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Chapter 39 Disgraced Your Chrysostom

VIP seat.

Qiu Yiren and Chen Zongheng sat facing each other.

In front of the dining table, plates of exquisite Western food are being served.

Appetizer, soup, side dish, main dish…

French and Western food pays great attention to process and art. Every dish is a presentation of taste buds and art.

The Blue Whale has three Michelin stars and is even more artistically accomplished.

The restaurant was not crowded with customers, but it was almost full.

Those who can eat in the restaurant are almost all the upper class of the city.

After all, not every ordinary person can afford the four-digit meal price per person.

Chen Zongheng holds the knife in his right hand and the fork in his left hand, cutting the steak in front of him elegantly.

He looked very elegant while eating, and the noble temperament in his gestures made Qiu Yiren across from him couldn't help but raise his eyes and glance lightly.

It's quite enjoyable to watch the handsome guy eating.

In the middle of the meal, a restaurant manager in a neat suit came forward and began to collect evaluation information from diners one by one.

When the restaurant manager passed each table, the diners' comments were "very good".

Tonight's Western food is personally directed by the well-known executive chef from the French headquarters, so the taste is almost impeccable.

"Sir, what do you think of our western food tonight?" the restaurant manager came to Chen Zongheng and his dining table and asked in fluent French.

Chen Zongheng calmly cut a piece of steak and replied with only two words in French, "It tastes bad."


The air suddenly became a little quiet. It became a little awkward.

"Sir, isn't it? Today, the well-known chef from our French headquarters came in person. Tonight's dishes were cooked under the supervision of the chef himself. How could it taste so bad?" the restaurant manager asked in disbelief.

Qiu Yiren's pretty face was also startled, a little inexplicable... She thought tonight's food was delicious. The dishes with three Michelin stars were almost all impeccable.

"It's too oily, too greasy, and it's not cooked properly. This dish... doesn't deserve three Michelin stars." Chen Zongheng's voice was calm and he replied in fluent French.

He put down the knife and fork in his hand. Because the shortcomings of the dishes were exposed, he was not interested in eating them...

Western restaurant, in the back kitchen.

When French executive chef Adolf heard this comment, he was furious.

"That's unreasonable! This diner is simply malicious and picky! I want to see who dares to comment on my food like this?!"

This French-famous head chef, Adolphe, was invited to the Huaxia branch in the past few days to provide experience guidance. However, he did not expect that someone poked his nose and called his food rubbish.

This is simply to poke his signature in front of so many chefs!

Moreover, as a top Michelin chef, he has cooked dinners for leaders from all over the world! Now, he is being pointed out and scolded by a little Chinese diner for his food being trash? This is simply a naked insult!

How could Adolf not be angry? He wanted to go out and see which daring diner dared to comment on his own dish so randomly? He must make the other party bow and apologize to him!

Adolf, wearing the white suit of an executive chef, slowly walked out of the restaurant with steady steps and extraordinary temperament.

There is also a solid gold sign pinned to his suit, with four big characters on it: Executive Chef.

When they saw the French chef arriving...all the customers in the restaurant stood up and greeted him, they were extremely excited.

Because Adolf is really famous in the food world.

As a chef, he has been on the cover of Michelin Gourmet magazine many times and has been publicly reported by international food media.

He is a veritable star in the food industry.

In the restaurant, there were even a few young diners who couldn't hold back their excitement and came up to shake hands with him and take photos with him.

Adolf patiently finished greeting the diners around him, and then, under the guidance of the restaurant manager on the side, walked to the table...

In front of the VIP dining table, Qiu Yiren was dining. When she saw the French head chef of the restaurant suddenly arriving, she hurriedly put down the tableware in her hands, stood up and extended her hand.

"Hello, Mr. Adolf."

She had seen Chef Adolf in a gourmet magazine, so she had some familiarity with him.

Adolf shook hands with Qiu Yiren lightly, seemingly not paying too much attention to this beautiful lady. He glanced straight at the elegant young man in a suit sitting at the dining table.

"Sir, I heard that... you have a very low opinion of my food?" Adolf's voice was calm, but with a hint of questioning.

As a chef, how could he allow his dishes to be insulted?

Chen Zongheng was currently tilting his head and sipping red wine.

After hearing Adolf's words, he put down his wine glass and slowly turned his head.

Huh~! When he saw the elegant and fair face of this young man... Adolf's heart suddenly trembled!

This...this face, so familiar?!

The corner of Chen Zongheng's mouth raised a hint of gentlemanly curvature, "Little chef, long time no see."

Boom! Hearing this familiar and elegant voice, Adolf's expression finally changed suddenly!

Deng Deng Deng. His body was frightened and he took several steps back.

This famous French Michelin chef, at this moment... his legs are trembling and his body is a little unsteady!

This voice...this creepily familiar smiling face!

This man...is like a demonic man!

Adolf will never forget it in his life!

That was four years ago...at a world-famous summit in France.

That year, Adolf served as the Western chef at the summit, cooking dinners for top leaders from all over the world.

However, at that summit four years ago, an extremely terrifying figure appeared!! It was also the first time Adolf saw with his own eyes...a devil in a suit!

Four years ago, at the scene of that international summit! Surrounded by endless and tight international security defenses... that man came alone.

He was dressed in a straight suit, had a fair complexion and an elegant smile.

He raised his hands and feet, and corpses were scattered all over the field.

Kill people, drink wine, eat steak.

This man is a devil!

And at this moment, that man, that devil-like man... is sitting right in front of you!

That bloody scene that Adolf will never forget for the rest of his life, the man standing in the bloody ground, elegantly drinking red wine...

Devil, devil!

"Little chef, your dishes are still the same as four years ago, with too much butter. These are animal fats, which are unhealthy for the cardiovascular system."

Chen Zongheng looked calm and commented elegantly.

Adolf's whole body was shocked and trembling, and his steps moved due to great fear.

Four years ago, that man stood in a sea of ​​blood and corpses, swaying a red wine glass in his hand, commenting on Adolf's delicious food just like he did today.

On that day four years ago, Adolf was so frightened that he peed his pants.

Today, four years later, he is still so frightened that his body is shaking and his hair is horribly frightened!

"Nonsense! Mr. Adolphe is the French executive chef of my restaurant. His cooking skills are unparalleled. How can you, a little diner, comment on it? Do you know food?!" Behind Adolphe, a man wearing a chef's robe

The head chef said angrily!

Unexpectedly, Adolf suddenly turned around and slapped the head chef hard!

The head chef covered his red and swollen cheeks from being slapped, and was completely stunned, "Chief chef...you..."

But before the chef could react, the next scene made him open his mouth completely and his whole body became petrified.

I saw Adolf's face was extremely respectful and trembling, his body was hunched... he bowed vigorously to Chen Zongheng.

"Sir, I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I'm not good at cooking, I insulted your Chrysostom... I deserve to die." Adolf's voice was trembling and respectful. As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and slapped himself hard!

The whole place was deathly silent.

All the diners present were stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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