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Chapter 419 No bones left!

"F-u-c-k! I'll-kill-you-and-blow-your-head-off!" Hawkeye was furious and fiercely picked up the Barrett sniper rifle, pointed it at Chen Zongheng below, and fired wildly!!

He wants to kill that damn target!!




One after another, 8cm armor-piercing bullets continued to burst out of the barrel of the Barrett gun!!

It surges towards the target person a thousand meters below!

The arc trajectory of each bullet is unprecedentedly turbulent!

A surging bullet blockade formed...!!

And, at the same time...!!

Below, dozens of killers from the ground attack group were all around, one after another with assault rifles wildly aimed at Chen Zongheng!!

"Da da da da da da...!!" Dozens of rifles surged, countless tongues of fire... forming a sky full of fire and rain, shooting towards Chen Zongheng!

There is a sniper rifle shooting!

There were dozens of assault rifles shooting down!!

This is simply... an unprecedented killing!!

Basically, there is no way to avoid it!!

Murderous intent surged, and countless bullets were fired!

This is simply a sure-fire situation!!

Not far away, in a command vehicle at the corner of the street, the face of the mysterious commander had a cold and cruel arc.

With such a killing, he could already predict the scene where the target person would be killed and fall to the ground.

As long as the target person is killed, there is no threat to this mission.

The bodyguards around Qiu Yiren are just ants and can be killed in a few minutes.

Take away the target person and you are bound to win!

Qiu Group, at the entrance of the building!

Chen Zongheng, wearing a blood-red white shirt, stood in the center.

From all directions, countless bullets and flames... pierced the air, coming in violent attacks...!

But his face remained indifferent, without the slightest... fear of death.

Because, he is a symbol of death.

The corners of his mouth raised a murderous arc.

"Zheng." A silver light suddenly appeared in his right hand.

The shape is strange and ferocious, like the tears of the devil.

Devil May Cry.

"Whoosh...!" In a flash of lightning, he suddenly took action...!

"Cang...!!" The sniper bullet that struck suddenly from the sky was blocked by the dagger in his right hand just as it approached Chen Zongheng's body. The sniper bullet instantly changed its attack direction...directly towards the side.

The killer ejected!

The killer was carrying an assault rifle and shooting wildly at Chen Zongheng... But suddenly, "Poof!" an eight-centimeter piercing bomb suddenly shot out, directly penetrating his neck and trachea!

"Uh..." The assault rifle in the killer's hand fell directly to the ground. His pupils were wide open, his face was horrified and he couldn't believe it!

He stretched out his hands tremblingly and tried to cover his neck...

However, the 8-centimeter piercing bomb was firmly inserted into the center of his trachea.

"No...no...who--help-me..." He asked for help in a pitiful voice, but his companions around him had no time to help him.

A companion rushed over and tried to check what was going on with him...but the next second.

"Bang...!!" The eight-centimeter piercing bomb exploded directly!

Blast all his parts from the neck up into a pile of blood!!

The sky was full of blood, splashing into the face of the companion who rushed over!!

"Uh-huh! Cheetah...! no...!!" The companion stood there, looking at the headless corpse on the ground. He collapsed and became ferocious and furious!

Watching his companions being killed...he was completely furious!

This is less than three minutes!

So many brothers have died?!

This is simply!!


Ignoring the blood on his face, he roared violently and took out a fist-sized grenade from the pocket of his combat uniform!

"Click!" With a sound, he pulled the grenade safety switch, and with a sudden throw of his right hand, he threw the grenade directly towards Chen Zongheng!

"Cover! Cover...!!"

When the killers around them saw the grenades, they immediately shouted!!

In unison...all the killers stopped shooting, fell to the ground, and took cover!

Because the moment the grenade explodes, countless metal fragments will fly out at high speed!

Once hit by metal fragments and air waves, the whole person will lose half of his life!

This is the horror of grenades...!!

"Whoosh..." At the moment when all the killers around him were taking cover, the grenade flew in front of Chen Zongheng with lightning speed.

But Chen Zongheng looked indifferent and directly took it lightly with his right hand.

Grabbing that grenade in your hand so calmly?

"Whoosh...!" The next second, his figure flashed!

He suddenly rushed in front of the killer who threw the grenade!

Teleportation, an instant of 0.1 seconds, directly moving more than ten meters! This is simply...!

The killer's pupils shrank suddenly... his body subconsciously retreated...!

But, he had no time to escape!

Chen Zongheng pressed his shoulders, and a huge force... like a mountain bearing down on him hit him instantly!

The killer's body was trembling so much that he couldn't move even an inch!

Then, in a flash of lightning... he directly stuffed the grenade in his hand into the killer's mouth!!

"Woo... Wu...!" The killer's pupils widened, and he was horrified and horrified. He struggled and roared! But the grenade was stuffed in his mouth and he couldn't spit it out...!!

He was completely frightened and trembling, making frantic noises, trying to spit out the grenade! Between his legs, out of fear...a stream of warm urine gushes out instantly!!

No! Don’t! The killer roared in fear! He shook his head crazily, trying to spit out the grenade in his mouth...

But, at this moment...the grenade suddenly exploded...!

The killer couldn't react at all. In an instant, a sharp pain filled his mouth...and then, his eyes went blank!

"Boom...!!" A shocking explosion echoed and swept across...!!

"Poof...!!" His entire head was blown into a bloody mess!!

Scarlet splash, jumping shot!!

The killer's body was completely... blown to pieces with no bones left!!

Blood rain splashed all over the sky, and countless flesh and blood residues and broken bones were scattered on the ground!

An eyeball flew down at Chen Zongheng's feet.

With a cigarette in his mouth and cold eyes, he directly lifted up his leather shoes.

"Pfft!" There was a sound, and his eyes exploded.

"Tiger!! No...!!!" When the group of killers around them reacted, they all shouted angrily!! They couldn't believe it!!

Is the target person dead??

And their brother... was... blown to pieces?!

This is simply!!

At the same time, a few hundred meters away, at the corner of the street, a command vehicle appeared!

The mysterious commander looked solemn and horrified, staring at the scene on the surveillance screen?!


How can it be?!!

At the same time, his eyes suddenly locked on the right hand of the target man.

A silver dagger is appearing on the surveillance screen?!!

What kind of weapon is this?!!

The commander's pupils suddenly trembled!

This chapter has been completed!
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