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Chapter 385 Underground, 100 meters deep


A minute later, the elevator stopped.

'Underground, depth...one hundred meters.'

The corner of Chen Zongheng's mouth raised a slight arc, and he murmured a guess in his heart.

The elevator door opens slowly.

He was escorted by a group of special forces members and walked out of the elevator.

The air all around was suddenly cold, the air humidity was a little low, and there was an inexplicable smell floating in the air.

Chen Zongheng sniffed lightly, and the corners of his mouth curved even further.

The breath in the air is the special current breath formed after the reaction of a large number of electromagnetic nuclear pulses.

This should be the basement base, the most secret prison cell in the military camp!

Jiangnan Wuying, as the largest combat deployment base in the Jiangnan region, how could it not have a high-tech and advanced secret cell?

At this time, this secret cell was specially prepared for Chen Zongheng.

These cells were originally... developed for the purpose of detaining famous Western spies... and various dangerous people.

Now, Chen Zongheng also enjoys this kind of treatment.

He was taken into a cold iron room.

The special forces members pressed him onto a metal chair and used thick iron shackles to cuff his hands and feet!

Then, the special operations team members closed the door to the room and left the scene.

Chen Zongheng was the only one left in the entire metal room, with a hood covering his face.

The air is extremely quiet.

Chen Zongheng's hands were handcuffed to the iron chair, unable to move at all.

In the four corners of the room, four high-definition video surveillance cameras... and infrared sound-activated detectors are installed.

As long as the target person makes the slightest movement... he can be detected immediately.

Chen Zongheng gently moved his ten finger joints. After being handcuffed for a whole hour, his hand joints were also a little tired.

However, at this moment, four surveillance cameras were monitoring him closely around the iron room.

Although his face was covered with a mask, he could clearly feel it.

Between his fingers, he twisted it gently.

Four pinpricks, imperceptible to the naked eye, suddenly emerged from between his nails.

His fingers flicked lightly.

"Whoosh...!" A pinhole suddenly pierced the air and flew towards the camera on the left front...!

Poof~! The silver needle was instantly inserted into the camera lens.

Freeze the camera image.

Then, his fingers moved again.




Three silver needles shot out in unison, instantly inserting all the cameras in the remaining three directions.

Four high-definition surveillance cameras, all the pictures are frozen.

After doing all this, Chen Zongheng slowly took his hands out of the strong iron shackles.

The extremely strong iron handcuffs in front of him seemed like a decoration.

I didn't see how he untied it at all. His hands just untied the shackles like a magic trick.

He reached out and took out a cigarette from his pocket, and then took out a lighter.

He just sat in the metal cell, lit his cigarette, and started smoking slowly.

If this scene were seen by the special forces team members, they would probably be shocked on the spot...!

They had just conducted a search from beginning to end...but this suspect had cigarettes and a lighter hidden on him?!

This is simply!

Their so-called full-body search... is completely useless!

Chen Zongheng took off his hood, sat on a chair, and smoked lightly.

His eyes glanced meaningfully at the metal prison cell at the scene.

The entire room is about ten square meters.

The four walls are made of special bulletproof alloy material.

There are no windows around, everything is welded tightly.

There is only a narrow door for entry and exit.

On the top of the wall of the room, an ultraviolet incandescent lamp lit up the entire room.

This lamp is made of bulletproof glass.

This is to prevent prisoners in the room from knocking open the lampshade and causing various consequences.

Chen Zongheng glanced at the room. The entire room was indeed an iron wall.

Taking a quick look at the metal walls, he judged from the lines on the walls that the thickness of the four walls... was probably a full meter thick.

This thickness is enough to withstand the bombardment of any anti-aircraft artillery weapon.

As for the prisoners inside wanting to escape through the wall? That is even more impossible.

How to drill through a one meter thick metal wall?


Chen Zongheng slowly blew out a smoke ring and glanced at the wall lightly.

There was a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

The so-called prison with copper walls and iron walls in front of him was, in his eyes, no different than paper.

If he wants to take action.

In the blink of an eye, the entire cell can be torn apart.

How could a mere underground cell in a military camp in the south of the Yangtze River be able to contain the God of Death?

Back then, Hell Island was an eighteen-level hell, laid out layer by layer, with an entire battalion of armed soldiers stationed there, and even intercontinental nuclear warheads to suppress it.

He can't even shut down the god of death.

What's more, now this is just an iron prison cell?

In the eyes of the God of Death, this...is nothing more than child's play.

And, at the same time.

The ground a hundred meters above the basement, Jiangnan Wuying, ground base.

A high-definition secret surveillance room.

Four staff members were sitting in front of the computer monitor screen, vigilantly monitoring the footage of the iron cell in the video.

Iron prison cell, four corners, four video screen projections.

It can display all sides and corners of the suspect.

Even if he just moved his fingers, he would be noticed.

At this moment, the picture on the computer screen is very quiet.

Inside the iron cell, everything was quiet. The suspect was covered with a mask and sat motionless on a chair.

"Did the suspect make any unusual movements?" A special team captain came to the key control room and asked solemnly.

"No, very honest. Sitting there, there is no movement." Four monitoring staff reported.

"Okay... keep an eye on him at all times. If there is any abnormality, report it immediately." The captain of the special forces team looked solemn and warned.

Then he turned around and left the key control room.

The four surveillance personnel continued to sit in front of the computer screen, carefully monitoring the suspect in the picture.

However, these four surveillance personnel did not know that...their four cameras...had been tampered with.

All the pictures are still and paused...

The suspect they wanted to monitor was sitting in the iron cell with his legs crossed, puffing out smoke rings...

And, at the same time.

Jiangnan Wuying, ground base.

Another base interrogation room.

The president of Qiu Group, Qiu Yiren... and dozens of office staff were also taken to the interrogation room and interrogated one by one.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yiren's face turned pale and her mind was extremely confused.

This scene now is beyond her control at all.

Jiangnan Wuying War Zone, direct action and interrogation.

Such forces in the war zone, even... a team of lawyers, cannot interfere!

The military camp theater is different from the patrol room.

The patrol room is subject to supervision by public laws, and people can choose to defend their rights freely.

The Wuying War Zone was created to prepare for war!

Unless the Forbidden City has the highest regulations!

Otherwise, the ordinary civil law system would not be able to restrict the military camp at all!

He was detained by the military camp and went for interrogation... The legal team had no way to interfere!

Even the Judgment Building... is impossible to set foot in!

This chapter has been completed!
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