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Chapter 381 Above the Sky!

"Sir...is this?" Qiu Yiren's voice was a little complicated, and she looked at Chen Zongheng.

"last night??"

It's not that she wants to ask more questions...but that the entire Mercedes-Benz was shot like this by bullets...&Qiu Yiren has to ask?!

This, what exactly happened?!

At the door of the villa, Chen Zongheng stood there calmly with calm eyes.

He slowly blew out a smoke ring and said, "It's okay, I just met a few friends."

Qiu Yiren:……

Hearing these remarks... Qiu Yiren's face was full of astonishment... she didn't believe it at all.

Met a friend??

What kind of friend can be so cruel...and leave the entire Mercedes-Benz so riddled with holes??

Is this...a friend? Or an enemy??

What kind of hatred is there?!

As for making all the cars look like this?

"Sir...you, have you encountered any difficulties?" Qiu Yiren asked with a complicated face and a solemn voice.

Something big must have happened last night.

Qiu Yiren is not a silly little girl, not to mention that the car has been beaten up like this. No matter how stupid she is, she can still guess the reason.

Mr. Chen is being hunted.

"It's just a minor matter. If the vehicle is damaged, please charge it to my account." Chen Zongheng took a deep breath of his cigarette and stepped directly into the Maybach without bothering to explain further.

Seeing that Mr. Chen was unwilling to explain, Qiu Yiren also had beautiful eyes with complex features.

Hesitantly, he got into the Maybach.

However, her mood was still a little messy.

Vaguely, she always felt... something wasn't quite right?

The Mercedes-Benz fleet started slowly and drove slowly towards the predetermined route.

Qiu Yiren's villa is about 20 kilometers away from the company Qiu's Group.

It is expected to take about forty minutes to go to work every day.

The Mercedes-Benz convoy drove quietly along the way.

Chen Zong was sitting in the car with indifferent eyes and slowly smoking a cigarette.

Along the way, he suddenly opened the sun visor on the roof of the Maybach car and looked deeply at the sky above his head.

Qiu Yiren sat aside with a puzzled face.

"Sir...what are you looking at?"

She asked somewhat suspiciously.

"It's okay, I have a friend up there, let's say hello." He slowly blew out a smoke ring and stared at the sky outside the glass indifferently.

Qiu Yiren looked suspicious, raised her head and glanced at the top of the car... There was a blue sky above, surrounded by white clouds... there was nothing.

Where are the friends?

Qiu Yiren just felt... something was not right with Mr. Chen today.

And, at the same time.

Thousands of meters in the air.

Dozens of drone aircraft are forming a combat lurking formation, hidden in the endless clouds.

Constantly lock and monitor the target person below.

However, several hundred meters away from the Mercedes-Benz motorcade.

Similarly, there are three groups of special operations team members in plain clothes, sitting in cars, pretending to be ordinary people at work, forming an invisible encirclement.

Surround the Mercedes-Benz convoy.

However, now in the downtown area, this group of special forces members did not receive the order, so they did not dare to take action and could only lurk in secret and follow.

On the busy streets, they didn't even dare to take action.

If we take action here, the consequences will be unimaginable.

They are waiting for an opportunity to take down the target person in one fell swoop...

Along the way, it was extremely quiet.

It was extremely quiet all around.

The Mercedes-Benz convoy passed through the streets quietly without any danger.

Chen Zongheng was sitting in the car, lightly lighting a cigarette and puffing out smoke rings.

Because, Qiu Yiren was also sitting in the Maybach... In order to prevent Qiu Yiren from being held hostage and used as a hostage...

Therefore, along the way, the special operations team members who were lurking in secret did not dare to take action at all.

Just follow it all the way until the Mercedes-Benz motorcade stops at the entrance of Qiu's Building.

The bodyguards got out of the car respectfully and formed two lines.

Qiu Yiren stepped on high heels and walked into the building with Chen Zongheng...

Around the building, the group of special forces members still did not take action.

They were secretly observing, who exactly was this target person... what was the purpose of coming to Qiu's Mansion...?

Jiangnan Wuying Theater, Satellite Command Center!

Shen Bin looked solemn, standing in front of the large satellite screen with his hands behind his back.

In front of the big screen, satellite images and drone images were presented one by one.

The entire accusation scene is extremely clear!

"Boss Shen, the target person has entered the Qiu Group Building..." His subordinate said solemnly at the side.

"I see, I'm not blind." Shen Bin put his hands behind his back, his voice was cold, and he stared at the computer screen solemnly.

His eyes were fixed on Qiu's Building.

High-altitude drones can clearly capture and project images from thousands of meters below.

"Boss, we found the target person. He walked into an office on the ninety-ninth floor!" The subordinates stared at the floor footage in the video and reported solemnly!

Shen Bin looked solemn and stared at the office on the ninety-ninth floor of Qiu's Building in the picture.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, you can clearly see the scene in the picture.

Sure enough, I saw the target person walking into the office, sitting on a chair, and slowly lighting a cigarette.


Who is this target person? Why does he appear in the Qiu Group?

Shen Bin's face was more solemn than ever before.

"Boss, what should I do?" The subordinates in the command room asked cautiously.

"Order, the drone... lower its flight altitude, high-altitude suppression and deterrence!"

"Ground firepower units are fully mobilized, enter the building... and arrest people!"

"In addition, pay attention to safety and be sure...not to hurt anyone!"

Shen Bin's voice was solemn and solemn, and he ordered impressively!

At this moment, time waits for no one!

The target is sitting alone in the office, which is the best opportunity to arrest him!

Don’t miss it, be sure to win it with one strike!

Following Shen Bin’s order!

The ground combat troops finally began to take action!

Volkswagen cars braked suddenly and stopped at the entrance of Qiu's Building!

A large group of special operations team members in plain clothes, holding black boxes... rushed into the Qiu Mansion!

The security guards at the door tried to intercept him, but were directly controlled by the special forces team members and took out their IDs!

When they saw their identification documents, all the security guards at the entrance of Qiu's Building were frightened...

This, this is the special force of Jiangnan Military Camp??!

The special operations team members rushed into the building, took the elevator, and went directly to the ninety-ninth floor!

In the elevator, the special operations team members quickly took off their civilian clothes, revealing a camouflage combat body armor!

They opened their injured black suitcases with lightning speed.

Inside... is a loaded assault thermal weapon!

In unison, a group of special operations team members quickly organized their equipment in the elevator, preparing to fight and arrest people!

Another group of special operations team members directly guarded all the stair exits of the building to prevent the target from escaping!

The whole scene was unprecedentedly dignified!

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At least I am the number one original author on Migu. I look forward to more updates from you.

This chapter has been completed!
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