant and calm, enjoying the fine wine and delicacies.

Mr. Dong was lying on the ground, his whole body trembling. His tone was already chattering, trying to threaten and intimidate.

"Young man, keep a line in your life so that we can meet each other easily in the future...You treat me like this today...you will definitely regret it when we meet again in the future..."

Chen Zongheng took a sip of red wine and put a little pressure on his leather shoes.

"Uh..." Dong Guohu's entire face was crushed directly to the floor, and his face was distorted.

"Chen...let me go immediately...otherwise, I guarantee you will not be able to leave this villa...!" Dong Guohu is a group of powerful heroes, how could he be so cowardly? He endured the severe pain on his face,

The voice roared ferociously!

Chen Zongheng swayed the red wine in the goblet, his eyes calm and elegant.

"Really?" He suddenly raised his other foot, faced Dong Guohu's knee, and stepped hard on it.


There was a crisp explosion!

Dong Guohu's entire left knee was crushed and deformed by the trampling! The entire kneecap was crushed!

"Uh ah...!" Dong Guohu howled miserably!!

This giant crocodile who dominates the world, the hero! At this moment, in front of countless subordinates, he was trampled on and broke one of his legs! It was so miserable!

There was a crowd of young men all around, their eyes were horrified and horrified, their faces were trembling... but no one dared to step forward.

Everyone was shocked by this man in an elegant suit, drinking red wine and killing people!

This is simply a devil in a suit!

"Go! Go to me!! Kill him!!" Dong Guohu's face was ferocious and miserable, his eyes were extremely blood red! He was lying on the ground shaking violently and roaring!!

Yes, all the Dong clan members around.

No one dared to step forward.

There are a few people who are eager to try and have just taken a step forward.

Chen Zongheng suddenly raised his right hand!

Whoosh! Two oyster shells flew out!

"Puff!" The two who stepped forward were directly pierced through the throats by sharp oyster shells!

Two corpses fell to the ground, blood spilling out.

The whole place was dead silent!

Everyone took several steps back in horror!

Oyster shells kill people?!

This man is not human at all!

With every gesture, you can kill without a trace!

In front of him, it seems that anything can be turned into a weapon!

Chen Zongheng took a sip of Lafite red wine and looked down at Dong Guohu at his feet.

"Do you think I can't get out of this villa?"

Suddenly, the leather shoe under his feet lifted up and stepped down hard on Dong Guohu's right leg again!


There was a violent cracking sound of joints!

"Uh...ah!!" Dong Guohu's right knee was also crushed instantly!

The entire kneecap was crushed!

Blood overflowed crazily, and even the broken and white cartilage could be seen.

The whole scene was trembling.

In the villa, the Dong clan boys, who were completely in darkness, took a few steps back in fear again...

Everyone's heart felt like a lightning strike, it was a huge earthquake!

Crazy! Absolutely crazy!

Their dignified boss of the Dong clan... was so humiliated! His legs were trampled on and off on the spot?!

This is simply unbelievable!!

But at this time, no one dared to take a step forward!

The terror of this young man in a suit completely frightened them out of their wits.

Chen Zongheng slowly picked up the goblet and shook it gently.

Wine tasting and smoking.

At this time, he was as elegant as a scholarly scholar.

"Please Mr. Chen... spare my life...!" Mr. Dong could no longer control the panic in his heart. He lay on the ground and begged for mercy in a horrified and trembling voice! A majestic figure in Shanghai City... he had completely lost all his backbone at this moment!

"Why are you trying to live? You are lucky to die in my hands." Chen Zongheng's voice was calm, and his eyes seemed to be looking at a dying person.

He doesn't understand... A mortal's life is miserable and inactive... Why do you try your best to stay alive? Wouldn't it be an honor to die in the hands of the code name 'God of Death' and die in an honorable manner?

Mr. Dong's body was shaking violently... He banged his head hard on the ground... He kowtowed frantically to beg for mercy, and there was blood on his forehead.

"Sir...it's me who is stupid...it's because I'm too blind to see the truth!! Please sir...let me go! I'm just an ant...sir, spare my life!"

Faced with the terror of death, Dong Guohu, an underground tycoon, finally trembled in his soul and begged for mercy frantically!

Seeing this scene... Chen Zongheng was helpless and sighed. He slowly shook his head... There are only a few people in this world who are not afraid of life and death.

He raised his glass and drank the wine in one gulp.

Then, he poured another glass of red wine. He knelt down and handed it to Dong Guohu on the ground.

"Drink, alcohol can numb the pain."

Dong Guohu stretched out his hand tremblingly, took the goblet, and then in horror...drank all the red wine in the glass.

"After drinking, it's time to send you on your way." Chen Zongheng slowly lifted up his leather shoes and stepped on Dong Guohu's head.

With just one kick, he can crush his head and kill him.

"No...don't...spare my life!!" Dong Guohu's eyes widened, his whole body trembled, and he was begging for mercy...under his crotch, a smelly yellow liquid could no longer hold back and overflowed instantly.

This chapter has been completed!
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